
Latest News

May 13, 2021

Susan Hennessy will be taking a position in the National Security Division of Biden’s “Justice” Department:

As reports, Hennessy was a writer for the Law Fare blog who supported Obama’s expansion of surveillance powers over American citizens, including letting 16 other intelligence agencies access private communications that the NSA intercepted. She apparently thought this was so vitally important because she believed all the crackpot oppo “research” in Christopher Steele’s so-called “Russian dossier” used to justify spying on Trump and his people. In fact, Hennessy was such an adamant promoter of the phony “Russian collusion” yarn that liberal journalist Glenn Greenwald called her “one of the most deranged Russiagate conspiracists of the last four years.”

And now, she’ll actually be in a position of responsibility over your private information as part of the Biden DOJ’s National Security Division. But don’t worry: before she announced the appointment, she deleted all her deranged Russiagate tweets. That’s just like wiping the slate clean and starting over, right?

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  • Kenneth Knudson

    05/14/2021 10:37 AM

    Stupid Stupid Stupid!!!