
Latest News

June 29, 2021

Last week, I told you that a group of Senate Republicans had agreed with President Biden on a compromise infrastructure bill. It cut the $2.3 trillion that Biden wanted to spend down to a bare-bones $1.2 trillion. Well, I barely had time to send that story before Biden undid it all by announcing that he wouldn’t sign the bill unless it was part of a “reconciliation” package that included all the government-bloating, big spending schemes that he’d just agreed to cut to get the Republicans to sign on.

With the Republicans screaming that they’d been duped, Biden (or more likely, his panicked staffers) issued a statement on Saturday walking back Biden’s most recent statement. It said that in no way did his statement that if the other spending didn’t come along with the compromise bill, “I’m not signing. Real simple,” mean that he wouldn’t sign it. The statement read, “My comments also created the impression that I was issuing a veto threat on the very plan I had just agreed to, which was certainly not my intent.”

It’s not known whether that reassurance will be enough to lure Republicans back into the trap a second time. Will Biden’s current assurance that he’ll abide by the deal last longer than the 2-3 hours that his previous assurance lasted? According to my source, which is more reliable than the White House’s word, “Reply hazy, ask again later.”

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  • Ray Treacy

    06/30/2021 10:56 AM

    Has anybody even asked about the pres health? Do we all understand the trouble we are in by his presenting this image to our foes ?