
Latest News

July 22, 2021

Just yesterday, I received an urgent letter from a reader –- a former teacher –- warning about the danger of leftist activism in schools. Here is what Amy had to say:

Sir, I’m a mom and a former teacher, and the direction we are going is very concerning to me. There used to be the understanding that crazy ideas would not get far. Unfortunately, now there are too many crazy ideas and they are not going away. Now we have reached the point where if you don’t stand up and disagree, then you are actually just acquiescing.

The left has created a CRT activist group for children called Diversify Our Narrative. The left are genius in how they have made activism for youth so simple that it requires absolutely no thought –- it actually works better if they don’t think.

I really feel like we need to use their template and create our own program only focused on teaching youth to be critical thinkers who evaluate the messages around them. I sound old to say this, but, back in my day, when journalism was taught, we were told to always ask who, what, when, where, and why. I think they are only taught to retweet and forward now. We have got to come up with a program that teaches critical thinking and combines that with community service and innovative solutions.

I really believe if we can get kids to start thinking and evaluating the information around them then they are not going to be as easy to turn into mindless liberal activists. I’m hoping that you might know where I can find a program that is out there like this or who I could talk to about creating this program.

Thank you so much for writing, Amy. If every kid could have a teacher like you, we’d have a lot more confidence in the future.

You’re right that it’s getting hard than ever to evaluate and determine what is “crazy.” It seems the indoctrinators of our kids are going by the principle that if everything is crazy, nothing is crazy. And they want parents to just stay out of it, which is, exactly as you say, acquiescing. One silver lining to the stormcloud of COVID is that kids and parents spent more time at home together. Kids started getting their lessons online at home, where parents often got a glimpse of their “classrooms” and were appalled at what they saw being taught. It took a few brave parents to stand against cancel culture and speak out, and now there are nationwide networks of parents working to fight leftist indoctrination in schools.

You are also very perceptive to say the activists’ goal is to separate ideology and activism from thought. In George Orwell’s book “1984,” there’s a Newspeak term called “duckspeak,” which means literally to quack like a duck, without thinking at all. It’s considered to be a good thing –- “doubleplusgood,” in fact. Here’s how Orwell described it:

“The intention was to make speech, and especially speech on any subject not ideologically neutral, as nearly as possible independent of consciousness. For the purposes of everyday life, it was no doubt necessary, or sometimes necessary, to reflect before speaking, but a Party member called upon to make a political or ethical judgment should be able to spray forth the correct opinion as automatically as a machine gun spraying forth bullets...Ultimately, it was hoped to make articulate speech issue from the larynx without involving the higher brain centers at all. This aim was frankly admitted in the Newspeak word “duckspeak,” meaning ‘to quack like a duck.’ [This word was] a warm and valued compliment.”

This is what they’re trying to do to kids. There’s no real thought involved in calling someone a “Nazi” or a “white supremacist” --- kids don’t even know what that really is. They don’t know what “capitalism” and “socialism” are, either. All such words have been conveniently redefined. We looked up “Diversify Our Narrative”; here’s the website:

It says on their home page that they’re involved in 1) grassroots activism/policy change, 2) curriculum creation, 3) leadership development, and 4) educational resources and support. This is a new organization; they say that since June 2020, they’re in 800+ school districts. They're partnered with Generation UP, which fights for the College For All Act (free college); Bay Area Student Activists; the NFL (I am not kidding); and Justice In The Classroom –- check out their website at

One strategy used by the proponents of Critical Race Theory is to name a study based on its principles something else and then deny they’re teaching CRT. Take a look at these sites, and it’s easy to see that this is just the same old leftist indoctrination, with the same cascade of buzzwords, perfect for duckspeak.

For example, the stated mission of Diversify Our Narrative is “to fight to be anti-racist and to encourage a productive dialogue on race and identity among our student bodies through the inclusion of racially diverse, anti-racist texts in USA schools; to work towards racial justice, educational equity and community power.” They address issues such as “systemic racism and microaggressions.” They “create curriculum centered around anti-racist teaching practices in the classroom.”

We also scrolled down their page of lesson plans, and this pretty much says it all…

While high school students in other countries are learning math and science, American kids taught with lesson plans from Diversify Our Narrative are learning “Exploring LGBTQ+/Immigrant Narratives Through Music,” “Analyzing Queer Dance,” “The New Jim Crow,” “Biology, Society and Policy,” “Acting Out: Resisting Policed Performances of Gender,” “The Intersection of Colonialism and Gender & Sexuality” (I am not kidding), and more.

Thanks, Amy, for bringing this to our attention. It’s true that we need to be at least as good as the left is when it comes to organizing. And YES –- you put it so well –- there needs to be a program that stresses critical thinking, community service and innovative solutions! Right now, I’d say critical thinking is the one that most desperately needs help.

For now, we wanted to alert you to this apparently very well organized group, Diversify Our Narrative. But we’ll also be working on a list of resources that offer strong lesson plans, especially for learning at home. (The best thing you can do for kids being force-fed anti-racist garbage is to take them out of their awful school.) Parents, grandparents, teachers and tutors: if you know of good curriculum plans and supplemental material for homeschoolers, please let us know, and we’ll pass that information along.


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Comments 31-40 of 44

  • Jim Knowlton

    07/22/2021 04:32 PM

    As a grandfather of 2 homeschooled kids who are now grown, university graduates with great high paying jobs, homeschooling is the way to go. And I can highly recommend Home Life Academy ( for all your needs for homeschooling - curriculum, counselling, grade reporting, and more. And at a reasonable cost.

  • Ann Smith

    07/22/2021 04:20 PM

    I am an educator(retired) and am trying to keep up with the radical left educational CRT plans. Every time we hear about some new website, book or free curriculum, we( retired teachers) are checking it out and keeping a list. Thanks so much for sharing this site. I just took a quick look at the lesson plans for Human Impact of WWII. Just sharing one of the sentences that says it all " Particularly,students will see how the particular has pushed certain atrocities out of the public eye to cherry-pick its narrative and allow arbitrators to evade accountability." Please keep your tips coming, the school boards, parents and teachers need to be aware!

  • Carlos A Pearson Jr

    07/22/2021 03:55 PM

    1984 was one of the most inspirational books I've ever read.
    I think we need to turn that Jim Crow around on the left. When they use that soft bigotry of low expectations for minorities, we conservatives should call it "Joe Crow" since Biden uses it so often.

  • Laura bates

    07/22/2021 03:36 PM

    I am a grandparent in AZ and need on how to fight this junk? How can we uncover your schools teaching this? How do we fight this? Can grandparents like me be leveraged to monitor? Parents are busy and aren’t brave enough to fight. AZ schools are 47 or 48 in education and they want to teach this? We have school choice BUT these schools are full! Help us help!

  • Delores Morgan

    07/22/2021 03:04 PM

    There are a few teachers and schools who want to stand up for what is right for our country. The best education for our children is either home schooled or a Christian school.

  • Ed Martin

    07/22/2021 02:58 PM


    Thank you for the information you provide. The only news I read daily. I also really appreciate the Word of God accompanying it.

    You said you read this and I hope you do. I have been musing how to use technology I have access to in service of God and country.

    You are familiar with broadcast, streaming, social media, etc. You may not be aware of private broadcast networks.

    A central server that can be hosted anywhere (and moved if ISP removes service). Encrypted transfer of content from server to local storage on playback devices via internet connection. Playback devices attached to in-facility screens or even headends for cable or streaming OOT channels. Scheduled playback of programmed content. Split screen into video, graphics, scrolling text - each region can have independent content running alongside the other regions. VOD via infrared remote control just like TV at home.

    Unlike online platforms this is a "push" meaning if people are within viewing distance of the screen they see the content that is programmed to run whether scripture verses or news or graphics or video.

    There are a lot of Christian / Conservative / Patriotic business owners who have businesses that people frequent. Collectively these visitors form a very large audience. They may not be searching for Mike Huckabee content or other important issues of the day. But they could be made aware by seeing it when visiting a café or barber shop or parts store or equipment dealership etc.

    I would love to discuss starting a private network to distribute God's Word (daily scripture like you do) and important news that might not otherwise be seen.

    It could be sponsor supported, subscription based, etc. The business owners can share time on the system so their marketing content or content for other charities they support runs alongside provided content.

    We have the technology and experience having implemented our solutions in Walmart, Toyota, Southeastern Grocers, colleges, schools and much more. In fact our technology enables most of the infomercials you see on cable and local TV around the country.

    I think it could also be used to help conservative politicians (like Sarah) win elections. They can put out videos that are not constrained with specific time lengths and explain complex subjects where typical broadcast can't and online only works if someone is searching. So they are good at reaching independents and increasing awareness and engagement.

    You can contact me by email or at (870) 761 3768 to discuss.

  • Mary Jo Lincoln

    07/22/2021 02:46 PM

    Thanks for your exceedingly straight commentary and exposure of what the left is doing to us. I'm always eager to get each edition.

    Amy is so very right, Governor. Our own granddaughters show evidence of being taught, for instance, to be kind but disregard the truth. True kindness relies on the truth. People are no longer being taught to be what my husband, Ray W. Lincoln, calls straight thinkers. The state of our world because of this has troubled him and parents have asked him so often over the past few years for help in that regard that he is producing a series of books (the first 2 already published) to help parents "straighten" their own thinking and teach their children how to think straight. Written from a Christian perspective, they are not in the form of school curriculum, but they are excellent guides for discussion. If you think they could help your readers, I'd be happy to send you a copy of those already in production for your evaluation. We know how badly this sort of thing is needed. It's our way of joining in the battle.

  • HelenC

    07/22/2021 02:34 PM

    Outlaw teachers’ unions. They do not speak for all teachers. Unions in league with Democrats drive methodology and curricula used to teach. At university level you can get a degree mouthing radical professors’ curricula. If u have right connections, you can be admitted to universities claiming discrimination irregardless of your previous grades. We only have to look at recent presidents to verify this. Who will have the education and knowledge to run high tech companies and industry? They come from SE Asia—esp India, China.

  • Darlene Schell

    07/22/2021 02:32 PM

    I am using Abeka curriculum for 2 of my grandkids that I am homeschooling. They have a great solid curriculum based on traditional methods (no Common Core here! Yay!). They are a Christian organization, with a school attached to their university in Pensacola, FL. They provide a video lesson in a classroom setting. The student sees the same teacher, and the same classroom students every day. The homeschool teacher is provided with daily guides on what the student will be working on, quizzes and tests. I just LOVE it!

  • Phyllis L Fitzgerald

    07/22/2021 02:00 PM

    I am a retired teacher after 35 years in the public school. I couldn't agree more with what has been said here. The way education is going breaks my heart. As for suggestions for better curriculum, check out "". I don't know a lot about it but I believe it is worth a look.