
Latest News

August 25, 2021

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! 

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Nahum 1:7
  • More on "court-martialing" President Biden
  • Don't leave these Americans behind
  • America The Beautiful
  • Report: Biden has no plans to fire the people responsible for his Afghanistan catastrophe
  • Seeking Reader Input
  • "Surrenderer-in-Chief" Biden caves to Taliban orders


Mike Huckabee


7 The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.

Nahum 1:7

More on "court-martialing" President Biden

By Mike Huckabee

No, we can't court-martial President Biden, but a reader wrote in to make it crystal clear why we need to wait for an election, anyway...

From Guy W:

Here is the problem, as I see it, with doing that, impeaching him, or charging him with treason. We’ve voted ourselves so deep into a “Progressive” government that going seven deep, you don’t get anything better, and in some cases possibly worse. All I know to do is wait for Nov. 2022 and pray that the electorate has been paying attention.

POTUS Line of succession

Joe Biden (D) POTUS

(1) Kamala Harris (D) Vice President

(2) Nancy Pelosi (D) Speaker of the House

(3) Patrick Leahy (D) President Pro Tempore

(4) Anthony Blinken (D) Secretary of State

(5) Janet Yellen (D) Secretary of the Treasury

(6) Lloyd Austin (D) Secretary of Defense

(7) Merrick Garland (D) Attorney General

Looks like we'll be waiting for 2022, and potential replacements for Pelosi and Leahy. Thanks to Guy for making the point so perfectly. Any more questions?

Don't leave these Americans behind

By Mike Huckabee

Biden appears to have capitulated completely to the Taliban and accepted the idea of being out by August 31, even if it means leaving thousands of Americans and Afghan allies behind and at the mercy of brutal Islamic terrorists. Considering the logistics, that really is more like a deadline of Friday. The only hope left for them is that he miraculously comes to his senses, or the people around him lock him in the White House basement and use his Autopen to sign an order to send in the troops.

Failing that, I am sickened at the thought that the violence that’s already started will expand exponentially into a massive bloodbath and hostage crisis. I don’t know how the people “in charge” can possibly listen to the anguished pleas of those they’re abandoning and live with themselves. Here’s an example, from a female Afghan journalist who’s changing her location every day and living in fear that she and anyone who hides her will be killed, as they are already doing to others.

And here is a quote from reporter Sara Carter on Sean Hannity’s show last night, that President Biden should be tied down and forced to listen to. She was talking about an American woman whom she’s been trying to help get out of Afghanistan, but authorities are telling her she has to leave her husband behind:

“She said…’I will not leave my husband behind. I will not leave my family behind. Maybe the President of the United States has forgotten us Americans and is leaving us behind, but I will not do that.’…That is a true American. That is someone that the President should be listening to. She is sending out a plea to the President tonight through me, saying, ‘Mr. President, please do not leave Americans behind. Do not forget us.' There are children there. They’ve had the Taliban on their tail. They have been literally running from house to house. I can’t tell you how many hundreds have been doing this. I know for a fact, speaking to former CIA officers who are in contact with me right now, there are Americans with passports that were literally turned away from the gates at the airport. And some of those that made it out…have said that they’ve gone from one hell to another.

They are pleading with the Administration: they will be executed. If you do not get them out, Americans will die. And they say the blood will be on President Biden’s hands.”

And here is a must-read article by a woman who put up with four years of a liberal friend’s constant attacks on Trump and Trump voters, only to have her “friend” blame her for the January 6th “insurrection” and cut her out of her life. She has a harsh message for all those people who thought that Trump had to be replaced with Biden at all costs: THESE are the costs you were willing to pay. As she sums it up in a meme at the end: “Biden is not responsible for the horrors in Afghanistan. All of you who voted for him are.”

America The Beautiful

God's creation is all around us. To learn more about Olympic National Park, visit its website here.

Report: Biden has no plans to fire the people responsible for his Afghanistan catastrophe

By Mike Huckabee

I’m not at all surprised at a report that President Biden has no plans for any firings of the people responsible for his Afghanistan catastrophe.

This is a continuation of the Obama policy of never firing anyone, no matter how badly they screwed up or how many people suffered or died because of it (Benghazi, Fast & Furious, etc.) This dwarfs those disasters, but the utter lack of accountability remains the same. And why shouldn’t it, when the man on top is still insisting that “history is going to record this was the logical, rational, right decision to make,” and there was simply no way to have done it that wouldn’t have ended the same way.

Well, except maybe following Trump’s plan of removing our people, equipment and files BEFORE we removed our military support. But that’s so hard to figure out that it wouldn’t be fair to fire a national security "expert" for not seeing it.

Seeking Reader Input

By Mike Huckabee

We received a message from a reader named Susan G. who said her daughter is being fired from her job with the city of Plantation, Florida, for refusing to get vaccinated. Her daughter is six weeks’ pregnant, has antibodies from having already had COVID, and wants to delay the shots until her third trimester when she believes it would be safer for her baby. What should be a happy time has put her under intense stress, and her mom asked for our help.

My staffers did a quick Internet search and couldn’t find anything online about vaccination mandates for Plantation city employees, either on the city website or in local news outlets. I know that Gov. DeSantis has been a firm opponent of vaccine mandates. The only quote we could find from Plantation Mayor Lynn Stoner was a comment about her being tired of using “the gentle hand of education and compliance,” and calling on the public to help execute enforcement of rules. But that wasn’t about city employees.

If you have any information or reliable sources of information on Plantation, Florida, city employee vaccine requirements, I’d appreciate it if you could tell us in the comments below. We’ll follow up to check out this story, and if it’s true, see if there are any medical exceptions. Thanks.


"Surrenderer-in-Chief" Biden caves to Taliban orders

By Mike Huckabee

On Tuesday, former President Trump released a powerful new video message about the complete disaster in Afghanistan that comes courtesy of the Biden administration.

The title could not be more fitting: “Surrenderer-in-Chief”

The drama in this video is no exaggeration. As Dan Bongino reported Tuesday, the information we’re receiving out of Afghanistan is getting even worse. In ten days, Kabul has fallen into chaos. Our remaining troops have already started withdrawing, I assume to make 100 percent sure we have enough time to get out before the Taliban’s deadline of August 31. After all, the Taliban are calling the shots now, and we wouldn’t dare go against their orders, would we? Biden confirmed on Tuesday that we will not be staying past that date. Golly gee, the Taliban told us they won’t let us, so...hey, what are ya gonna do?

The Taliban also announced they won't let any more Afghan nationals go to the airport. One might say that ship has sailed. It could be a bloodbath for our friends left behind.

“They [the Americans] have the opportunity, they have all the resources, they can take all the people that belong to them but we are not going to allow Afghans to leave and we will not extend the deadline,” said a Taliban spokesman. They act as though they hold all the cards, because, with Biden nominally in charge of our side, they actually do.

As for U.S. citizens, they don’t know what to do now. The Embassy issued a “last alert” for them to leave right then or be on their own, but just 30 minutes later, they recalled it, essentially saying, “Never mind!” Just use your own judgment, they said.

As we've said, when Psaki admonished Peter Doocy as “irresponsible” for saying Americans were “stranded,” she was lying. Communications from panicked Americans say they absolutely ARE STRANDED. “Our lives are in extreme danger,” said one tearful American mom in a phone message. “We get more of the news to stay put than to be told that you are gonna be evacuated. This is not comforting at all. We don’t know if we’re gonna make it out.”

Obviously, Americans and our friends in Afghanistan made the mistake of awaiting instructions and trusting the U.S.military to evacuate them safely when it was time to go. They know better now.

The Taliban have surrounded the airport and control all comings and goings. As Sean Hannity put it Tuesday night, “Biden, he just signed the death certificates of every Afghan that, in fact, has helped the U.S. in the last 20 years…” Considering that the Taliban were able to retrieve computer data from the abandoned U.S. Embassy on the identities of all the Afghans who helped us, that is no exaggeration. Those friends of ours, and their families, remaining in the country will likely be tracked down and murdered.

Biden gave a scripted press conference Monday, bizarrely focusing mostly on vaccines and infrastructure. Later, White House press secretary Jen Psaki cheerfully praised the evacuation in Kabul as “the largest airlift in U.S. history” and said she wouldn’t characterize it “as anything but a success.” It was surreal. Psaki sported such a happy smile, it seemed at times she might burst into inappropriate laughter, just as Vice President Harris so often does. Perhaps laughter is contagious around the White House.

(It occurs to me that if masking-up wouldn’t stop the spread of inappropriate laughter, it would at least hide the maddeningly inappropriate smiles.)

Murders (at least 20 are known to have been killed), beatings, gassings, stabbings (including of children), and extortion --- this is what our “success” looks like, so far.

POLITICO national security reporter Alex Ward obtained a leaked report from the State Department saying that only 4,407 American citizens had been flown out since the evacuation began on August 14. This number is dwarfed by the “low-end” estimate of 10-15,000 Americans, and possibly many thousands more, who have actually been living there.

The number given by the White House yesterday was 21,600 people flown out from Monday to Tuesday. If that sounds impressive, keep in mind that this is not the number of American citizens but the total number of evacuees, period. We might never know WHO those people are who made it onto the planes, perhaps instead of Americans, their interpreters and other Afghan helpers. At this writing, officials still refuse to give an accounting of American citizens.

But on Monday, reporters received assurance from Jake Sullivan, Biden’s national security adviser, that “we are actually overperforming in terms of evacuation numbers.”

Even President Obama’s former ambassador to Afghanistan, Ryan Crocker, said on FACE THE NATION Sunday that Biden’s actions in that country have emboldened violent Islamists and created “a global crisis.” Specifically, he’s concerned about what the narrative of the Taliban defeating the “Great Satan” is going to do to rile up radicals in Pakistan, which is a nuclear power with 220 million people. Watch him here.

“What’s happening in Afghanistan won’t stay in Afghanistan,” he said. “It will be felt around the world.”

The NEW YORK POST ran a scathing (but mercifully brief) editorial on August 21, saying this chaotic withdrawal shows a “disengaged, befuddled President.”

Since their editorial appeared, conditions have deteriorated so much that even many on the left have joined in that opinion. And this still isn’t as bad as it’s going to get.

Of course, Biden has tried to shift blame to former President Trump, but this is all on him. In case you missed Margot Cleveland’s excellent piece on the 16th, I’ll link to that here.

Cleveland points out a number of very effective Trump policies that Biden simply trashed once he got into office. Everything regarding Afghanistan was ultimately his call. Even if it’s in our country’s best interest to withdraw, the horribly failed execution of the withdrawal is his fault. Shame on him for trying to weasel out and blame others.

Watching President Biden and his team, the question more and more are asking is this: If these people were to deliberately set out to ruin America’s place in the world, to destroy America domestically and internationally, from within and without, what would they do differently? What would they NEED to do differently? I know, I can’t think of anything, either.

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Comments 11-20 of 64

  • Jennifer Backstrand

    08/25/2021 08:22 PM

    Hi Mike! Regarding the lady who doesn't want the vaccine, there is a website called Simone Gold is the Doctor who is helping Americans get Hydrochloriquine &
    Ivermectin PLUS they have an entire section on claiming religious exemptions and have ideas about what to write, etc. They helped my sister get Hydrochloriquine, zinc & an antibiotic through an independent pharmacy (she couldn't use her insurance but it was only $90 to apply for a online doctor and $75 for the 3 prescriptions mailed to my sister). Their main goal at AFLDS is to help people who don't want to be vaccinated. Please have to your staff look into it. There are a lot of interviews with Simone Gold. The best one I just watched was with Dinesh D'Souza. I hope you'll look into this for the pregnant lady and your other followers. Thanks!
    Jenny Backstrand
    21780 SW Wildflower Dr
    Newberg, OR.97132
    [email protected]


    08/25/2021 07:54 PM

    For the woman in Plantation, FL & all people elsewhere. Other than showing the US Constitution as your "vaccine passport" you have options! 1) Shot is still EUA, the FDA approved Pfizer is not yet available, they can not mandate EUAs. 2) Pregnant women, get a medical exemption from your GYN doctor. If your doctor doesn't agree then get another doctor who will. 3) Go to & under "Vaccines & the Law" print out the "Forms to Employers Requiring Experimental Covid Vaccines". Your employer will be required to sign the legal contract if wants to require you get the shot. There are also specific legal forms for Students, Military & others. 4) Covid Recovered should not be mandated to get the shot. Show proof a) covid positive test paperwork or b) if didn't get tested then go get antibody test to show proof of immunity. 5) Religious Exemption: If you’re a Christian, you can go to and click the tab at the top of the page labeled EXEMPTION, and Pastor Farag’s ministry will send you a religious exemption letter because all the shots are made with aborted fetal tissue, which is a direct violation of God’s command not to defile our body since we are the temple of Christ. There’s no fee involved.

  • william p appelt

    08/25/2021 07:46 PM

    The insanity continues...
    It is becoming very obvious that they(the Democrats) are trying very hard to be the bully and pick a fight. The test was the Capitol "insurrection". Yes, the election, a blatant action of fraud was the start after our "summer of Love" in the cities across the USA. Then the cancel culture no thanks to Corporate and Tech companies bearing down with dollars to spend on us, the misinformed. One crises after another needed to wear us down just so we will want to rise up "if we dare". Now this the grand plan on an international scale.
    If we all stood quietly in one place in calm defiance, how much room would we take up to actually show how many people they have upset and are asking for our country back? Size of a city, small state or even the state of Texas? Is it half of our population or maybe three quarters? Why then are we controlled by so few? How did we get there?
    I pray we are not too late, it is a shame to grow up in Patriotic country and not see the cancer growing within. 60 + years, here we are.....

  • Chelsea Martin

    08/25/2021 06:44 PM

    "Looks like we'll be waiting for 2022, and potential replacements for Pelosi and Leahy. Thanks to Guy for making the point so perfectly. Any more questions?"

    I have a question: Does anyone actually believe that there will ever be another "transparent, fair and reliable" election again? Between the open borders, the Marxist Media and their allies in Big Tech, the pending "Federal" takeover of the American election system (if you don't believe Pelosi and her ilk will force something through to that end I've got a bridge to sell you), and the high likelihood of the coming "midterm super-variant" of Covid-19 necessitating another "shut down" anyone thinking that this country isn't on the fast track to becoming the "New Normal Covid-Progressive Green New Fourth Reich" needs to have their heads examined. Now - take your vaccine and multiple "vaccine booster shots," put on your mask, accept your "contact tracing" tracking chip (trial run already underway, see: "Eatonville High School, Eatonville, Washington / ankle monitors on children"), shut up, don't question, and obey. If you don't then you're an insurrectionist terrorist. Never mind the Taliban, the pending 9-11 style redux, and the onset of WWIII. Remember - YOU are the problem. No, America isn't Australia yet, but I reckon in about six months it will be. We don't have "rights" anymore, nor any real "legal protection" for those foolish little notions like "Constitutional rights" and "individual liberty." It has been made abundantly clear that we don't have the protection of the military, either, useless as they've been rendered by their Progressivist Masters - Corporate Globalists, who have no allegiance to this or any nation! And it will take the better part of 50 years, and just as many deaths, to go through the formation and dissolution of the American version of the U.S.S.R. Assuming we don't land in "Maoist China" mode for the rest of eternity. I am glad that I have no children. In this world, in this farce of a nation, I certainly never will.

  • Carl T Smith

    08/25/2021 06:18 PM

    I'm an old Navy Veteran and my disgust cannot be displayed on this forum. I cannot believe Biden is this behind what is going on! No one is that Stupid or Immoral! If he actually believes that the World or History will be kind to his decision to allow American Citizens to be MURDERED he is not only senile he is out of his mind!
    Memo to General PC, Ideological Stupid MILLEY a Few B-52's armed with MOAB's can wipe out the Taliban in 15 minutes and then both airstrips can be opened and a few small Special Forces could protect the Americans as they make their way to the departure points! This is NOT Rocket Science just Strategic Thinking! Then if we lose a few Americans it will NOT BE Because we didn't make the effort. I would take the Courts-Martial if it meant saving some Americans. Cowardice is not looked upon kindly by the American People who are Paying attention. The Dim wits are not courageous enough to Stand Up and do the Right Thing are YOU?

  • Linda Lamon

    08/25/2021 05:56 PM

    I pray everyday for this great country The United States of America. My heart breaks every time I see Walter Biden on the TV there is a blank look in his eyes he is controlled by evil evil people. Every day I will work for the re-election of Donald J. Trump to the office of President. May God keep him safe and healthy till that day. Linda D. Lamon

  • Debbie Christie

    08/25/2021 05:51 PM

    There is a photo of the CoVid vaccine mandate pdf from the City of Plantation, FL that someone posted on the Nextdoor App/site.

    There is a medical and religious exemption.

  • Norman Marks

    08/25/2021 05:44 PM

    I was quite impressed with a point that both Jen Psaki and Mr Biden made during his press conference (?). That being they are vetting all non-US citizens before taking them out of Afghanistan. How reassuring that is especially under the severe pressure that exists there. But that raises a serious question - why aren't they doing that on our Southern border with Mexico?

  • Janice Kujawa

    08/25/2021 05:43 PM

    I am wondering how many of those American citizens still in Afghanistan voted for Biden in the last election? If's that working out for you now?

  • Roy Turner

    08/25/2021 05:31 PM

    Here is a nightmare for you. President Biden for whatever reason gets rid of Kamala Harris as V.P., He then ask Hillary Clinton to be his new V.P. by bad luck she becomes his V.P.. He then resigns leaving Hillary to become the next president and set up another Hillary against Donald campaign. People we need to be paying attention to what can happen. Roy Turner, Richland, Wa.