
Latest News

June 17, 2021

In a related story, a new Trafalgar poll found that likely general election voters blame Biden more than anyone else for rising inflation. Thirty-nine percent think Biden is responsible, 14.4% think the current Congress is responsible, and 17.7% blame former President Trump. I assume those are Democrats who blame Trump for everything, from inflation to their bunions.

Mark Meckler, president of Convention of States, commented on the poll, “On a wide range of issues that hit home for and impact everyday Americans…current leadership in Washington is not only getting it wrong, they’re focused on issues that only DC elites care about. And DC doesn’t pay the price, we do.”

Brace for that price to get higher and higher, and when it does, please don’t try to blame it on the guy who’s been out of office for six months.

FYI: Here’s how bad the inflation problem already is:

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