
Latest News

June 25, 2021

House Democratic Caucus Chair Hakeem Jeffries let the cat out of the bag by declaring that America can’t go back to pre-pandemic “normal” unless the government spends a Mount Everest-sized mountain of borrowed money on a raft of massive government social programs. Or as he calls it, “Investing in the caring economy.”

I hate to break it to him, but most of America is already returning to normal, thanks to Trump’s vaccines and Democrats finally taking their boots off their necks. And as always, “normal” includes ignoring Democrats who always claim that the only solution to any problem is to invent a massive new government program and shovel a ton of borrowed money into it.

Incidentally, Rep. Jeffries, this is what Americans are talking about when they say we need to fix our infrastructure, not spending trillions on new social programs.

This happened very close to you in DC, so maybe you should get a few of your colleagues together and drive by to take a look at it for future reference.

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  • Daniel Alvies

    06/26/2021 05:04 PM

    Kick the fake sleepy Joe out and put Trump in.