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April 10, 2023

We’ve all heard the expression, “It’s better to ask forgiveness than permission.”  Well, a trip down memory lane shows that when it comes to Federal Election Commission violations, the Democrats don’t even ask forgiveness, but they get it anyway.  Or at least they just pay whatever the fine is and go on their merry way, already working on ways to repeat the same violations.

With President Trump facing criminal indictment over what’s being falsely painted as an FEC violation (that even the FEC declined to prosecute, as it was only peripherally connected to the 2016 election and didn’t involve campaign funds), let’s look at what the Democrats have been getting away with for years regarding huge, blatant FEC violations:

TOWNHALL reported on April 5 that President Obama may have received $30 million from a fugitive linked to the Chinese Communist Party.  They called what he had an “illegal foreign influence operation” that is still “flying under the radar.”  By now you’ve seen the story about Leo DiCaprio testifying in federal court about Malaysian financier Jho Low and revealing Low’s plans to deliver to Obama up to $30 million for his 2012 re-election campaign.  (DiCaprio had gotten to know Low after Low funded his movie THE WOLF OF WALL STREET.)  Low allegedly recruited Prakazrel Michel, founding member of a hip-hop group called The Fugees, to help funnel millions of foreign dollars to Obama’s re-election campaign.  It’s illegal for foreigners to donate to U.S. presidential campaigns.

Jho has been on trial for allegedly embezzling $4.5 billion from the Malaysian investment fund.  He also faces 11 criminal counts of trying to influence the Obama and Trump administrations.  Will Obama and/or his campaign ever be implicated in the scheme to enrich them by $30 million?  Are you kidding?

Remember, too, that Obama’s IRS targeted conservative groups before an election and that Lois Lerner got away with pleading the Fifth before Congress, retiring, avoiding investigation, and walking away with her pension.

POLITICO reported about a year ago that the DNC and the 2016 “I’m With Her” Hillary Clinton campaign were fined over the spending disclosure for the Steele “dossier.”  The FEC settled with them for a fine of $100,000 and change.   There’d been allegations that the DNC and campaign reported payments to Democrat law firm Perkins Coie as “legal expenses,” when they were really using some of that money to pay Christopher Steele for his imaginative work of fiction.  Needless to say, the individuals involved in paying or receiving money for the “Russia Hoax” have skated.

Of course, thanks to investigative journalist Peter Schweizer, we also know that CCP-affiliated Chinese oligarchs have done five deals with Joe Biden’s family and paid them about $31 million.  Some of the individuals with whom they were doing business had direct ties to top-level CCP intelligence.  The Bidens appear to have been bought-and-paid-for by the Chinese government --- and this might certainly explain a lot about his behavior as President.  Is it under criminal investigation?  Incredibly, no, it is not.

Mark Levin on LIFE, LIBERTY & LEVIN hearkened back to an L.A. TIMES story from September 2002 about the Clintons’ fundraising scandals in 1996.  They had finally been levied a “record-setting” $719,000 in fines for their role in obtaining contributions from China, Korea and other foreign countries.  As the TIMES reported, “The FEC documents describe Democratic fund-raisers who set specific prices for foreign nationals to make illegal campaign contributions in return for meetings with then-President Clinton and Vice President Al Gore.  A Democratic finance vice-chair, for example, said organizers would have to contribute a total of $100,000 in return for Gore’s appearance at a Buddhist temple in Los Angeles.”

Why should the Democrats care even if they have to pay a stiff, six-figure fine?  They’d surely make it up in more illegal contributions down the line.  Or maybe George Soros or some other twisted billionaire would replenish their coffers.  And for Bill Clinton, this was 2002 and he was done with elections.  The Clintons have found other ways to rake in money.

The DNC and Clinton-Gore campaign had to pay, along with the Buddhist temple and “nearly two dozen people and corporations acting as conduits for illegal contributions.”  The fines would’ve been significantly higher, the TIMES reported, “except that some of the corporations have folded and others were dummy operations, with no assets, set up as conduits for money from China, Venezuela, Canada and other countries.”

Note that there was never any criminal investigation of the Clintons and/or the campaign for this.  Attorney General Janet Reno could have handed it over to Special Counsel Ken Starr but did not.  But, as Levin said, “The Chinese Communist military laundered millions of dollars through the Clinton campaign for President and the DNC.”

Then, in January 2013, the 2008 campaign of then-Sen. Barack Obama was fined for hiding donors and keeping illegal donations, after an FEC audit showed that Obama For America had failed to disclose millions of dollars in contributions and “dragged its feet,” to quote U.S NEWS & WORLD REPORT, “in refunding millions more in excess contributions.”  Their fine was one of the largest ever handed down by the FEC.

Not only did they fail to report big donors, they also incorrectly dated the filings for $85 million.  Note that there was never any criminal investigation of Obama and/or his campaign for any of this.

Levin compared Donald Trump to these and other Democrats such as FDR and said that, relatively speaking, Trump had been “a choirboy.”  FDR and his minions mobilized the IRS to destroy the careers of people perceived as their political enemies, according to former NEW YORK TIMES reporter David Bernham in his book entitled A LAW UNTO ITSELF.  One of the “most brazen” of these attacks was against millionaire Andrew Mellon, who had served as Republican Secretary of the Treasury from 1921 to 1932.  Apparently, they went after this innocent man for years.  Bernham said that even an inquiry by Eleanor Roosevelt sparked a tax investigation of a conservative newspaper publisher and leading FDR critic.  Levin suggested that FDR’s tactics were Stalinesque.

On the other hand, when LBJ was targeted by the IRS, FDR stepped in and stopped the persecution of his friend and political ally.  Also, the Kennedy administration misused confidential IRS and FBI files and now-famously surveilled Martin Luther King, Jr., as well as groups on the right.  (That’s just for starters.)  LBJ used the same powers, plus the CIA, to go after civil rights groups and to spy on the Democratic Convention “to see what the Kennedys were saying about him,” according to Levin.  He even bugged the phone of his own Vice President, Hubert Humphrey, apparently to find out what he was saying about the Vietnam War.

And, of course, you know that the FBI was used by the Obama and Biden Administrations to spy on the Trump campaign.  Given all this (and much more), the word “choirboy” to describe Trump seems accurate.  And yet who gets investigated...indicted...arraigned...even fingerprinted?  Trump does.

Levin’s show featured former FEC Chairman Bradley Smith, who was quite informative on election law as it applies to Trump’s case, and his interview is highly recommended.  In case you didn’t see it, here’s the entire episode; it’s all good, but Smith starts about 20 minutes in.

So, this has been going on for many years, yet President Trump seems to be the only American President to be arrested and prosecuted on an FEC violation.  With this in mind, let’s take a look at the most recent news about James O’Keefe’s video evidence of Democrats’ money laundering by way of unwitting elderly “mules” who were found to have “donated” thousands and thousands of dollars, multiple times a day in some cases, to the left-wing group ActBlue, which in turn funded Democrat campaigns.

If you haven’t seen O’Keefe’s video, here it is…

As FOX NEWS reported, “A preliminary computer analysis by the Take Back Action Fund...has found that nearly half of all 2019 donations to ActBlue were made by people who claimed to be unemployed.”  That’s more than 4.7 million donations totaling $346 million.  They’re now looking at 2020 and have found an even greater percentage, slightly over half, were from the unemployed.

The people O’Keefe has tracked down and talked to --- who had no idea they’d “given” that much --- were older and probably on fixed incomes.  There was no way these people had that kind of money.  Their names and addresses were being used to launder millions in campaign contributions from...where??

The real surprise here is that the above report from FOX NEWS about “unemployed” donors to ActBlue is from way back in September 2020.  (Now watch the Democrats hilariously try to dismiss it as “old news.”)  What happened to bury that amazing story until O’Keefe stirred it up again?

Take Back Action reported on it at the time, but it just never gained traction.  Maybe that was because it got “suppressed” with the 2020 election coming up in a couple of months.

President Trump knew of it then, and he accused the Democrats of wrongdoing.  Here’s what the U.K. DAILY MAIL reported at the time.

And here’s THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR’s current take on O’Keefe’s “new” story.  In their words, “The highly suspicious nature of these ActBlue ‘donations’ has been out in the open for a long time and yet nobody has done anything about it...and the fact nobody in the federal government does anything about it, if in fact they don’t, is its own indictment.”  A must-read…

It wasn’t until James O’Keefe got out there with his camera as a “citizen journalist” that we learned more and saw just who the innocent faces of this deception were --- numerous elderly people of modest means whose identities had been used to commit election fraud.

Is there any criminal investigation of this?  Not that we know of.  But the important thing is that now they’ve got President Trump’s fingerprints on file.





In more double-standard news, you know the story about the left trying to go after Justice Thomas for allegedly accepting vacation trips from his longtime Dallas friend Harlan Crow.  Now Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says the court no longer has “legitimacy” and is calling for the impeachment of Justice Thomas.

Justice Thomas has always complied with the guidelines, he says, and, as they change, he will adjust accordingly.

Before AOC says anything more about impeaching Justice Thomas, she might want to answer for her own extremely generous perks, such as --- to cite one example --- two free tickets (to the rest of us, that would be $35,000 apiece) to the ultra-lavish Met Ball that she begged for “even if it broke the rules,” plus the designer gown she wore.  Total cost of the freebies for that one night:  almost six figures.  So maybe she should just leave Justice Thomas alone and go back to praising socialism while continuing to enjoy capitalism.

The NEW YORK POST told the story at the time and broke down the expenses.

By the way, even though Democrats hate any judge who upholds the Constitution, have you noticed that the Justice they are constantly attacking and trying to impeach or force to resign is the sole black conservative Justice? Why so racist, Democrats?

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