
Latest News

August 6, 2021

A new Emerson College/Nexstar poll shows that Californians are warming to the idea of recalling and replacing Gov. Gavin Newsom.

Only 48% of likely voters now say they’d vote to keep Newsom with 46% wanting to fire him, his narrowest lead yet, and 6% undecided. Among Republican replacements, Larry Elder is by far the most popular, but 40% are still undecided.

Among the noteworthy details: Newsom is only in positive territory in two places (L.A. and the San Francisco Bay area) which you could argue have deteriorated the worst under his “leadership.” Over 54% of Independents want to deep-six Newsom, as do 22% of Democrats, while 16% of Republicans want to keep him, which I can only attribute to sunstroke or smoke inhalation. Oddest of all, voters who self-identify as “non-binary” gender prefer Larry Elder to Caitlyn Jenner. So maybe some people think not every election should be determined by gender politics. And in California! Imagine that!

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