
Latest News

May 25, 2021

Sunday, “60 Minutes” actually bucked the LGBTQ+++ lobby and aired a segment on people who underwent transgender surgery and/or hormone treatments, regretted it and “detransitioned.”

I won’t recount it all in detail because Tyler O’Neil did a fine job of that at the link, and you can see video of the segment there as well. In a nutshell, these people tended to have emotional, medical or psychological issues and were convinced that gender transitioning would cure them.

Some were surprised and disturbed at how easy it was to get doctors to sign off on radical hormone treatments and body-mutilating elective surgery, such as removing a woman’s breasts. If most doctors suggested something half that radical, you’d demand a second opinion; but this field of medicine has been so corrupted by the activist trans agenda that doctors feel too intimidated to object to performing procedures that actually cause harm.

Naturally, “60 Minutes” had to include the requisite knocks on red states that are banning such radical experimental procedures on minors, and other genuflecting to the PC trans dogma. I won’t complain about that because it would be like criticizing a dog’s posture when it walks on its hind legs: the miracle is that the feat was accomplished at all.

But that didn’t prevent GLAAD and other trans groups from blasting "60 Minutes" for covering this story. It’s interesting that they claim they champion rights for trans people because everyone deserves to live their lives honestly and openly, and to be heard and respected. But if you feel that you were misled, harmed and exploited by the steamrolling of the trans agenda onto society, their attitude is “Shut up!!!”

Kudos to “60 Minutes” for actually having the courage to act like real journalists.

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