
Latest News

May 19, 2021

The co-founder of BLM has been under fire recently for spending millions of dollars on expensive homes in largely white upscale areas. Her flabbergasting response was to imply that she’s standing up to racism in the housing market by using black homeownership to disrupt white supremacy.

This excuse ignores the fact that criticism of her lavish lifestyle is also coming from the left, with questions about how all those millions in donations from rich liberals and woke corporations that poured into BLM are being spent, since they’re not going to help local black communities.

In addition to the article, I’d also like to call attention to a lengthy comment on this story from a reader who claims to have been a Realtor licensed in two states. This person called “Bull(bleep)” on the claim that Realtors discourage black buyers from buying homes in white areas. He/she pointed out the ruinous fines Realtors can face for discrimination and pointed out that they work 100% on commission and none would turn down a paycheck just because they won’t sell a house to a minority.

Case in point: apparently, the co-founder of BLM had no trouble buying houses in very white areas. All she had to do was show a lot of green, and what do you know? She had it.

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  • debby morge

    05/19/2021 08:36 PM

    shes a paid Marxist hired to riot loot burn she can spend her money however she pleases its for her cause, not BLM