
Latest News

May 19, 2021

The leadership of the US Chamber of Commerce is becoming more “progressive.” So much so that in 2020, they endorsed the reelection of 23 freshmen Democrats. Now, they’re complaining that most of those very same Democrats are supporting far-left bills that would harm business, like the “PRO-Act” that would devastate small businesses and contract workers.

The US Chamber of Commerce still has a lingering reputation for being conservative and pro-business, but many small business owner supporters don’t realize how far left it’s drifted. It’s so far off course from its original mission that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said he doesn’t even want the Chamber’s endorsement anymore, and Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton accused them of acting as a “front service for ‘woke’ corporations.”

If you’re a business owner and a member of the US Chamber of Commerce, it might be time to reexamine whether they’re really representing your interests anymore. If not, let them know that if they don’t “get back to where they once belonged,” you’ll be heading for the Exit door.

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