
Latest News

August 10, 2023

This morning, House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. James Comer released a third memo detailing the Biden family’s foreign business dealings. This one includes screenshots of redacted bank records that allegedly show Hunter Biden and his associates received millions of dollars from Russian and Kazakhstani oligarchs when Joe Biden was Vice President.

Detailing behavior that I'm sure Rep. Dan Goldman will describe as "being a loving dad," the memo says, "Then-Vice President Biden met—in person, for significant periods of time—with those individuals or their representatives. Then-Vice President Biden joined approximately 20 phone calls on speakerphone with Hunter Biden’s foreign business associates and attended dinners with foreign oligarchs who paid huge sums of money to Hunter Biden. Joe Biden, ‘the brand,’ was the only product the Bidens sold.” These memos bring the total of money allegedly paid to the Bidens to $20 million.

I’m sure we’ll have more on this story tomorrow. In the meantime, I predict that before noon today, Trump will be indicted for felony jaywalking and that’s all the media will talk about.

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