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July 14, 2021

A month ago, William M. McSwain, a former U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, wrote to former President Trump to allege he’d been pressured by then-Attorney General Bill Barr not to investigate voter fraud and election irregularities in his state. Trump released the letter on Monday, on the eve of Biden’s visit there and what turned out to be a bizarre speech on voting rights (but I digress).

The letter was accompanied by a statement from Trump that called Barr’s actions “outrageous!”

We thought it best not to jump on this but to use the good old 48-hour rule, as it's technically hearsay about Barr. And, sure enough, Barr has since denied this. “It’s written to make it seem like I gave him a directive,” Barr said in an interview with POLITICO. “I never told him not to investigate anything.”

But with that in mind, we must at least consider what has been alleged by this former U.S. attorney.

“President Trump,” McSwain wrote, “you were right to be upset about the way the Democrats ran the 2020 election in Pennsylvania –- it was a partisan disgrace.”

He went on to say that his office had received numerous allegations of election fraud and irregularities, on Election Day and afterwards, but that Barr had instructed him not to make any public statements or put out press releases about any of that. Barr had also told him to pass any serious allegations along to the Pennsylvania AG for investigation. That would have been Josh Shapiro, who before the election tweeted “Trump is going to lose” if “all the votes are added up” in Pennsylvania.

McSwain told Trump he disagreed with those orders but followed them anyway, as he had been trained to do as a Marine infantry officer.

Recall that before the election, Barr sent a memo to all U.S. attorneys authorizing them to probe any “substantial allegations” of election irregularities before election results were certified. At the same time, though, he told them it would be “prudent” to proceed with any election integrity matters as a “preliminary inquiry so as to assess whether available evidence warrants further investigative steps.” In other words, they could stick a toe in, but they were to proceed with caution.

“While serious allegations should be should be handled with great care,” he told them, “specious, speculative, fanciful or far-fetched claims should not be a basis for initiating federal inquiries.”

In retrospect, this directive involves some big gray areas. For example, who gets to define “specious,” “speculative,” etc? What seems highly possible or even probable to you or me might have been labeled far-fetched by those who dreamed of, or even just assumed, a Trump loss.

As early as September 2, 2020, Barr said he was aware of “big” fraud investigations over reported issues with mail-in ballots in several states. But he also said that because the country was so closely divided, this was like “playing with fire.”

Recall also that after the election, in December 2020, Barr told the Associated Press that the DOJ had found no evidence of election fraud “on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.” If only we could tell how hard he was really looking. As Jonathan Karl relates in his upcoming book, BETRAYAL, Barr said he suspected all along that there was nothing there and that “it was all bullsh**.”

But back to the present day, and McSwain’s letter to Trump. Here’s the pdf.

One reason we hesitated to run with this letter is that in it, McSwain also told Trump that he’s a candidate for governor of Pennsylvania –- the Republican in the race with “the best chance to win the general election in November 2022.” He asked for Trump’s support.

As it happens, Josh Shapiro, the state AG to whom McSwain was supposed to turn over allegations of fraud, might very well be his Democrat opponent in the governor’s race.

So keep this in mind when assessing Mr. McSwain’s allegations of election hanky-panky in Pennsylvania. Was he just trying to gain favor with Trump? He did go on to say that one of his first priorities if elected would be to modernize Pennsylvania’s election process to protect the voting rights of all citizens. “That means no ballot harvesting, unsigned ballots, undated ballots, ballots collected after Election Day (other than legitimate military and overseas absentee ballots), obstacles to poll watchers observing the counting of ballots, different rules in different counties, and, of course, no ballot stuffing of the kind I previously prosecuted," he said. "It also means responsible voter ID legislation.” All good, but certainly what Trump would want to hear.

He said he wants to make it easy to vote but hard, if not impossible, to cheat.

So, where is Bill Barr on all this, really? Is it true that he was telling a U.S. attorney not to look into charges of election fraud in Pennsylvania but to instead pass them along to someone who anticipated a Trump loss once "all the votes are added up"? Again, Barr denies ordering this.

THE EPOCH TIMES also summarized this story in a “premium” report.

Trump Releases Letter From Ex-US Attorney Alleging Barr Pressured Him Not to Probe Voter Fraud Claims


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    07/14/2021 08:11 PM

    keep looking for evidence, they are all crooks

  • mandm71

    07/14/2021 07:40 PM

    In Lieu of what I have read over the last 3 days about how the RNC back stabbed DJT in money that was meant for fighting for Trump but now no one knows where that money went or who got it, and it was meant for the Wall and then Barr all of a sudden came up with the statement that there was no election fraud what so ever, and then all of a sudden we got word that Barr was leaving the Department, and he left a month early, when the fight would have helped DJT and all of us, so, yes, I was very disappointed in Barr, we expected far more from him, and where is Durham, is Durham real or another lie from Barr?

  • Carol Majewski

    07/14/2021 07:31 PM

    I live in Southeastern PA. On 4/29/2020 our Assembly wrote AG Barr thanking him for his memorandum of 4/27/2020 in which he directed the DOJ to monitor state and local policy and review the policies implemented by Wolf's administration. Quote from AG Barr," the Constitution is not suspended in times of crisis." The Assembly asked that he ensure our constitutional rights to work, speak, defend ourselves and worship. The DOJ did nothing to help our state or the people there of. As of MAY 2021 we were still under the tyrannical Tom Wolf's emergency power! We the Pennsylvanians changed it. We voted to change our constitution to limit the governor's emergency to 30 days and then the legislation must review it upon renewal. 8/26/2020 the DOJ requested data on COVID deaths in PA. NOTHING has ever been done to hold anyone responsible! Unbelievably PA Health Secretary, Rachel Levine, was rewarded by the Biden Administration by being selected to be Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Service. What is more shameful Levine was confirmed! On 3/18/2020 Rachel Levine gave the edict that killed thousands of our seniors citizens by sending COVID positive people into nursing homes. By 5/20/2020 nearly 70%, 2611 of 3086, of PA's COVID deaths were in care facilities. Wolf had given Levine excessive power then went AWOL from the capitol. The PA State Police had leaked it out he was at one of his homes in Florida. He didn't have to live under his own draconian orders. Wolf didn't show back up to the capitol until 6/3/2020 (with a great tan) to march with BLM. He was photographed ignoring his own socially distancing with a sign, directly behind him Blue Lives Murder. Every bill put the legislation put on his desk to give us back our lives, Wolf vetoed or he bypassed local courts and sent it directly to corrupt Democrat packed PA Supreme Court.
    Discouraged by calls and messages to the DOJ with no action I reached out to William McSwain's office. I was told the infringement on my civil liberties and the senior COVID deaths are beyond his jurisdiction. I can't tell you how many Pennsylvanians had hope and confidence in AJ Barr who were very disappointed. The DOJ was all talk and zero actions.

  • Liz Hayes

    07/14/2021 07:19 PM

    My thoughts at the time were that Barr did not make an attempt to look into voter fraud and was sitting " on the fence" with both sides to feather his nest should President Trump lose the election. I would like to know what really happened with this election! I think he was a part of the swamp that wasn't drained. Just another crooked politician!

  • Jim Bryant

    07/14/2021 06:56 PM

    So "since the country was so closely divided ,it was like 'playing with fire.'" So it is reported Barr said. In other words, he could investigate it, but was afraid?
    I know about prosecutorial discretion, but this reeks of pure politics...or pure fear. I would rather Barr was a coward than corrupt, but neither should be present as the Attorney General of the U.S.

  • Alma Walker

    07/14/2021 06:09 PM

    Thank you! Your reply to the comment from a reader was sooo good. (July 14) I read all of your newsletters, watch your Saturday night show, and am thankful for your wisdom and insight! Thank you also for not being ashamed to stand for Jesus!

  • David Bell

    07/14/2021 05:57 PM

    It's difficult to understand why Barr didn't act decisively in intervening in potential election fraud. The fact that he didn't informs me that he is part of the "Deep State", too invested to counter the illegality. then he resigned. At this point? How can you trust Bill Barr?

  • Jeanne Osterhout

    07/14/2021 05:32 PM

    I have lived in PA all my life and it is a beautiful state with wonderful people. Unfortunately for as long as I can remember (I am 73), the state has been largely in the control of corrupt politicians mostly from Philadelphia (extremely corrupt) and Pittsburgh (corrupt), and then Harrisburg because that is where they land. I thank God for the fearless Republicans and a few Democrats who are standing up to Gov Corrupt Wolf. He and AG are using every dirty tricks they can to maintain a killer grip on PA. Thankfully more citizens are seeing this and fighting back. Philadelphia has not had an honest election in many decades. How I wish McSwain had pursued voter fraud issues. Wolf and company are busy fighting voter integrity laws and hiding fraud. May the Lord reveal the truth!

  • Rosemary W Tomy

    07/14/2021 05:20 PM

    Please, a thousand times no, don't make us put up with Ms Harris as president. I think she and AOC share a brain and I haven't heard Harris speak on the days she had custody.

  • Charles Simmons

    07/14/2021 05:08 PM

    As a retread from the Rodney King fiasco, Bill Barr was the perfect deep-state stealth-bot to finally decapitate Trump’s presidency. Barr’s Credibility : zero.