
Latest News

February 2, 2021

Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:

  • Daily Bible Verse
  • Climate Porn
  • The best advice I can give
  • Understandably alarmed


Mike Huckabee



Climate porn

By Mike Huckabee

While President Biden is frantically working to destroy the entire US fuel industry and countless jobs in the name of fighting the “climate crisis,” one brave University of Colorado professor of environmental studies is trying to tell the world that those catastrophic predictions are based on obsolete data.

Prof. Roger Pielke Jr. is no “climate denier” (a stupid term; nobody denies that there’s a climate, or that it changes.) He believes that human activity has an effect on the climate. But he says the doomsday scenarios about climate as an imminent threat to humanity are a result of “the unstoppable momentum of outdated science.” He writes that “responding to climate change is critically important,” but “so too is upholding the integrity of the science which helps to inform those responses.” That’s where politicians and the media are letting hyperbolic claims and panic override the “science” they claim to be following.

Pielke points out that not only are these apocalyptic predictions taken from the most extreme hypothetical scenarios, they’re also based on data about CO2 emissions and other factors that’s so far out of date that we can look at charts and see how much reality has already diverged from the predictions. He says there are now almost 17,000 peer-reviewed articles on climate change that are based on this outdated data.

In fact, rather than CO2 exponentially increasing and no action being taken to curb it (a common assumption in these studies), carbon emissions, particularly in the US, have been drastically reduced over the past 25 years. They dropped another 7% last year due to the pandemic lockdowns. He says it’s possible the world has already passed peak CO2 emissions.

Yet we keep getting these apocalyptic scare stories that he says are "untethered from the real world." He calls them “climate porn.” He also describes the current politics around climate change as “Manichean paranoia,” or a worldview “in which your opponent is considered to be malign and willfully ignorant, whereas your own side is noble and uniquely enlightened.”

Wow, does that sound familiar!

I doubt that anyone will heed his warnings because the scare stories about climate change aren't about reporting on science, they're about increasing government power and control. For all the talk about "following the science," I notice that science is only followed as long as it's useful in advancing the left's agenda. When scientific facts undermine the agenda (whether they relate to climate, gender or abortion), science goes right out the window.

Read the whole article. If you were a Keystone Pipeline worker, I’m sure you have plenty of time now.

The best advice I can give

By Mike Huckabee

I’m getting comments from people who feel discouraged and demoralized by how much power anti-American leftists have managed to seize, and how it’s being used to silence and bully anyone who dares stand up to them or even voice an opposing view. People want me to stop telling them so much bad news and offer more optimism.

Well, we’re trying, but you have to understand that part of what we do here is pass along the latest news we think you need to know, reportedly accurately and honestly, and frankly, a lot of it right now is pretty bad. There’s nothing that can be done about that, and there’s no sense in burying our heads like ostriches and pretending it doesn’t exist.

However, I hope you notice that I never advocate for conservatives to give up or go into hiding. To the contrary, I’ve urged you to stay calm and stay confident. I keep trying to remind you that while the big bullies of DC, social media and Wall Street think they have all the power, they only have as much as we allow them to. They need us more than we need them.

Today’s social media “giant” like Twitter can become tomorrow’s MySpace overnight (once described by Seth Meyers as the Internet’s abandoned playground) if we turn our backs on it. Google can’t track you, sell your data or try to brainwash you with slanted news coverage if you do your searching on DuckDuckGo. Some high-flying Wall Street hedge fund billionaires just got their wings clipped by a bunch of small investors on Reddit who decided they needed a spanking. Bed Bath & Beyond dropped MyPillow and their stock dropped 36% in one day. Even "Star Wars" movies can tank if they're filled with preachy leftist messages.

There’s a reason why we have the saying, “Get woke, go broke.”

Yes, it’s hard now, with the left flexing its power everywhere, from shutting down Parler to Biden’s hard-left executive orders to firing employees just for supporting Trump. But we’re only in Act One of this drama, where the villain is doing his worst. One thing you can always depend on with leftists: they have zero ability to think and plan long-term, and they always immediately overreach.

The inevitable backlash is already starting to boil. And not just among 75 million Trump voters, but also a lot of moderates and Democrats who thought they were getting “Unity Joe Biden” and not AOC in a blue suit and face mask. Remember, Republicans did really well in the last election on the state and local levels. Don’t get discouraged, get motivated and keep that momentum going.

As of this year, Republicans will have complete control (Governor and both houses of legislatures) in 24 states, while Democrats have only 15. Republicans have full control of the legislatures in 31 states; Democrats only 18. In terms of population, Republicans control legislatures that represent nearly 186 million Americans; Democrats less than 134 million.

So no, we are not “all socialists now.” Democrats in DC and a handful of big cities are shoving the pendulum so far to the left that it’s bound to swing back and knock them for a loop. Biden is now giving Americans a loud wake-up call as to why they replaced him and Obama with Trump and how foolish it was to let the media convince them to trade peace, security and prosperity for “no more mean tweets.” From polls to social media to diner conversations, you can already sense the outrage growing of “this is not we signed up for.”

The best advice I can give you is to keep reading the bad news I have to send you, but don’t get depressed, get energized to change it. Let the “woke” corporations know that you will withhold your business and they will go broke. Utilize the courts to block unconstitutional executive orders and bills, and to sue the daylights out of companies and universities that fire or silence employees for exercising their rights. Find alternatives to Internet companies that hate you, and if they destroy those alternatives, find new ones (wherever there’s a profit to be made, new alternatives will arise.)

You can also let your Republicans Representatives and Senators know that you expect them to tighten voting laws and to do everything in their power to block this Democrat bill to destroy free speech and rig elections forever; and if you’re from a purple state, let your Democrat officials know that they will soon be unemployed if they vote for it.

With the Democrats exposing what they are and blowing their support already, start working and volunteering now to be ready to take back your cities, states and the US House and Senate in 2022 (and don’t fall into the trap of forming a third party, splitting the vote and reelecting Democrats with less than 50%. That’s how we got Bill Clinton, twice.) And of course, never stop praying for America to survive, revive and thrive.

Finally, do what we try to do here every day: explain, with calmness, facts and humor, why conservative policies work and leftist policies don’t. And don’t get discouraged in thinking that nobody will listen anymore. Young people are famous for rebelling against the older generation, and the current generation of leftists in Washington is giving them a stunningly bad example to rebel against. Here’s a story that might just give you some hope for the future.

Understandably alarmed

By Mike Huckabee

Former NFL defensive end Marcellus Wiley is the father of three daughters and the husband of a former collegiate athlete, and he’s understandably alarmed by President Biden’s executive order that “trans” athletes (males who “identify” as female) must be allowed to compete in girls’ sports. With the natural physical advantages males (even those who claim to be “former males”) enjoy, if this assault on both women’s rights and reality is allowed to stand, it will spell the end of girls’ school sports. In fact, we’re already seeing that, with a handful of “trans” athletes scooping up dozens of trophies and scholarships that were intended for female students. But if you dare to state obvious biological facts these days, the “party of science” denounces you as a hateful transphobe.

Of course, “hate” has nothing to do with it. I don’t hate anyone, least of all confused teenagers with gender issues. It’s not hateful to point out that athletes with male bodies have unfair advantages over female athletes such as stamina, muscle mass and upper body strength, any more than it’s hateful to notice that female Eclectus parrots are red and males are green. It’s just a basic biological fact. Here’s a leading female athlete who also dares to speak the truth on this issue:

Obviously, Marcellus Wiley feels the same way, since he’s suggested a solution that would be much more fair to everyone: create a new category of competition for transgender athletes, so that every competitor would literally be on a level playing field. Naturally, he’s getting pushback for that, although it certainly sounds fairer than the current situation Biden is forcing on students.

And here’s a question I never hear anyone answer: if there’s no difference between a “trans” athlete and an athlete competing as the gender he or she was born, why are so many males who identify as women winning girls’ sports events, but there don’t seem to be any women who identify as men winning men’s sports events?

Incidentally, this Biden executive order is yet another radical change that voters didn’t know they were signing up for, due to biased media covering up the truth to help the Democrats. It’s hard to believe many parents of girls, especially black parents, would have voted for Biden had they known what was coming, since a 2019 poll found that only 29% of Americans favored letting “trans” male athletes compete in girls’ sports, and 57 percent of blacks were opposed.

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Comments 51-52 of 52

  • Deborah Martin

    02/02/2021 09:45 PM

    I don't understand how congress can impeach Donald Trump when the constitution says the chief justice of the supreme court needs to preside over the case. Besides the fact that he is no longer in office. How can this happen. Why is our congress going against our constitution.

  • Marian E. Jacoby

    02/02/2021 09:39 PM

    Professor Roger Pielke makes sense. What I don't understand is AOC has promoted death of our planet in the next few years if we don't give the government the money they will soon demand to cool the earth. Yeah right... Why doesn't Congress stand up to AOC, Schumer and others? Research should have immediately been done as to where this fake news statistic came about. Then smash it. Instead? Crickets. Likewise, Congress doesn't question any of Bidens executive orders and almost all his nominees for his cabinet. Do these overpaid, lazy government workers ever do any work? Only a handful are worthwhile.