
Latest News

June 28, 2022

Big decision from the Supreme Court this week—they finally overturned Roe v. Wade on 6-3 vote because they actually read the Constitution. So we’re clear—this doesn’t end abortion, it simply returns the decision to the people elected representatives in the states. Despite the elation among those of us who are pro-life and the despair among the pro-abortionists, the fact is some states like New York and California will probably have MORE abortions, while pro-life states like my state of Arkansas will have no abortions. But it’s a reminder that elections really do have consequences, and if you wondered why it mattered that Donald Trump was elected instead of Hillary Clinton in 2016, just remember that if Hillary had been elected, this decision would have likely been 7-2 in FAVOR of abortion right up until the moment of birth. So if you are truly pro-life, then even if you didn’t like Donald Trump’s mean tweets, I hope you realize that Trump’s election is why we finally have a responsible court.

This week on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox, I told Sean something I’ve observed for a long time in government. There are some people in public office who don’t do anything but look like they ARE doing something. Then there are those who are doing some great things, but don’t look like they are doing ANYTHING. And then there’s Joe Biden who isn’t doing anything and by golly it LOOKS like he’s not doing anything.

He was on vacation…again…in Delaware last weekend and fell off his bicycle. He wasn’t injured and I’m genuinely grateful for that, but that seemed to be the perfect metaphor for his entire Presidency. Wanting to appear younger than he is—he’ll be 80 in November—the bike could be a good look for him since he acts every bit of 80 at the podium or when he shuffles in and out of the room. But if he keeps wrecking his bike or tripping on the stairs to Air Force One, he might want to trade in the bike for a walker, or at least get some training wheels for the bicycle.

And Joe’s messes seem to be rubbing off on others. If you are planning on flying anywhere this summer, you might want to reconsider it. The airlines are in meltdown. As someone who is on planes by necessity 2-4 days a week, it’s become a real frustrating mess as many flights are canceled, delayed, or changed at the last minute. And the prices for the privilege of being stuck in an airport and never making it to your destination is about twice what it was a year ago.

But thinking about driving? You might need to sell a kidney just to fill up your tank. And since you only have 2 kidneys, I hope you take somebody with you to sell a kidney to get back home.

Remember when we were told that we needed to get rid of Donald Trump and get Biden in the White House because he’d bring the adults back in charge? After all, Joe Biden has been in Washington since he was in his 20’s.

So according to the press and the DC swamp-rats, Joe Biden was bring the country together and heal us. Are we healed? Is the country together? Are our cities safer? Are your groceries cheaper? How about the gas in your car? Do you feel that unity we were promised? Or do you now remember when Joe Biden screamed at a citizen at a campaign rally? (Biden screams “I don’t work for you!” Or when he called another voter a “Lying, Dog-faced pony solider?”.

So spare me the nonsense about the adults taking over. I can’t think of one thing the so-called “adults” have made better. Nothing. Nada. If this is what adults do to us, I’m ready for the kids to come back. And if they tweet some stupid stuff, I’ll shake my head and frown as I fill up my tank with gas that costs half of what it does with these adults in control!

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