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December 10, 2022

Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee staff! Thank you for subscribing and I hope you enjoy today’s newsletter. 


Mike Huckabee


20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

Matthew 17:20

Third drop of "Twitter Files" focuses on effort against Trump

It didn’t take long for the third installment of “Twitter Files” to drop; it arrived last night.

If you’d like to be brought up to date on the second installment, as reported late Thursday by Bari Weiss, see yesterday’s newsletter and also this write-up in the NEW YORK POST, which includes helpful links to stories specifically on Twitter’s censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop story...

JUST THE NEWS offers details about the responses from GOP lawmakers…

Part One of the third installment, called “THE REMOVAL OF DONALD TRUMP,” deals with Twitter’s “vast array of tools” to limit the impact of former President Trump on Twitter --- and this started well before January 6. In fact, as Matt Taibbi reports, one Twitter executive, whose name he redacted (editorial aside: WHY?), said in an internal message that the decision to ban Trump was not made just from his actions and supporters related to January 6, but “over the course of the election and frankly the last 4+ years.”

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: Twitter executives pondered censoring a JOKE I made - Latest Stories - Mike Huckabee

As time went on, particularly before the 2020 election, an increasing number of cases were ‘handled’ by high-ranking executives on a subjective, case-by-case basis, Taibbi says. And there’s plenty of nudge-nudge-wink-wink about meeting with government officials packed into top staffers’ internal messages. For example, after January 6, Yoel Roth sent a message reading “DEFINITELY NOT meeting with the FBI I SWEAR.” Another Twitter employee --- name and picture unfortunately redacted by Taibbi --- responded “lmao” (laughing my a** off).

Taibbi reports that “executives were...clearly liaising with federal enforcement and intelligence agencies about moderation of election-related content. While we’re still at the start of reviewing the #TwitterFiles, we’re finding out more about these interactions every day.”

The messages are astonishing. For example, when a member of the marketing team asks if they can say Twitter detects misinformation “through partnerships with outside experts,” Policy Director Nick Pickles asks this person to just say “partnerships,” because he wasn’t sure they’d describe the FBI/DHS as experts...”

According to Taibbi, the little ivory-tower group that made calls about election-related posts by people wielding a lot of influence did it “on the fly, often in minutes and based on guesses, gut calls, even Google searches, even in cases involving the President.”

They introduced a new tool on December 10, 2020, the day Trump tweeted or retweeted about 20 posts challenging the outcome of the election. This was a new mode of suppression called “L3 deamplification.” “L3” was a label that automatically limited a tweet’s ability to be shared. Team members were told to start utilizing this new tool the following day.

Taibbi says Twitter applied several “bots” to Trump’s account, monitoring the claims of both Trump and connected entities such as BREITBART. This activity was going on long before January 6, and the outright banning of Trump from the platform came after they’d done everything else at their disposal.

As reported by Trace Gallagher on FOX NEWS Friday night, the weekly meetings Twitter was having with government officials included not just the FBI but also the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Director of National Intelligence. (Note: Since Biden’s inauguration, the DNI director has been Avril Haines, an Obama-era deep-stater who served as Deputy National Security Adviser and Deputy Director of the CIA. Obama’s DNI was the infamous James Clapper. I seriously doubt that Trump’s DNI, John Ratcliffe, was included in these meetings, but it would be good to know if he was aware of them.)

Regarding the Hunter Biden laptop story, Gallagher related this telling memo exchange:

–- “What’s new for you since our last check-in?”

–- “‘Hacked materials’ exploded. We blocked the NEW YORK POST story; then we unblocked it (but said the opposite), then said we unblocked it...and now we’re in a messy situation where our policy is in shambles, comms is angry, reporters think we’re idiots, and we’re refactoring an exceedingly complex story 18 days out form the election.”

Taibbi says that Trump was being “visibility filtered” (Twitter’s term for shadowbanning) as late as a week before the election. “Here, senior execs didn’t appear to have a particular violation,” he says, “but still worked fast to make sure a fairly anodyne [inoffensive] Trump tweet couldn’t be ‘replied to, shared, or liked.’” Sample tweet: “’VERY WELL DONE ON SPEED’: the group is pleased the Trump tweet is dealt with quickly.”

Apparently on Election Day, the FBI was sending Twitter messages even about such issues as mail-in ballots --- specifically, the high rejection rate of ballots that supposedly contained errors.

And in answer to those who keep repeating the talking point that Twitter received requests from both Democrats and Republicans, there’s this: “Examining the entire election enforcement...we didn’t see one reference to moderation requests from the Trump White House, or Republicans generally. We looked. They may exist; we were told they do. However, they were absent here.”

Speaking of Democrat talking points, to help you understand the mentality we’re dealing with, here’s a commentary from Canadian former radio shock-jock Dean Blundell showing that what we see as horrifying, those on the left are blinded to. Sample Blundell tweet: “This tweet thread about the “Twitter Files 2” is comedy,”he says. So Twitter prevented (bleep)holes and anti-vax (bleep)heads who threatened the lives of your kids from trending. @bariweiss is an Elon proxy, and I think she’s angling to have Elon’s 15th kid.” Folks, don’t even try. There are plenty of rational people capable of seeing the danger of social media censorship; concentrate on helping THEM understand what’s wrong with this.

If you can get past the foul language, general nastiness and condescension, here’s his full commentary, but I’ve really just included the link to show I didn’t make this up.

Ironically, Blundell himself was canceled, more than once, for things he said on the radio. Now he just blogs and trolls the internet with comments like this, as far we we can tell.

There’s going to be a lot of this sort of savagery from the left, because it’s all they’ve got. It would be fun to refute this commentary point-by-point, but in the interest of time we’ll just take one for now. Blundell repeats the talking point that when you signed up for Twitter, you had to check the “Terms of Service” box and that you’re REALLY STUPID for not remembering that now. “Those terms of service dictate the platform’s ability to nuke you, your account and your ‘speech’ anytime they want,” he says.

Ah, but can they really write just anything into their “Terms of Service,” whether or not a court would find that constitutional? Do those “Terms of Service” wave a magic wand and allow the FBI, DHS and DNI to conspire with Twitter to work on their behalf, especially before an election, to quell political speech –- and a candidate –- they don’t like? Blundell might want to ask the Supreme Court if those “terms of service” miraculously allow that to go on.

And even if they lucked into a typical DC court and a “dream team” of Perkins Coie attorneys and managed to avoid criminal penalty, does that mean a democratic republic such as ours can possibly endure in a state of conversational lockdown? No, it can’t possibly survive.

Some on the left are genuinely sad because they’ve been conditioned to believe Twitter will now be a place for misinformation and hate. Elton John tweeted, “All my life I’ve tried to use music to bring people together. Yet it saddens me to see how misinformation is now being used to divide our world. I’ve decided to no longer use Twitter, given their recent change in policy which will allow misinformation to flourish unchecked.”

Musk responded perfectly: “I love your music. Hope you come back. Is there any misinformation in particular that you’re concerned about?” He hasn’t heard back.

The presumed House Majority Leader Steve Scalise of Louisiana tweeted, “Twitter did blacklist/suppress accounts their leftist employees disagreed with & manipulated trends against conservatives...They can’t get away with this.” We can’t LET them get away with this.

We’ll have much more analysis of this third installment on Monday.

Twitter avatar for @SteveScalise
Steve Scalise @SteveScalise
?? Truth is out: Twitter did blacklist/suppress accounts their leftist employees disagreed with & manipulated trends against conservatives. Yet another thing the media called Republicans “conspiracy theorists” for saying has turned out to be true. They can’t get away with this.


Margot Cleveland makes the case that social media couldn’t have buried the Hunter Biden laptop story if ‘journalists’ had done their jobs. (What is Big Tech gonna do --- ban them all?) But reporters were happy to go along with the “Russian disinformation” scenario, without any evidence at all.

Likewise, with most of the media ignoring the proof that Twitter suppressed the laptop story, the BABYLON BEE reports that the DNC and the media are colluding to suppress a story about the DNC and the media colluding to suppress a story.

Twitter executives pondered censoring a JOKE I made

While reading a story about Twitter's disgraceful handling of Trump's tweets on January 6 --- which we'll bring in detail Monday --- I happened to encounter my own name.

As reported Friday in the POST MILLENNIAL, a Twitter exec approached his colleagues, saying, "Putting this on everyone's radar. This appears to be a joke but other people might believe it. Can I get your weigh in this?"

It was my joke. The tweet he was concerned about went like this: "Stood in rain for hour to early vote today. When I got home, I filled in my stack of mail-in ballots and then voted the ballots of my deceased parents and grandparents. They vote just like me!"

"THIS APPEARS TO BE A JOKE"?! That's right, these self-appointed monitors of your communication are so dumb that they weren't sure, and they thought YOU'RE so dumb that you might take it seriously. I'll quote the rest of the story, which recounts the full conversation they had about me. ("Conlon" is Patrick Conlon, former DoD intel specialist who was head of Twitter's elections response team. That in itself is a story.)

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: Third drop of "Twitter Files" focuses on effort against Trump - Latest Stories - Mike Huckabee

"...[Yoel] Roth, who notably believes that satire can cause real world violence and should therefore be suppressed, replied, saying "'Ugh. Yeah, I saw this one last night. Agree it's a joke... but he's also literally admitting in a tweet to a crime.'

"'Could still mislead people,' another exec chimed in. 'But although misleading, in my opinion, I don't think it can unduly influence the election. Could still mislead people.'

"'Yeah. I could see us taking action under 'misleading claims that cause confusion about the established laws, regulations, procedures, and methods of a civic process,' Roth replied, 'but it's not one that we could really label in a useful way, so it's [sic] removal (of a stupid and ill-advised joke) or nothing. I'm maybe inclined not to remove without a report from voting authorities given it's been a while since he tweeted it and virtually all of the replies I'm seeing are critical/counterspeech.'

"Conlon weighed in, saying 'Ooof. I just saw this. Looking at the replies now to get a feel for if much confusion is being generated. A quick glance indicates that people aren't confused, but I have concerns. Under the policy we don't make exceptions for jokes or satire. So while I doubt that Huck was really this stupid and is joking, I'm inclined to say that it should come down.'"

You heard it, folks --- I was actually admitting in a tweet to committing a crime! It's a good thing the FBI didn't come raid my house immediately. The real crime here lies in policies that "don't make exceptions for jokes or satire."

One good thing about Elon Musk: he has a great sense of humor.

A second felony charge

Say, remember that “non-binary,” cross-dressing, kink-celebrating deputy assistant secretary at Biden’s Department of Energy, the one we were all supposed to admire for being so stunning and brave, and who was arrested for allegedly stealing a woman’s luggage at the Minneapolis Airport?  Well, he’s now been hit with a second felony charge for allegedly stealing a woman’s bag at the Las Vegas airport.

In his defense, designer evening gowns are tough for a man to afford on a bureaucrat’s salary.

One Picture Worth A Thousand Empty Woke Words

Behold the face of liberal “diversity!” This is a group photo of Nancy Pelosi with most of the female members of the Capitol Press Corps. It’s whiter than a photo of a slice of Wonder Bread in a snowstorm.

It’s Christmas time again, and that means two things:

1. We’ll get a spate of news articles by liberals, snarking at conservatives who complain about a so-called “War on Christmas” that doesn’t really exist. And…

2. We’ll get a spate of articles illustrating that the War on Christmas is real and that the people mentioned in #1 will studiously ignore.

“Huckabee” Preview

If you’re not yet in the Christmas spirit, I’ll fix that tonight with a new episode of “Huckabee” on TBN. I’ll talk politics with Illinois Rep. Mary Miller, but we also have plenty of holiday fun in store. We’ll visit “Our Kind of Town,” and Internet cooking sensation Linda Keens will show us how to make her blue-ribbon peanut butter fudge. Comedian Gordon Douglas has a special Christmas presentation for you. Then brace yourself for the premiere of my very first music video! Okay, I play the bass on it, but it’s a great song we recorded to raise money for two worthy charities, and you might know the singer who’ll be dropping by to perform it: “Dukes of Hazzard” and country music star John Schneider.

The fun starts at 8 and 11 EST, 7 and 10 CST, or Sunday at 9 EST/8 CST on TBN. To find out how to watch TBN, from local cable and broadcast channels to streaming, visit and click on “Channel Finder” on the top menu. You can stream previous episodes, highlights and online-only “Digital Exclusives,” including extended interviews, “In Case You Missed It” and “Facts of the Matter” segments, plus extra performances by our great musical and comedy guests and links to all their sites, at You can also find past shows, highlights and digital exclusives on YouTube and my Facebook page.

Prices are rising again

Despite the pain of ever-rising interest rates, President Biden has been insisting that his policies are working to bring down inflation because while it’s still really high, it has been inching down. Well, it’s not anymore.

One of the final economic reports of the year (the PPI, or Producer Price Index) was released Friday, and it shows prices are rising again. It measures the cost of producing goods, which indicates what’s in the pipeline heading for consumers. While PPI inflation is down from historic highs, it went back up in November instead of down. Economists had predicted a 7.2% inflation rate from one year before, but it came in at 7.4%. PPI inflation rose 0.3% from the previous month, fueled in part by high food prices, with fresh and dry vegetables spiking by 38.1%.   

The bad news sent market futures plummeting on worries of more interest rate hikes by the Fed and what the Consumer Price Index report will show on Tuesday. I have no insider data on that, but just judging from going to the grocery store, I find it hard to believe that consumer price inflation went down in November.


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Comments 1-8 of 8

  • dave allen

    12/12/2022 10:47 AM

    of course they had a hard time recognizing your voting joke as a joke. it's what they do all the time.

  • James Johnson

    12/11/2022 12:27 PM

    Governor Huckabee,

    I genuinely admire you. I don't understand how you can deliver our national news with humor. It is uplifting with an aftertaste of remorse for our Nation's current state of decay. I'm old enough, seventy-two, to know that we will pull together in the coming years to repair what will have been left in shambles. However, I hope we will, this time, remember that lesson longer and better while preparing the next generation to do better.

  • Jerry

    12/11/2022 10:33 AM

    Uncle Joe Biden continues his Anti American agenda by saluting half the countries population by exposing his middle finger with a malicious grin by setting free the worlds notorious terrorist. Biden used a Female Basketball player that has some public notice although not all of her status is American first this gives biden a little cover to allow a terrorist to do harm to the this country again and around the world. Biden and Obama did the same, a few years ago exchange terrorists 5 , war time criminals free, for an american military deserter. also nothing new just pro terrorist and anti american agendas by the America Last leadership, this country embraces by electing what is called the Democrat party Congress members. I fell very sad for Real Americans that their friends and neighbors would stab them in the back while voting for the demise of America. The smile in your face and turn and stab you in the Back America is alive and well every Real American has one or two of the Back Stabbers.

  • Jerry

    12/11/2022 07:51 AM

    Does Biden have to be drug tested weekly to indicate he is not a user of mood and mind altering drugs? Biden’s anti American stance is a tribute to Americans lack of love for this country. NYC is a template for the DC brand of government one reason an exciting population for a decent lifestyl is on going. The police of NYC can’t work for a vile government in the city cowards and very low IQ in the mayors office a compromised governor and actually a low IQ governor are exactly what the population wants and needs to continue to lower the life style of the city the police are leaving at a 20% this year that is a lot of a huge police force live without fear NYC this is what you wanted continue to crumble.

  • Paul Kern

    12/10/2022 11:13 PM

    I was saddened and depressed for a while at all the insanity from both sides and watching the "head games" a term used by addicts years ago but I did soul searching and much prayer. I came out angry as I sensed the heart of God at the " head games" being played by many church leaders designed to keep His people dazed and angry. I am now seeing God causing) allowing all this evil because His people have neglected/ ignored His laws! Just like when Israel whored after after pagan gods. It will get worse as the right is bending the knee to the left and the religion of Marx!

  • Michelle Cecile Ferrer

    12/10/2022 09:40 PM

    You're a gem. You give me reason to chuckle while I snatch myself bald at the stupidity of our politicians.

    As to Nancy's Press Corps. Mike, really, you exaggerate all the WHITENESS in her Corps. I actually counted ONE Asian and ONE possible hispanic female in the Sea of White bunch. I guess that passes for inclusion in Nancy's world.

  • stephen russell

    12/10/2022 03:41 PM

    Can we prosecute Twitter execs Elon fired for abuses or No?

  • Dave Newbry

    12/10/2022 03:10 PM

    So he stole another woman's luggage. To be fair, he IS a bureaucrat serving in an active kleptocracy.