
Latest News

June 27, 2021

The Biden Department of Justice is preparing to go after the cause of all the rampant violent crime in Democrat-run cities. No, they’re not planning to arrest the mayors, DA’s and city councils, unfortunately, even though those are the root causes. No, after all the releasing of criminals and rioters, decriminalizing crimes, protecting criminal illegal aliens, and defunding and prosecuting police, they’ve decided that the reason for the skyrocketing crime wave is… guns!

Yep, crime is caused by the hardware, not the criminal holding it. So they’re going after dealers of illegal guns and after “assault weapons.” I’m fine with them trying to get rid of illegal guns. In fact, it’s kind of nice to hear them admit that most criminals like gang members don’t buy guns legally and go through background checks (that’s for law-abiding citizens); they get them through illegal channels. But I doubt that the crackdown on “illegal gun dealers” won’t end up as harassment of legal gun dealers.

RELATED READING: Biden Fights Crime

As for “assault weapons,” I put that in quotes because it’s a silly, meaningless term made up by people who know nothing about guns. Any weapon can be an assault weapon if you assault someone with it. If you defend yourself from that assault with the exact same kind of weapon, then it’s a defensive weapon. This is the area that’s ripest for abuse, and for trampling on the rights of citizens to defend themselves.

When you have Democrat politicians releasing criminals and rioters while defunding their police, if you think the solution to ending the resulting crime waves is to disarm law-abiding citizens, then you can only be a liberal or a moron. Sorry if I’m repeating myself.

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