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August 16, 2022



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee staff! Thank you for subscribing and I hope you enjoy today’s newsletter. 

With gratitude,




And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.

1 Corinthians 13:13

If you have a favorite Bible Verse you want to see in one of our newsletters, please email [email protected].

Primary Day

Today, Alaska and Wyoming will hold their primary elections. The big story is whether anti-Trump Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski and foaming-at-the-mouth Trump hater Rep. Liz Cheney will hold their seats or be given the pointy-toed boot by GOP voters. Both voted to impeach Trump, but will their constituents impeach them? I think the big question with Cheney is, “Will her opponent Harriet Hageman’s margin of victory reach three digits?”

Amazingly, the media are already planning to watch Cheney’s concession speech to see if she announces she’s running for President. That would be like the captain of the Titanic announcing he next plans to become CEO of the White Star Line as he goes down with the ship.

We hope to have all the results for you tomorrow morning. Stay tuned.

Afghanistan: One Year Later

This week marks the one-year anniversary of President Biden’s tragically-botched pullout from Afghanistan. The media would like us to forget about it and “move on,” just as the Administration tried desperately to “move on” from the story of the 13 US service members killed in a suicide bombing that never would have happened if the operation had been handled competently, and from the horrific scandal of America leaving behind not only tens of billions of dollars worth of military equipment, but also fellow Americans and Afghans who had been our allies, all to the “mercy” of the Taliban.

This was a black mark on America and especially this Presidency that must never be forgotten, just as the people we left behind to flee and hide out for their lives must never be forgotten.

This terrible story is a reminder that the tragedy of that debacle continues to reverberate, and has just claimed the life of yet another veteran, even after a full year.

Our economic reality

President Biden can claim all day long that there’s “zero inflation” and his policies have created the strongest recovery in history, but redefining words does not redefine reality. And the reality is that we are up the creek and can’t afford a paddle. He inherited an incredibly strong Trump economy that was coming out of the artificial recession caused by the wrongheaded and disastrous COVID lockdowns, and he did to it what one of his beloved abortionists does to his patients.

Want the proof? Aside from what’s all around you every time you go to a store or fill your tank, take a look at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s monthly Empire State Manufacturing Survey, a survey of manufacturers in New York State.

There are a lot of charts, graphs and details there, so let me just quote the summary of findings:

“Business activity declined sharply in New York State, according to firms responding to the August 2022 Empire State Manufacturing Survey. The headline general business conditions index plummeted forty-two points to -31.3. New orders and shipments plunged, and unfilled orders declined. Delivery times held steady for the first time in nearly two years, and inventories edged higher. Labor market indicators pointed to a small increase in employment, but a decline in the average workweek. While still elevated, the prices paid index moved lower, and the prices received index held steady. Looking ahead, firms did not expect much improvement in business conditions over the next six months.”

Even the one bright spot ("a small increase in employment") is deceptive. As the White House was trumpeting 528,000 new jobs in July, 239,000 Americans were dropping out of the labor force, lowering the labor participation rate to 62.1%. Jobs are being created, but more people are taking two or three of them just to make ends meet because of high inflation. That’s not a sign of successful economic policies.

AINSWORTH: The speech I wished Trump would give, two years later


by writer/researcher Laura Ainsworth

After the sickening sight last week of the FBI’s raid on former President Trump’s home, it seemed that the United States of America really had morphed into something unrecognizable. A dangerous corner had been turned.

That reminded me of something I wrote during the 2020 campaign, exactly two years ago by coincidence; it appeared in the Huckabee newsletter on August 14, 2020. You might remember this: the speech I wished Trump would give before the election. (One idea was that he give it as an opening statement at the Presidential debate, so everyone would hear it live and uncut. It’s a little long for that, though and would’ve had to be delivered as a paid political ad.) This speech warned about what our country might become if Trump lost to Biden and the DNC, and today I think most of us would sadly agree that as a nation we are THERE.  It has come to pass.

My fantasy speech acknowledged that this might happen simply because many voters didn’t like Trump's style, or him personally, and it reached out and asked for their support in spite of that. But Trump never gave a speech like this, and the disaster of which it spoke is exactly what happened on Election Day and its aftermath –- with a little help, of course, from covid, mass mail-in voting, unsupervised drop-boxes, unconstitutional changes in state voting rules, etc. etc. etc.

I’m wondering if this time, candidate Trump, knowing what’s at stake for our country now, might BE more “presidential,” more measured in his tone and less likely to be distracted by pettiness as he focuses like a laser beam on reforms. His statement about “lowering the temperature” now suggests he might be. He was baptized by fire when he entered politics, he now knows how deep the Deep State truly is, he SHOULD know by now who his allies are (and are not), and on the theory that what does not kill us makes us stronger –- which certainly seems true in Trump’s case –- he might be unstoppable now. (Of course, he’ll have to have the best attorneys on Planet Earth to defend against the relentless lawfare.)

Trump's rights under the 4th Amendment clearly have been violated, under the cover of an outrageous search warrant that allowed the feds to take every scrap of paper from his entire presidency. The rights of his associates continue to be similarly violated. I admit, this is far worse than what I had anticipated when writing the original piece two years ago. Trump’s adversaries are determined to crush anyone who gets in their way. If a newly re-elected President Trump can’t stop these goons from ripping up the Constitution, who can?

Anyway, here’s the text of the speech I STILL wish then-candidate Trump had given before the 2020 election:


"My fellow Americans, I love my country –- I love America, with all my heart. I always have. And I feel really bad right now, because millions of Americans, just because they don’t like ME –- don’t like my style, don’t like my tweets, don’t like things they think I’ve said (most of which are twisted-up versions that convey something I never intended) –- are ready to vote for anybody but me. Anybody. I mean……..ANYBODY. That’s what “never-Trumper” means, after all; I know that. And THAT means, right now, this country is in big trouble.

“Because they don’t like ME, some Americans might unwittingly put into power a radical political machine that will decimate their most basic freedoms, with ruthless, violent tactics and a long list of demands that will change America into something unrecognizable, probably forever. (Some of this has been a long time coming, but because the virus hit, they’re jumping on the crisis as a way to take control quickly.)

"Because they don’t like ME, some Americans might unwittingly offer inroads to groups that literally want to destroy American cities --- that are ALREADY destroying American cities, GREAT American cities.

“Because they don’t like ME, some in our government abused our own justice system to try to bring me down, and if they get away with what they did, mark my word, they’ll do it again to the next leader they don’t like. They went so far as to accuse me, with no evidence at all except for what was falsified, of working as an agent of Russia. It was crazy –- 2020 will go down in history as “the year America went crazy.” Who needs Russia to interfere in our elections when we’ve got our own bureaucracy to do it, as well as various outside influences with virtually limitless resources, pouring money into radical leftist anti-American groups?

“Because they don’t like ME, some Americans ignore all that I did --- before the virus arrived from China to at least temporarily undo much of it --- to bring the economy back like gangbusters after years of weak semi-recovery. They ignore the incredible benefit that came out of that to hard-working Americans, men and women, of all races, in all walks of life.

“Because they don’t like ME, some Americans even ignore the legitimate work of some doctors and researchers because they think it’s more important to believe I’m wrong. And they forget that I was the one to stop incoming travel from China and Europe, which likely saved thousands of American lives, when my opponents ridiculed that.

“Because they don’t like ME, some Americans paint me as someone I don’t even know. Really, I don’t even recognize myself from what they say. If I met that person, I wouldn’t like him, either! They’ve said I only care about myself, when that is such a lie. I know, I know, it’s just politics. Say whatever you need to, right? (Like Kamala, she knows all about that.) But those of you who don’t like me need to understand: the object of your hatred is a phantom, something made up. My own style –- which can be misinterpreted, I know –- may have helped fixate that in your mind, as I’m obviously not a slick politician, but it’s still false.

“I don’t care a whole lot about that part of it, because I knew when I got into politics that it would be rough. I got into it anyway because I love my country and had a beautiful vision of what we could do. I kind of expected the lies from the politicians, but the media –- you have a lot to answer for. Because YOU don’t like me, you have become a shameful propaganda machine for my opponents. You are to journalism what potted meat is to chateaubriand. And it doesn’t seem to matter to you how this might damage our country in the long run. You just wanted Americans to hate me.

“And now, because you did your job and some of them DO hate me, they may be on the verge of putting into power a group of people, those on the far left, who don’t know what in hell they are doing. I mean, they don’t. We can all see they don’t, unless pure anarchy really is what they want. They’ve shown they can’t run cities. They can’t run states. They won’t enforce the law. They’ll gladly take away your police AND your means to defend yourself.

And everywhere they look, they see racism that in most cases isn’t even there, except in their own minds. They don’t understand that in our country, in just the past several decades, most hearts and minds have changed drastically about race, which is fantastic. And it was only going to get better. It’s as if for some reason they weren’t comfortable with that and wanted to do something, quite deliberately, to make it worse again. I wonder why that is?

These people don’t care about law and order. They don’t care about your personal freedom. They don’t care about learning from history; they want to rewrite it to fit their own agenda, which is to tear down the results of hundreds of years of hard work and incredible advancement.

“Now, simply because some Americans don’t like ME, America is in jeopardy of losing everything that makes it...America. I want you to be aware of this when you cast your vote. PLEASE don’t put our beloved country into the hands of people who are set on destroying its very foundation, and I am not exaggerating, not one bit. I love this country. I’ve showed you the kinds of things I can do for this country, to make it better for all. We’ll get through this virus, and you know I’m the one who needs to be in charge of the vibrant recovery we’ll need afterwards.

So I’m asking for your vote. Remember, it has to be a landslide vote that can be counted right away because so many people will be mailing in their ballots –- vote in person! –-and it has be decisive to save this country from even more chaos. More is at stake now than almost ever before in the history of our country, and I know you realize that. Thank you with all my heart, and God bless America.



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  • John Snell

    08/17/2022 04:31 PM

    Ainsworth's column is wonderful. Trump should have given it before the 2020 election. The forces working against him were and are so strong that I am concerned about the 2024 opposition to him being strengthen by what is going on now in America. We need him now...he is unfortunately 2 years away. We need to pull together on the same end of the rope and pray to God for help until he is re-elected.

  • Robin Rebhan

    08/17/2022 02:00 PM

    "Afghanistan: One Year Later" I hope this will help vets who have come back from wars where we just plain left. Johnny Horton sang a song "Johnny Reb".
    You fought all the way, Johnny Reb, Johnny Reb
    You fought all the way, Johnny Reb

    Saw you a-marchin' with Robert E. Lee
    You held your head a-high, tryin' to win the victory
    You fought for your folks but you didn't die in vain
    Even though you lost, they speak highly of your name

    'Cause you fought all the way, Johnny Reb, Johnny Reb
    You fought all the way, Johnny Reb

    I heard your teeth chatter from the cold outside
    Saw the bullets open up the wounds in your side
    I saw the young boys as they begin to fall
    You had tears in your eyes, 'cause you couldn't help at all

    But you fought all the way, Johnny Reb, Johnny Reb
    You fought all the way, Johnny Reb

    I saw General Lee raise the sabre in his hand
    Heard the cannon's roar as you made your last stand
    You marched in the battle with the gray and the red
    When the cannon's smoke cleared, took days to count the dead

    'Cause you fought all the way, Johnny Reb, Johnny Reb
    You fought all the way, Johnny Reb

    When Honest Abe heard the news about your fall
    The folks thought he'd call a great victory ball
    But he asked the band to play the song "Dixie"
    For you Johnny Reb and all that you believed

    'Cause you fought all the way, Johnny Reb, Johnny Reb
    Yeah, you fought all the way, Johnny Reb

    You fought all the way, Johnny Reb, Johnny Reb
    You fought all the way, Johnny Reb

    You fought all the way, Johnny Reb

  • Robin Rebhan

    08/17/2022 08:59 AM

    RE: "Our economic reality". I live near Albany, NY. Most notable over the past year is a huge decline in traffic on our interstate highways. Traffic jams no longer happen. Trucking is way down. Near me are trucking/transport companies, the only time I used to see parked trucks and trailers were for maintenance or loading and unloading cargo, now the lots are about half full of trucks and trailers. Speeding is way up as traffic volume is down. Odd thing is I can't even remember the last time I saw the State Police patrolling the roads.

  • Robert E. Carter

    08/16/2022 07:59 PM

    To Laura
    The revised speech still sounds too much like Trump, but probably realistic.

    His greatest "weapon", especially now, would be to show he's come to Christ - even without saying so publicly. That would end some of the most "sandpaper-like" jargon.

  • Jayne Hampton

    08/16/2022 04:36 PM

    For Laura, a beautiful and sad piece. For those of us who sometimes were able to hear the unedited Trump speak, we know exactly what you mean. He loved our country more than his own comfort and life. He worked hard to make things better for every American. Our lives were certainly far better than they had been in 8 years! We were able to buy a house and get out of debt. Thank you, President Trump! What was sad was that people really did turn out to vote in person--there were long lines here in TN even for early voting--never seen anything like it before. And he would have won if it weren't for the massive cheating that took place when the shutdowns happened in the middle of the night on election day. We saw it and we knew it was fishy right away. I'm thankful and prayerful for all those who are fighting the corruption so that this next election it will be impossible for the bad ones to win by cheating, regardless of all their millions and "mules."

  • Jerry

    08/16/2022 03:37 PM

    That letter is spot on Laura I know a few to many that have been misled by the media and the agencies and the politicians although some of these people are smart they lack courage to stand up to the racism that is not there the first breath of a Human Being is a gift from our God not to cut out with knife and to have its remains sold it is sad enough to see a loved one take its last breath people love the policies that allow freedoms laughter Prosperity sharing of what you have law and order and your love for one and another and another sometimes getting those policies one has to overlook how they are obtained; the policies I see today have to change and can not be overlooked this country is descending not ascending no one talks about the policy maker today like they did to Donald Trump of yesteryear. Forget the personality embrace the the policy.