
Latest News

January 6, 2021

“I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order --- respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

President Trump tweeted this in response to the violence that erupted Wednesday at the Capitol Building, when some “Trump supporters” broke through barricades and stormed the building, breaking windows, getting rough with police in the halls, even entering the House chamber. As this is being written, news has just broken that one of the people who got shot in the melee has died.

Trump is right: we ARE the party of law and order, but I think most of us will agree that he needs to be a lot tougher in his condemnation of this. The same can be said of the video statement he released. Of course, virtually every news outlet who posted his tepid “go home” video had to editorialize, saying that Trump “repeated false claims” of election fraud. Facebook took it down.

So did YouTube.

Trump also tweeted this on Wednesday: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

Well, yes, Mr. President, but in the USA, at least those of us on the right, also demand that the Constitution be meticulously followed. Vice President Pence obviously was doing what he thought was right concerning his role in this. We may disagree with him –- numerous constitutional experts do, and Alan Dershowitz isn’t sure –- and you obviously disagree with him, but please, right now, stay out of that process and stop pressuring him.

Trump told his supporters to go home, but no reaction to this violence is complete without a total, vociferous condemnation. We all condemned the truly awful violence coming from the Democrat side this summer when their party and the media (but I repeat myself) failed to do it. In this case, it’s just as wrong, no matter who is behind it.

We are aghast at this.


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Comments 76-100 of 1536

  • Bob Studer

    01/07/2021 07:10 PM

    Communism is now embedded in congress and the senate. The left was allowed to rig this election. Now from here on our vote will not matter to the Democratic Socialist Communist Party (DSCP). I feel saddened for our children and the fate of our country! We the People have been robbed by the left. Soon they will first disarm us then they will sort us out according to value for their cause. America is no longer a free country. Trump tried to help us! God Bless You Mr. Huckabee.

  • Dwight E Engle

    01/07/2021 07:05 PM

    As long as Republicans continue to engage the Socialist (previously known as the Democrat Party) Party with knives and they have guns...and lots of them, we conservative will always lose. The pent up frustration in the air yesterday by the Pro-Trump supporters was so thick you could see it. I as a Christian did not like seeing all the violence that took place and the death of that beautiful young woman was needless. Yet as I continued to watch the news, every politician that was interviewed could not grasp that the demonstrators were not looking specifically for them to "fix" future election fraud issues (which REALLY needs to happen, but they wanted something seriously done about THIS CURRENT Stolen election. It proved once and again, our government is seriously broken and corrupt and totally out of touch with the general population. I for one doubt that anything will ever get "fixed" and the Socialists that are now in charge will just say "Nothing to see here, move along". God Bless Trump and his hurting, frustrated supporters.

  • James R. Parr

    01/07/2021 06:50 PM

    I agree that he should have been more forceful in his statements. But I am more disgusted with the Democrats trying to remove him from office. They are too quick to judge. We have friends that were at the protest and give a completely different picture of what happened. They also said they saw Antifa members inciting violence, not Trump supporters. The same thing the Naked Cowboy said.

  • Nancy Klus

    01/07/2021 06:47 PM

    There are no words to describe this.....violence,rioting, looting, burning are NEVER our way! We have put ourselves (almost) on the dems level. I will never go down to their level and I am so
    very sorry some of my fellow Republicans did. It is WRONG _ WRONG _ WRONG!!!! We love the police and law and order - not this. I just couldn't watch any more last night or today. I am so upset that we stooped to the dems level. God help us all! And Please God bless America - we really need it with the dems in control. I will accept this (dems in control) eventually but, it is going to take awhile.

  • Patricia Beltran

    01/07/2021 06:44 PM

    I agree with your analysis- the violence is to be condemned. It was far afield of the MAGA precepts. No excuse whatsoever for violent breaching of Capitol, but to characterize the majority of Trump supporters(as much of the media has done) as also responsible because they have supported Trump only accomplishes adding to the vitriol and demonizing a large segment of the population.

  • Debbie Reynolds

    01/07/2021 06:39 PM

    Dear Governor, thank you for all you do. God bless you and yours.

    WHAT CAN WE DO to ensure that the people who stormed the Capitol and damaged it (and all our chances for the future) are IDENTIFIED, ARRESTED and PROSECUTED?
    Helpless and Disenfranchised in PA
    Debbie Reynolds

  • Carmen Helton

    01/07/2021 06:38 PM

    At this point, no matter what Pres Trump says or does will be accepted by the media, politicians, or anyone that just simply doesn't like him. I have never seen such pure, vile hatred towards one person, in my lifetime. This country is under a spiritual attack! Nothing will help other than the grace of God.

  • irate conservative

    01/07/2021 06:37 PM

    Republican Lawmakers should have had the balls when Trump was Elected to address Hillary Clintons obvious Law Breaking. It would have set an example but no. They are all in Bed Together

  • Daniel Settle

    01/07/2021 06:36 PM

    Very well put. Thanks for balanced reporting for the serious patriots in America!

  • Sue Curtis

    01/07/2021 06:27 PM

    I'm sorry that Trump did not get his day in court and either did Americans. He had the guts to defend us from socialism and corruption. Tranny prevailed and I'm scared we will lose our Country. I followed this from the beginning. I saw a Reagan with a mixture of John Wayne, plus Johnny Carson humor. I want Congress to take time and fix or stream line the voting process. Remove dead people from voting rolls and have an ID system. I thought all along it was 70% Trump and 30% Biden. Each State did not play a fair game. I feel that we all will lose jobs, security, and peace of mind. America needs to come first and to think otherwise is not we will be working for the enemy.


    Sue Warneke

  • Louise brumbaugh

    01/07/2021 06:27 PM

    Thse are my thoughts this was a set up by the left. They put in paid antifa and blm anarchists in order go blame President Trump. I stand beside him and always will. He has been a president for the people. If you blame President Trump for this then bernie sanders is responsible for the shooting of Steve Scalise at the softball field. Why is it that the burning, looting and destruction of small businesses in portland new york city, etc peaceful protesting but not the capital. Those peoplecwho lived above the businesses that were ruined was their houses, but the capital does not belong to those senators or congress man, they belong to the citizens of this country. They are not any better than us.

  • George Wadding

    01/07/2021 06:26 PM

    If Biden\Harris and the Democratic party truly want to foster unity, the only way they can achieve it is by appointing a special investigating committee of composed of equal numbers of Senators, Representatives, and Supreme Court Justices with no limits on its budget and term of existence. They must employ a team of lawyers of impeccable reputation, and subpoena all of the IT experts who have examined and commented on the electronic voting systems and all the "whistleblowers" who allege personal observations of election irregularities.
    Where necessary or required both amnesty and protection should be provided. The blithe assurances from elected officials, especially those who had any role in the selection of EVS, are, in my opinion, unconvincing as are discounting without sworn testimony, the "whistle blowers".

  • Jane F. Mitchell

    01/07/2021 06:19 PM

    I do not believe for one minute that these protesters were Patriotic American Trump supporters. We do not do this. We never have. Every rally Trump has had was filled with polite, patriotic Americans, who even cleaned up after themselves. I think this was a rogue group of ANTIFA or BLM trying to look like Trump supporters to make us look bad. I am heartbroken and astonished that the left has completely taken over our beloved country and called all of us the enemy.

  • Jeff Smith

    01/07/2021 06:15 PM

    I still believe and always will that the breach of the W H was a Dem stunt. They got EXACTLY the outcome they were after. For the price of a few Antifa thugs. If Trump supporters wanted to breach they had a million people outside. NOT BUYING ANY OF IT! And why can't we still have the 10 day audit! There are 75 million Americans that lost their voting rights

  • Mason

    01/07/2021 06:10 PM

    The Left is now trying to bully every conservative in this country into submission. They are making it socially acceptable to go after every person that has supported this President, as if we should feel ashamed.

  • Kathi Andrews

    01/07/2021 06:09 PM

    I’ve followed you since you first tossed your hat into the presidential ring. I love your flat tax ideas. You’ve faithfully given Conservatives accurate and true news reports. Yet, after watching the deceitfulness and violence of the left for years on end, you now choose to call President Trump ‘tepid’ in encouraging his peaceful supporters to go home and stand by law and order. He has repeatedly condemned leftist domestic terrorism these past 4 years. A handful of so-called Trump supporters ‘storm’ the Capital building?!? You seriously believe this leftist narrative? President Trump did nothing wrong. Trump supporters did nothing wrong. Leftist domestic terrorists not only perpetrated this ‘attack,’ they advertised for volunteers well before the protest took place. After all of the chicanery and obstruction of the left, I’m so disappointed in the various Conservative leaders out there joining the circular firing squad against our President. Our country is in Constitutional crisis and our so-called Conservative leaders actually believe this act was perpetrated by proven-up-until-now peaceful Trump supporters. #EvenTheElectAreDeceived

  • Melody Gaspard

    01/07/2021 06:06 PM

    I did comment earlier but I wanted to say one more thing - in looking at some of the footage of this terrible ordeal at the Capitol building - I can’t help but ask who these people actually are - I wonder.....

  • Marie Levy

    01/07/2021 06:03 PM

    His speech lacks grace and sincere reasoning. That's what they use to twist things. Now they say they want to remove him from office, (impeach). Why, when he's just weeks away from leaving office. As usual a waste of taxpayers money.

  • Joyce F Birch

    01/07/2021 05:39 PM

    As most of us watched riot/protesters attack the Capitol & while the world saw this happening, I feel ashame. I can't really at 100% say it was all of President Trump's fault & his followers. We who supported him are very disappointed with the election outcome. I still believe it was stolen from Trump. They wanted him out of office & they did it. I also believe from day 1 there was a conspriacy he would not get a second term. Where were the left when so many cities were on fire from BLM & Antifa. I'm also thinking how this will hurt his name in private life since his name is all over the world & a brand name. I wish him & his family all the best. Let's see what the Biden's administration is going to do to us!!

  • James LeMay Jr.

    01/07/2021 05:29 PM

    Call out the False Flag event at Capital Hill 1/6/2021 for what it was. Antifa infiltrated the Capital Hill protest and was allowed into the Capital Building by the Capital Hill Security force.

  • Ken Jones

    01/07/2021 05:12 PM

    Mike, like you I am a pastor. I get what you are saying, and think I agree, or at least I find no strong objection to what you have said. You have been a Governor, and you know how the sausage is made, and you know better than any of us how the "game" is played. That said, can you please explain in layman's terms why everyone in DC is always under investigation or investigating others but NO ONE is ever arrested, etc. Can you explain to the normal person why, if "documents are being slow-walked" what keeps an elected official (senator, a POTUS) from walking down the hall or across the street to the agency and requiring the documents to be presented right then and there. I know this sounds naive, and perhaps it is, but in the real world, if I purposely stalled or did not perform a job task, my boss would come to my office and inquire. I think four years of this has taken its toll on normal people's patience and they do not understand how things work, and are barraged daily with generalities, and talking points. Can you help?

  • Janet Lang

    01/07/2021 05:08 PM

    Another comment: What can be done regarding FREEDOM OF SPEECH as it relates to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram - Social Media in particular.

    I am also horrified at remembering the vile, terrifying threats made by Nancy Pelosi regarding Religious Rights, the Right to Bear Arms and coming after us - into our homes to remove weapons? Stopping us from worshipping GOD?

    Please and Thank you.

  • Janet Lang

    01/07/2021 05:03 PM

    Thank you Mr. Huckabee. I agree 100% with everything in your email. So now, what do we do? Pray and pray and pray. YES. But WHAT - WHAT DO WE DO NOW? Should the Lord tarry his return, we must do all we CAN to keep our country a place we can stomach living in - and our children, and children's children. Do states succeed? I AM PRAYING. We all need to pray and many, many have been. I welcome your thoughts, based on your experience with the politics of it all involved and things you have learned throughout the years.

    Thank you and God Bless you and your family, President Trump and his family, Vice-President Pence and his family and especially I pray that God will turn those who are evil at heart - towards HIM (GOD) and for mercy on us all. Please God... Forgive us ALL, and BLESS AMERICA. In JESUS' MIGHTY NAME. Amen

  • Sandra Freeman

    01/07/2021 05:01 PM

    I am very upset at the steps the Democratic Party has resorted to to get their way. I still am praying for God to expose this corruption and right the wrongs committed against us as a nation and against our President.

  • Martha Black

    01/07/2021 04:56 PM

    I watched Victory Channel all of the hours that covered the count. I'm shocked that you have not seen the videos and pictures of the violent breach of the White House. The people breaking the window were dressed in riot gear with helmets. They took pictures of themselves and posted them and at the bottom of one of their pictures it said phillyantefa. Another man was an actor and wore a helmet with horns. These were hired goons with MEGA hats and flags. Please do your research and make this public. Martha Black