
Latest News

August 31, 2021

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! 

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - 2 Corinthians 12:9
  • "8/31": What President Biden has done is a disgrace
  • Al Qaeda returns
  • Underreported Stories
  • Ida damage
  • America The Beautiful
  • Joe Biden's accomplishments...


Mike Huckabee


9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

2 Corinthians 12:9

"8/31": What President Biden has done is a disgrace

By Mike Huckabee

All right, this is JUST IT. The breaking point.

Whoever at the White House, State Department and/or Pentagon comes forward to try to put a good spin on "8/31" by saying we met “the deadline” and are “out of Afghanistan after 20 years” can just, pardon the expression, pound sand. We're NOT all out. Don’t even bother trotting somebody out to try to clean up for the mentally AWOL Commander-in-Chief in one of your increasingly ridiculous press briefings. You still have some partisan loyals in the media trying to cover for you, but in defending this President you are a pathetic joke. You know perfectly well that we ALL wanted to be out of Afghanistan, Trump included, and we were going to be, and he would've gotten us out in a way that at least made strategic sense. But this latest development is, pardon the expression again, the straw that broke the camel’s back.

What finally did it –- what irreparably broke the hearts of me and my staff –- is this image from yesterday, in which the Taliban are flying over Kandahar in one of the Black Hawk helicopters we used to own, which President Biden left for the terrorists along with $90 billion worth of other military prizes as if it were Christmas in August. Yes, we’d already seen them joyriding in a Black Hawk, but this is the first case we’ve seen of them taking one up and dangling what appears to be the body of a man hanged by the neck. Is the man dead? We don't know.

The WESTERN JOURNAL reports that it is indeed a dead body and describes this as “a giant middle finger to the Western world that has battled terrorism for the past two decades.”

The video was shared by the TALIB TIMES; it’s from a Twitter account claiming to share “official news” from “the Islamic Emirate Afghanistan.” (I assume that’s what we’re supposed to call it now.) The caption reads, “OUR AIR FORCE!”

And who was this man? WAS he dead, or being tortured, or what? Maybe he was one of our interpreters or guides. Maybe a young student at American University, after our State Department refused to admit them to the airport. Maybe just some poor schlub whose beard was too short or who was standing in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or maybe he was a happy Taliban fighter, very much alive, getting his kicks and celebrating the 8/31 defeat of the Americans.

Some have interpreted this video as appearing to show a member of the Taliban “on patrol” over Kandahar. We don’t know, but it would be the strangest patrol ever.

Here are more details on the massive array of equipment the Taliban now have, thanks to President Biden. Indiana Rep. Jim Banks, who assembled the list, said the Taliban now has “more Black Hawk helicopters than 85 percent of the countries in the world.” Each helicopter cost the taxpayers $6 million, and there is so much more we bought them. We've armed our own enemy to the teeth!

The administration has been trying to fool us into thinking the Taliban are “negotiating,” working with us, fulfilling our interests by going after ISIS-K, the “real” terrorists who blew up 13 of our service members at the Kabul airport checkpoint. That, as I've said, is a distinction without a difference. They are all terrorists and all want Americans dead. If the Taliban and ISIS really were enemies, the Taliban wouldn’t have released the approximately 2,000 ISIS fighters we’d detained at Bagram Air Base.

Note to Biden administration: Just stop insulting our intelligence. Calling ISIS-K the “real” terrorists to take the heat off the Taliban reminds me of O.J. Simpson’s lawyers saying he would dedicate himself to finding the “real” killer of Nicole.

And who flew this helicopter? It’s not as if some 7th-century Taliban soldier climbed aboard this ultra-sophisticated piece of equipment and somehow knew how to take it up and circle it over Kabul, dead-or-alive person in tow. Are we sure EVERY American helicopter pilot got out? Or maybe the pilot is an Afghan trained by us and now held captive. We don’t know, and, even worse, we can’t trust the White House to tell us.

Western media have been mostly banned from Afghanistan.  

Well, they did allow some media people because they wanted the world to see them take over and declare victory over America.

There's no telling the horrors that will go on. Those particularly in danger include Americans left behind, Afghan women and girls, interpreters and others who helped American soldiers, and Christian missionaries. We don’t know how many thousands of people this might be.

President Biden, when asked about any of this, says he’s “not supposed to take any questions” on Afghanistan. (What??) Then he walks away. Can you IMAGINE what the reaction would be if Trump were in office and he did that? They’d use it to push their fake “Russia” narrative and say Vladimir Putin had instructed him not to answer.

Here’s something else we can’t forgive Biden for, if the allegations are true: leaving our service dogs behind in Afghanistan. I’m not comparing this to the loss of 13 service members, but these dogs mean so much to the soldiers who depended on them. Some owe their lives to these dogs. Here’s the press release from American Humane, an organization that brings home retired military working dogs and pairs service dogs with veterans.

American working dogs left there by our military face a grim future: certainly death and perhaps torture. We’re looking for additional verification that these dogs have indeed been left behind in the crush to evacuate. Our leaders like to talk about “who we are”; this certainly is not it.

Something else: the airlift out of Kabul was supposed to rescue those who helped us, but it turned into such a free-for-all that Afghans weren’t vetted before boarding the planes. Here’s just one unfortunate example.

Of the 2,000 rescued Afghans being held at Wisconsin’s Fort McCoy, not a single one had an SIV, or Special Immigrant Visa. And according to the WASHINGTON TIMES, only “a tiny fraction” of those evacuated have been Americans.

But here's a ray of hope: An organization of retired U.S. generals and admirals called “FLAG OFFICERS 4 AMERICA” has HAD IT every bit as much as we have and is demanding accountability in the form of the resignation of the two top generals, the highest military advisers to President Biden (who should have resigned in the first place rather than carry out his disastrous orders), Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Mark Milley. Know what I call those resignations? A good start.

They’ve also written a spectacular letter expressing what they think of the modern “woke” military and weighing in on a number of national security issues, including Biden’s fitness to serve. If anything will make your day, it’s this letter and the long, long list of signatories. Here it is, in pdf form to share far and wide.

Al Qaeda returns

By Mike Huckabee

Add to the ever-growing list of President Biden’s deadly lies about Afghanistan the already-debunked (by CNN, of all people!) claim that al-Qaeda is no longer in Afghanistan. Not only are they there (and the Taliban released a lot more of them from prison), but Osama bin Laden’s security chief who’d been hiding out for 20 years reemerged to a hero’s welcome and with Taliban protection.

Underreported Stories

By Mike Huckabee

Remember the shocking story we told you about the students at the American University in Kabul who were promised safe evacuation then turned away and left at the mercy of the Taliban? Well, as hard as it was to read, be glad you saw it here because the big three broadcast networks’ news programs chose not to report it.

Also, Biden’s meeting with the Gold Star families who lost their loved ones in Kabul because of his monumental incompetence and arrogance did not go as smoothly as the TV cameras would have you believe.

To be fair, it appears that the story about Biden looking at his watch during the transfer of bodies ceremony of the 13 troops killed in Kabul wasn’t entirely accurate. According to the furious father of one of the fallen Marines, Biden actually looked at his watch 13 times – once after each body was removed from the plane. He called it “the most disrespectful thing I’ve ever seen.”

Ida damage

By Mike Huckabee

The damage from Hurricane Ida could reach as high as $80 billion, and the storm still hasn’t played itself out yet. Monday night near Lucedale, Mississippi, flood waters collapsed a road, sending seven vehicles into a deep hole. There were two deaths and 10 injuries, three of them life-threatening.

Please pray for those in the hurricane’s path and consider a donation to Samaritan’s Purse, which will be among the first on the scene to help your fellow Americans.

America The Beautiful

God's creation is all around us. To learn more about Big Bend National Park, visit its website here.

Joe Biden's accomplishments...

By Mike Huckabee

Believe it or not, the White House and some diehard Biden supporters are actually complaining that the media are talking too much about Afghanistan (CNN’s Brian Stelter thinks they should be focusing on climate change) instead of giving Biden credit for all the fantastic accomplishments he’s racked up. Since I assume they must be joking, I’ll give them what they asked for and refer you to conservative political satirist J.P. Sears, who just helpfully posted a video listing Biden’s 17 greatest accomplishments.

The DNC is also trying to gaslight America by praising Biden for this “historic moment” in our history, when he has “accomplished what no President has been able to do: ending a 20-year war.”

Let me finish that sentence for you: “…by abjectly surrendering, launching an idiotic pullout plan that put our weaponry and the Afghan people under the control of terrorists, and leaving an unknown number of Americans behind and in danger.” Yes, that’s indeed historic. I can’t think of any other President who’s ever done such a thing, and I hope and pray that we will never again be cursed with another one who will.

For more news, visit my website here.

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Comments 1-10 of 34

  • Lenora Fillmore

    09/01/2021 06:37 PM

    Please don't push Biden out. The line of succession is even scarier.

  • Paul Trey

    09/01/2021 10:48 AM

    Fifth generation warfare-defeat an enemy who is unaware they are in a war. Obama/Rice/Others are using Biden to defeat America before it comes to understand. At who's behest?

  • Corey Bailey

    09/01/2021 10:35 AM

    So let me get this straight: a terrorist organization (the Taliban) that overthrows a government, executes people who resist them, has full access to military equipment (over 85,000 vehicles, over 600,000 guns, aircraft, etc) and other armament left by the United States the best technology in the world), and has an ACTIVE Twitter account, gets away with literal murder.

    Yet, the President of the United States is banned from Twitter, people who support him are considered terrorists, insurrectionists, traitors to our country, who can be locked up indefinitely without cause for an undetermined amount of time, servicemen and women who object to the handling of Afghanistan retreat are penalized, demoted, or discharged, and law-abiding citizens who live in states like NY and CA aren't allowed to have rifles with more than 10 rounds in the magazine or have features of rifles that would allow for safer handling of the firearm?

    This is concerning "logic" at best...people better wake up, do their research, and vote for candidates who fully embrace the constitution.

  • Carl T Smith

    08/31/2021 07:31 PM

    As a veteran who feels like he's been gut-punched, I must give Mike accolades for telling the TRUE STORY.
    The really sad part is this utterly Disgraceful Despicable action by the moron occupying the WH, I predict this news story will have a half-life of two weeks and then the media will be back to man-made Climate change or some other nonevent that MAN has ZERO Control over. This is one time in my 83 years I Yearn for the GOOD OLD DAYS when men were men and a handshake was an unbreakable bond.

  • Elizabeth Crouse

    08/31/2021 06:42 PM

    President Biden is a disgrace. My husband served over 20 years in several conflicts/wars. I am mad

  • Jeff bell

    08/31/2021 05:56 PM

    Most people remove everything from house before moving. Biden did not remove citizens or equipment before deciding to move.

  • William Fuhrer

    08/31/2021 05:37 PM

    What University did President Joseph Biden graduate from? Is it known to have RADICAL professors?

  • Beth Mitchell

    08/31/2021 05:28 PM

    Thank you Mr. Huckabee and your staff for all your work and keeping us up to date.
    After listening to the media about the end of the U. S. in the Afghanistan war, sad to say, I think it is only the beginning and not the end of an even bigger mess. Also, I will describe Biden with one of Hillary Clinton's famous words, deplorable. Also, I think he is so despicable. Thank you for allowing me to vent.
    Thank God He is always in control. Thank you for the daily Bible verse! Thanking God for all our blessings in this wonderful country, and for those who keep up the good fight!


    08/31/2021 05:09 PM

    The conditions in Afghanistan are truly heart rendering, but the conditions in Louisiana and other part of our great country are even more so. I have family and friends in south Louisiana and many are devastated and will be without power for weeks. As Gov. Huckabee has requested, please if you can donate to Samaritan's Purse and to the LA Cajun Navy. Every bit can help.
    Sorry to have to end on this note......Biden's accomplishments, what accomplishments????

  • Deena Grimsley

    08/31/2021 05:02 PM

    I am speechless over what was allowed to take place in Afghanistan. To have left any American , any Afghan who aided our soldiers, the untold women and children to this inhumane society of terrorists, makes all of those accountable for murder and treason! Treason to have left a cache of the highest technology available in equipment and weaponry to our worst enemies! God will hold each person accountable for every innocent life taken which will include Biden and any of Washington who collaborated and agreed to this horrible nightmare. Our country is no longer The USA. It is being led by treasonous greedy haters of our country who are determined to destroy us as a Nation. Unless God intervenes, I fear this is the end of the greatest country in the world. May God have mercy on the following generations. My poor children and grandchildren. ??????