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August 10, 2021

Far-left Rep. Cori Bush didn’t do the Democrat propaganda machine any favors by going on an impassioned defense of defunding the police (a movement they’re trying to claim doesn’t exist, or if it does, uuuuh...the Republicans did it! – Yeah, that’s the ticket!) She made it worse by declaring, with zero self-awareness, that defunding the police has to happen now, while defending her own heavy expenses on private security because she’s so worth it.

She claims she’s gotten threats (like people surrounded by gangs and Antifa thugs thanks to police defunding aren’t under constant threat), and she needs security because her work in Congress is so important (she has to keep “protecting” people by making them less safe.) She declared, “I have private security because my body is worth being on this planet right now.”

I was on Jesse Watters' show on Fox News over the weekend to talk about this stunning display of naked hypocrisy (we’ll overlook the fact that she also threw in her continuing fight for justice for Michael Brown, even though the Obama DOJ found that the “hands up, don’t shoot” story was fiction and Brown was fighting the police officer and trying to take away his gun when he was shot.)

Personally, I’m stunned that America made it for so many years before Cori Bush arrived in Congress to do the great work that’s so important that it makes her life more valuable than her own constituents’ lives. I award her my “Gavin/Cuomo Award for Ultimate Hubris and Hypocrisy” for those who impose rules on others that they would never inflict upon themselves.

Obviously, if the people of St. Louis value their own lives, they will quickly correct the dumb mistake of sending Cori Bush to Congress. But don’t count on it.

I’ll just conclude by pointing out that Cori Bush happily accepted the enthusiastic endorsement of the pro-abortion group NARAL, which said she would be a champion of “reproductive justice,” which is their latest phony euphemism for killing innocent children in the womb.

Why am I not at all surprised that a strong defender of abortion believes that her life is sacred, valuable and worth protecting, but other people’s lives aren’t?

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