
Latest News

June 9, 2021

The anti-Trump group the Lincoln Project, which defames Abe Lincoln with each mention of its name, also defamed the heroes of D-Day by comparing them to the equally misnamed Antifa (that stands for “anti-fascist,” even though they actually use fascist methods to attack anyone who disagrees with their radical ideology and falsely brand them “fascists.”)

To his everlasting shame, Brian Williams on MSNBC actually devoted some of his airtime to promoting this slanderous propaganda.

It was so jaw-droppingly outrageous that the website, which chronicles stories that sound like the Babylon Bee but are actually true, wrote it up:

I recommend as a must-read, to keep this ridiculous claim from ever taking root in your brain, this write-up from Instapundit, which includes the real history of the Antifa movement that started in Germany in the early 1930s.

Even then, they were a misleadingly named group of communist radicals whose primary goal was to destroy capitalism and who defined all other pro-capitalist parties in Germany as “fascists” so they could claim to be fighting fascism. In that regard, at least, the current Antifa does resemble some people who were around decades ago, but certainly not the heroes of D-Day.

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