
Latest News

February 1, 2021

Recently, we ran a poll that asked, “Now that Joe Biden has been inaugurated, do you accept him as President of the United States?” As reported on Saturday, with over 122,000 votes cast, the results are in:

YES: 4 percent

NO: 94 percent

UNDECIDED: 2 percent

So, 94 percent of the respondents to our poll do not accept Joe Biden as President. We are shocked --- shocked! --- that so many of our readers are domestic terrorists! Why, you’re probably already plotting right now to storm Washington DC and take the Capitol Building by force.

Do we really need to keep thousands more National Guard troops on duty indefinitely, just to keep the small number of QAnon crazies and white supremacists away from the halls of power? Their numbers don’t appear to be large and diminishing as their views are out of step with constitutional conservatives who reject racism and unsourced conspiracy theories. But if that’s really the fear of the left, then clear out the parking garages so the Guard can get a nap from time to time. And somebody bring them some blankets, for gosh sakes, and order them some pizzas with extra cheese! This is our national security we’re talking about.

All 94 percent of you –- and even the 2 percent undecided –- will have to be removed from Facebook and Twitter immediately. That’s not necessarily because of anything you’ve said, but about what you might say if they allowed you the forum everyone else gets to have, something incendiary that might conceivably cause OTHER people to storm the Capitol, but that YOU will have to be help accountable for, because if there’s one thing our federal justice system stands for now, it’s accountability. Just ask Kevin Clinesmith.

(Pause for insane laughter.)

So, 94 percent of respondents said they don’t “accept” Biden as President. What does this actually tell us? At the risk of sounding like former President Bill Clinton, it depends on what the meaning of “accept” is. Among those who answered our poll, that will vary from person to person. Of course, there's deep, unquestioning acceptance –- “I ‘accept’ Jesus as my Savior” –- but there's also very grudging acceptance –- “I ‘accept’ that my business has been ordered closed and there’s nothing I can do to avoid bankruptcy.” And there's a whole spectrum in between. From a random sample of the over 50,000 comments we received –- we’ll be highlighting some of those responses later in the week –- I think even the tiny amount of “acceptance” Biden is getting from the right-leaning half the country is the grudging kind. There's an outcome you deeply suspect is wrong but are powerless to do anything about, so you think the best thing for the country is just to move forward.

Here’s one example of that: “I think I fall within the 4 percent of folks who say Biden is my President, because he is currently the President of the United (?) States. He stole the election, granted, but there he sits, in the Oval Office. It pains me to even type that, but until we can legally get the Democrats out of office, I will have to deal with Biden making pronouncements.”

Maintaining even that level of “acceptance” might become increasingly difficult for Biden as he continues to act as if he had a huge mandate, issuing 40 such “pronouncements” in the form of executive orders and actions in just his first nine days in the White House. This is three times the number signed by Presidents Trump, Obama and George W. Bush at the same point in their terms of office.

For the word “accept,” the working definition that I think makes the most sense here is from Oxford Dictionaries: “believe or come to recognize (an opinion, explanation, etc.) as valid or correct.” Synonyms: believe, trust, give credence to, credit, give credit to, put confidence in, be convinced of, have faith in, count on, rely on, depend on. Informal: buy; go for; fall for; swallow; swallow hook, line and sinker; take as gospel.

The Free Dictionary has these: To regard as proper, usual or right; to regard as true, believe in; to endure resignedly or patiently, as in “to accept one’s fate” (also, to tolerate or accommodate oneself to); to receive officially, as in “to accept the committee’s report.”

It is true that President Biden sits in the Oval Office and functions, to the best of his cognitive ability, as President. It could be said that he has been received officially. Those few on the right who say they “accept” him likely also mean this in the sense that they are resigned to it, enduring it.

But going back to the Oxford Dictionary, do they believe this was the correct outcome? Do they have faith or confidence in the outcome? Do they take it as gospel? Doubtful.

Millions of Americans are going around with a dark feeling that something is amiss, that needs to be put right. It’s not the same as Hillary and her supporters carping for four years about Trump’s election being illegitimate, when Trump clearly won in 2016. The 2020 election was very different, with millions and millions of mail-in ballots, unconstitutional rule changes, razor-thin margins in key states, numerous anomalies that just haven’t been explained and much more that we’ve been over. “Fact”-checkers who try to debunk these claims by saying they “lack context” still have not really debunked them. That’s not proof the election was “stolen,” but suspicions still run very deep, and justifiably so.

In case you didn’t see it over the weekend, we’ll re-post this excellent piece from about the difference between what the so-called “debunkers” in the media say about the election and what the real story is. They really are trying to make us all say that 2+2=5.

The fact that social media and most broadcast media are censoring any talk of this makes it that much worse. Adding insult to injury by impeaching President Trump and putting him on trial after he’s been removed from office is another big banana-republic-style slap-down. We know that what is being done to Trump is also being done, in effect, to us, his supporters. We see the entire nation under siege by the left, with no sign of it letting up. Happiest of all: probably China.

When leftists keep piling on, after an election we don't trust, with one more grave injustice after another (again, I’ll cite the legal double standard and the Kevin Clinesmith case), I have to wonder if they realize what this could be building up to. Are they naive, do they just not care, or is that what they want? How long can they lie to us, lie ABOUT us, calling us deplorables, domestic terrorists and white supremacists? We can’t have upwards of 75 million people feeling abused like this at the same time Washington DC, the media, social media, the universities, the public schools, major corporations, the entertainment world, and even the justice system are telling us essentially to shut up or they will cancel us, ruin our lives. It's McCarthyism to the tenth power. Nothing like this has ever happened before in this country.

And none of of us should “accept” it.


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Biden to Morehouse College

Comments 76-100 of 465

  • Charlie Grant

    02/02/2021 02:10 AM

    Can somebody talk about this and Susan Rosenberg?

  • Tamera Lou Tivis

    02/02/2021 01:31 AM

    I am still amazed anyone could vote for such a nightmare as Joe Biden! It has been proven that he had the ukrainian fired and held money back until they did his bidding. There is just too much wrong in Washington right now. Can't people understand what has and is happening to our country.
    Give me liberty or give me death. There are plenty of folks just like me.....we are called Patriots. We will not say wrong is right! Not now not ever! To many have given their lives to keep us free. I will not be quiet! Nor will the other 74 million people who love God & this Country.

  • Donald Tygart

    02/02/2021 01:26 AM

    One possible benefit from people moving off to Parlor could be the ease for Law Enforcement to find and prosecute those individuals conspiring to under throw (or is it throw under) our government. They would be the only ones left on Twitter / Facebook.

  • Ina Chase

    02/02/2021 01:19 AM

    I am not surprised so many do not accept Biden, and your article was spot on
    agreeing with that. I am hoping the travesty of the fraud will some day soon come to light, like when cockroaches scurry when the light switch is turned on. Then maybe real actual justice can be served. Otherwise there will not be anyone to ever trust again. What a fiasco!

  • Roger Cary

    02/02/2021 01:17 AM

    The following 2 verses should remind us all that we are not in a battle with ANY President, past or present, but our fight as Christians is with Satan's evil forces. And, to do that , we must put on the whole armor of God. God bless you and your ministry.

    "Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence."

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Robert Strickland

    02/02/2021 12:56 AM

    Put me in the 4%-grudgingly. I will acknowledge that he is in the office but I’m having a tough time calling him president. And to see him signing all those EO’s and not even know what he’s signing appalls me.

  • Georgette Huser

    02/02/2021 12:40 AM

    Sorry Mike, I didn't know how much it would let me text & still accept it with last comment? If this election was legit then why wouldn't Biden want the states in question to double check all ballots & investigate anything that looked shady to prove he won it & put any questions of election integrity to rest? Hmmm. To me it's because they are part of the swamp & wanted Pres Trump out more than they wanted to make sure they won & they were afraid they'd find out the fraud is the only way they won & therefore Trump really did win & they're illegitimate! Thanks for your letter, daily scripture & your integrity & honesty & for giving us conservatives a voice & for your Huck Pac I can donate to,to help elect conservative Reps to fight for us! God Bless you & God Bless America! Keep up the great work!

  • Lawrence Humphrey

    02/02/2021 12:40 AM

    Thoroughly enjoy your daily newsletters. Keep up the great work.

    I do however take great exception to the statement by Costco on their business decision on My Pillow..that they honor their contracts. Remember they swept Palmetto Cheese (one of the 17 companies listed to support) off the shelves when the CEO stated his beliefs if the anarchists burning and violence last summer

  • Georgette Huser

    02/02/2021 12:15 AM

    Hi Mike. I agree with you 100%! I think it's a sad day when even the court's got political & wouldn't listen to evidence! Especially when states like Georgia had 17 counties voting over 100% of eligible voters, like 118%? So 18% more voted than are on voter reg?

  • Alice Landolt

    02/01/2021 11:55 PM

    Thank you for bringing up the horrific religious persecution in Communist China. And some of those who have tried to leave Hong Kong have been captured and brought back and put in prison.
    Also, Nigerian Christians are being slaughtered.
    Thank you for your newsletters which so succinctly explain things. Please let us know how we as regular citizens can help stop this censorship and government takeover. I'm very concerned.

  • John William Randt

    02/01/2021 11:45 PM

    Did sleepy joe resign,yet?Malarkey!!!

  • Leland B Snead

    02/01/2021 11:36 PM

    I must be one of the 4 yeses who voted "accept." But that vote is based on the fact that the Electors have cast their vote and the states have provided the required certification. Do I like it? NO! Do I think the balloting was fair and accurate? NO! Do I wish the "legal" result were different? YES! And I am hopeful a legal change can be found.

  • Judy Rowell

    02/01/2021 11:28 PM

    It seems that the Left likes to believe that only "whites" voted for President Trump. But I remember reading that there was also an increase in other ethnic groups. Hispanic, Black, and others came out for President Trump in larger numbers than normal for a Republican. I would love to know what those numbers were. Thanks Mr. Huckabee and God bless!!!

  • Judy Vale

    02/01/2021 11:28 PM

    I feel this election was completely fraudulent from the time votes were being counted on Election Day! I will never accept Biden as my President because he accepted that position by cheating and deception ! President Trump is my President !

  • Jean Becnel

    02/01/2021 11:14 PM

    I could be wrong, my feeling is this, Congress does not want to investigate the Fraudulent election results because they themselves aren’t sure they were lawfully elected. Fraudulent votes, machine tampering, etc. were not just for the Presidents although that is the one WE want REAL answers about. I’m wondering how many votes for Congress were also changed.

  • Barbara Sbrogna

    02/01/2021 11:13 PM

    So glad I subscribed to your daily communique. Great summaries. Mike, I’m a 75 year old conservative, direct descendant of four Mayflower passengers and a 5th great grandpa who took his two sons from Paxton, MA to Lexington & Concord in 1775. Revolution is in my blood but I never thought I’d see it in my lifetime, but I fear it.

    Your last paragraph sums it up beautifully. In my limited way, I tweet or comment to our Senators & House members imploring them to get their heads out of the sand and speak up! My husband and I both feel like everyone is sleep-walking as every day our freedoms are, literally, being taken away. We “Trumpsters” are ordinary workers, teachers, doctors, nurses, lawyers, police and fire fighters, coal miners, sales clerks, insurance workers, writers, marketing executives, pizza slingers, restaurant workers/owners, struggling small business people....WE are America! Yet we’re being spoken of as some sort of enemy of the state that must be marginalized or actually destroyed.

    The Biden/Harris Administration is systematically destroying our country and everything we have fought for and they’re doing it rapidly with no concern whatsoever about the people. We’ve been here before. The grievances are enumerated in one of our founding documents. I hope and pray that true leaders emerge to rally patriots everywhere to save “...the shining city on the hill” that our brilliant Founders gave their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honors to pass on to us.

    I fear our great success, building the dream, has also created a prosperity and passivity that is unable to produce the leaders we need. I’d love to see you hold a few forums across the country where people can feel connected and have rational discussions on how to force our voices to be heard. The very successes our technology created are silencing us out of the ability to use it to express our legitimate concerns. We all know where that leads.

    Anyhow, I apologize for the lengthy missive. Have always appreciated you and that beautiful, talented daughter of yours!!! God Bless you and your family. Thanks for allowing me to vent.

    Barbara Sbrogna

  • Mark Tercsak

    02/01/2021 11:04 PM

    Iam one of the 94%
    Polooka Joe is the Illegitimate Bastxxd .
    This was a orchestrated straited Coup de tat, engineered by Nancy der Furher Pelosi, Chuck the Schmuck Shumer, Mich Wimpy McConnell and Kevin McCarthy, leaders of the Demo-Nazi-Party and the Repuke Republican Bush Leaguers, the Borg Collective alliance, the New World Order.

  • Jose Espinoza

    02/01/2021 11:02 PM

    Has Joe released his mental and health records? His financial records? He is definitely a China puppet proxied through
    Socialist Susan Rice. We now have a communist takeover through his cognitive decline. It's a disgrace to our election process concerning the fraud that was committed. The Courts failed us miserably, our Republican Party leaders ran tucked tail for cover or backstabbed Trump except a brave few Patriots. Their RINO cowardice will be long remembered. We are now going to be immersed in heavily taxed citizen servitude as illegal immigrants wallow in free giveaways. The democrats are demonic in their pursuit for complete power.
    But we still have God. More than ever, we need his guidance and we pray for his intervention in our salvation. Let's pray this happens very soon, for all of us.

  • Dee Hay

    02/01/2021 10:30 PM

    First, congrats on Sarah, she has my vote! Now for Georgia and Stacey. After the last boondoggle election in Georgia that she single handed stole, how in the world can the Republicans think they can beat her in another Georgia election without addressing the real issue, voter fraud. I haven't heard one peep from the RNC about dealing with it. The elephant is silent, it is simply amazing. With the preponderous amount of evidence presented to the Georgia legislature on the fraud taking place in the last election, the Republicans should be storming the courts demanding justice. But no, they just want to throw more money into the glaring hole of defeat. I give up!

  • Allen Cameron

    02/01/2021 10:17 PM

    I absolutely will NOT recognize Joe Biden as President of the Unite States!! He did not win the election through citizen votes, he won through fraudulent ballot manipulation!!

  • Brenda Whelchel

    02/01/2021 10:11 PM

    Hi Governor and staff,
    I really liked your poll. I’m one of those (screaming) “Biden will never be my President because he is illegal!” people. I also really enjoy your newsletters, especially the Bible verses. I copy and paste them to my computer. I share much of your information with my Sunday School Class.

    I am struggling with a question and wonder if anyone else has had similar thoughts. It’s in reference to the whole China virus snafu. Maybe you and your staff can figure this out. I’ve pondered on it so long, I’m getting a headache!

    We all know (without a doubt) that the China virus is exactly that - a virus. Most people realize that there are two kinds of these little buggies that exist: virus AND bacteria - not even close kin. We have been told by our Primary Care Physicians that an antibacterial prescription will do nothing for a virus, that is why they do not prescribe antibiotics for the common cold - which is a virus. We also know that there are “good” bacteria and “bad” bacteria. The “good” bacteria are necessary for a healthy body and stronger immune system.

    Here is my observation: We are told to sanitize all surfaces, our hands, the air, anything and everything so the “virus” won’t spread. However, what I am seeing is this deep and massive cleaning operation is being done with a lot of anti-bacterial sanitizers. Shouldn’t we be concerned that by using so much anti-bacterial solutions on such a wide spread scale that, maybe, we are killing off a lot of that “good” bacteria and possibly enhancing the spread of the China virus because our immune systems have been compromised with the death of so much “good” bacteria?

    I don’t know. It is something that my brain is having a great deal of fun tossing about, while, as I said before, it’s giving me a headache. Thank you for your time to read the “mad” thought process and ramblings of someone with just enough of a medical background to possibly be dangerous. Maybe that little knowledge is what drives my brain to obsess as it does.

    Until later, take care and God bless.
    Brenda Whelchel
    Hamilton, NC

  • Gary Nesbitt

    02/01/2021 10:08 PM

    Another survey question that might make sense: DO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY FEEL MORE OR LESS SAFE AND SECURE IN THE NEXT 4 YEARS?

    I would appreciate your not using my email or name regarding this comment. That should tell you what my answer above would be.

  • Carolyn Korkmas

    02/01/2021 10:02 PM

    My husband and I agree with you completely. Thank you for publicizing our point of view. The election was fraudulent, probably in every state that had Democrats running elections. Those people have no conscience. Their goal is to win at any cost. Our country seems to be spinning downward.

  • Fred Smith

    02/01/2021 09:46 PM

    I agree with all you have said and I was taught early in life (I am 55) so you figure that out
    That I must above all respect the office of the president but I didn’t have to respect the man. But with that said where does it all stop. I am middle class and I am barely getting by I can’t afford any more taxation We need real help in DC
    FYI I’m from MS. And I hope your daughter does good in AR. I would vote for her

  • Mark Mustard

    02/01/2021 09:42 PM

    He’s a idiot