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February 1, 2021

Recently, we ran a poll that asked, “Now that Joe Biden has been inaugurated, do you accept him as President of the United States?” As reported on Saturday, with over 122,000 votes cast, the results are in:

YES: 4 percent

NO: 94 percent

UNDECIDED: 2 percent

So, 94 percent of the respondents to our poll do not accept Joe Biden as President. We are shocked --- shocked! --- that so many of our readers are domestic terrorists! Why, you’re probably already plotting right now to storm Washington DC and take the Capitol Building by force.

Do we really need to keep thousands more National Guard troops on duty indefinitely, just to keep the small number of QAnon crazies and white supremacists away from the halls of power? Their numbers don’t appear to be large and diminishing as their views are out of step with constitutional conservatives who reject racism and unsourced conspiracy theories. But if that’s really the fear of the left, then clear out the parking garages so the Guard can get a nap from time to time. And somebody bring them some blankets, for gosh sakes, and order them some pizzas with extra cheese! This is our national security we’re talking about.

All 94 percent of you –- and even the 2 percent undecided –- will have to be removed from Facebook and Twitter immediately. That’s not necessarily because of anything you’ve said, but about what you might say if they allowed you the forum everyone else gets to have, something incendiary that might conceivably cause OTHER people to storm the Capitol, but that YOU will have to be help accountable for, because if there’s one thing our federal justice system stands for now, it’s accountability. Just ask Kevin Clinesmith.

(Pause for insane laughter.)

So, 94 percent of respondents said they don’t “accept” Biden as President. What does this actually tell us? At the risk of sounding like former President Bill Clinton, it depends on what the meaning of “accept” is. Among those who answered our poll, that will vary from person to person. Of course, there's deep, unquestioning acceptance –- “I ‘accept’ Jesus as my Savior” –- but there's also very grudging acceptance –- “I ‘accept’ that my business has been ordered closed and there’s nothing I can do to avoid bankruptcy.” And there's a whole spectrum in between. From a random sample of the over 50,000 comments we received –- we’ll be highlighting some of those responses later in the week –- I think even the tiny amount of “acceptance” Biden is getting from the right-leaning half the country is the grudging kind. There's an outcome you deeply suspect is wrong but are powerless to do anything about, so you think the best thing for the country is just to move forward.

Here’s one example of that: “I think I fall within the 4 percent of folks who say Biden is my President, because he is currently the President of the United (?) States. He stole the election, granted, but there he sits, in the Oval Office. It pains me to even type that, but until we can legally get the Democrats out of office, I will have to deal with Biden making pronouncements.”

Maintaining even that level of “acceptance” might become increasingly difficult for Biden as he continues to act as if he had a huge mandate, issuing 40 such “pronouncements” in the form of executive orders and actions in just his first nine days in the White House. This is three times the number signed by Presidents Trump, Obama and George W. Bush at the same point in their terms of office.

For the word “accept,” the working definition that I think makes the most sense here is from Oxford Dictionaries: “believe or come to recognize (an opinion, explanation, etc.) as valid or correct.” Synonyms: believe, trust, give credence to, credit, give credit to, put confidence in, be convinced of, have faith in, count on, rely on, depend on. Informal: buy; go for; fall for; swallow; swallow hook, line and sinker; take as gospel.

The Free Dictionary has these: To regard as proper, usual or right; to regard as true, believe in; to endure resignedly or patiently, as in “to accept one’s fate” (also, to tolerate or accommodate oneself to); to receive officially, as in “to accept the committee’s report.”

It is true that President Biden sits in the Oval Office and functions, to the best of his cognitive ability, as President. It could be said that he has been received officially. Those few on the right who say they “accept” him likely also mean this in the sense that they are resigned to it, enduring it.

But going back to the Oxford Dictionary, do they believe this was the correct outcome? Do they have faith or confidence in the outcome? Do they take it as gospel? Doubtful.

Millions of Americans are going around with a dark feeling that something is amiss, that needs to be put right. It’s not the same as Hillary and her supporters carping for four years about Trump’s election being illegitimate, when Trump clearly won in 2016. The 2020 election was very different, with millions and millions of mail-in ballots, unconstitutional rule changes, razor-thin margins in key states, numerous anomalies that just haven’t been explained and much more that we’ve been over. “Fact”-checkers who try to debunk these claims by saying they “lack context” still have not really debunked them. That’s not proof the election was “stolen,” but suspicions still run very deep, and justifiably so.

In case you didn’t see it over the weekend, we’ll re-post this excellent piece from about the difference between what the so-called “debunkers” in the media say about the election and what the real story is. They really are trying to make us all say that 2+2=5.

The fact that social media and most broadcast media are censoring any talk of this makes it that much worse. Adding insult to injury by impeaching President Trump and putting him on trial after he’s been removed from office is another big banana-republic-style slap-down. We know that what is being done to Trump is also being done, in effect, to us, his supporters. We see the entire nation under siege by the left, with no sign of it letting up. Happiest of all: probably China.

When leftists keep piling on, after an election we don't trust, with one more grave injustice after another (again, I’ll cite the legal double standard and the Kevin Clinesmith case), I have to wonder if they realize what this could be building up to. Are they naive, do they just not care, or is that what they want? How long can they lie to us, lie ABOUT us, calling us deplorables, domestic terrorists and white supremacists? We can’t have upwards of 75 million people feeling abused like this at the same time Washington DC, the media, social media, the universities, the public schools, major corporations, the entertainment world, and even the justice system are telling us essentially to shut up or they will cancel us, ruin our lives. It's McCarthyism to the tenth power. Nothing like this has ever happened before in this country.

And none of of us should “accept” it.


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“Not This (BLEEP) Again!”

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Comments 26-50 of 465

  • Lawrence King

    02/03/2021 06:35 AM

    Pedo Joe sleeps in one room and nurse Jill & Hunter sleep in the other

  • Richard Shannon Patterson

    02/03/2021 06:29 AM

    Biden’s goal is to destroy America so the elite can have their reset. Period. He is a traitor who sold out the whole country.

  • Francine Deal

    02/03/2021 01:59 AM

    Why can't Biden be Impeached like Trump was, over false information ???
    Or, for putting the Country is a dismay ???

  • Miriam Spears

    02/03/2021 12:46 AM

    Agree that we should respect the office of the President. But also agree with the 94% that will not accept Biden being President because we all know how he won it. Not to mention the fact that he is not fit to lead our country. U.S.A.

  • Robert Rule

    02/03/2021 12:18 AM

    I don’t like biden he is not president. He got into office illegally and he has committed crimes against we the people.

  • Nancy M Hamlett

    02/02/2021 11:49 PM

    Biden must have been voted in by another country since looking at the poll percentages. That maybe the need for all the troops at the capital. Biden's executive orders are definitely not helping the American economy.

  • Pamela Gossett

    02/02/2021 11:38 PM

    OMG. You forgot the Nazis that they think we are. If so I’m a proud deplorable Nazi white supremacist.
    Why does it seem as though they( the demorats) say and do exactly what they are doing to us and lying and getting by with it.
    Why are the supposedly some Republicans not standing up for We The People?
    I love reading your emails, mostly your bible versus of the day. Prayers to you and your family.
    Pam from Texas

  • Helen Cox

    02/02/2021 11:06 PM

    He’s a thief!

  • Gail Benensohn

    02/02/2021 11:02 PM

    My husband and I grew up in Chicago, worked as teenagers in the rigged election of Kennedy, and KNOW how this was and is done! It’s just more sophisticated now.

  • Christine Williams

    02/02/2021 10:23 PM

    I do NOT accept Biden as anything else other than EVIL CRIMINAL who deserves Gitmo.. with his family and friends.

  • Kathy Martin

    02/02/2021 09:52 PM

    A house divided against itself shall not stand. (Jesus) If Congress, on January 6, was torn in their loyalties between The Constitution and Socialistic Communism, they Congress does not stand for anything. That is the day the lights went out in Congress, not because of the civil war in the Rotunda, but because of desertion of their duty to defend the Constitution. We are no longer the home of the brave. Let us hope that God will resurrect the body of evidence of fraud that died that day. Only God can save us now.

  • Susan Piwetz

    02/02/2021 08:53 PM

    Election stolen
    Truth coming out. Treasonous people arrests.

  • Bryan Webb

    02/02/2021 08:20 PM

    If the election was fair, why wouldn’t the Democratic’s want to prove it was fair? Right now, I will never trust our election process again. If proven to be fair, I would accept the outcome.

  • Ronald Hatfield

    02/02/2021 06:56 PM

    How can a man that withheld money to ukraine until they fired The prosecutor before he let them have the money I don't think Joe Biden has enough memory to pull off all that voter fraud the democratic stold the election I know it and so does everyone else, and they did that right there should be enough to arest joe biden all the way to Obama and the clinton's for Treason and there associate too

  • Karen Einarson

    02/02/2021 06:44 PM

    I have an important point to make. I was ready to accept the will of the People in regards to the election of Joe Biden, an apparent sufferer of senile dementia. As a healthcare worker, I base my observations on years of experience caring for the elderly. I was ready to be taxed out of a livable wage. I was ready to accept the fact that more young blood would probably be spilled on foreign soil. What I was unprepared for was the blatant censorship shown by the leftists, I was unprepared to have my concerns with what was happening with the election being brushed off. I sat through every state hearing on supposed voter fraud, listened to every affidavit, every witness, as well as listened to Democratic state representatives deny, rebuke, and ignore their own states citizens concerns. There was fraud. How much? Who every avenue, the Constitution was circumvented and ignored. The United States of America is no longer governed by WeThe People. I have been mourning the demise of my country since then. Where do the oppressed go now?! Where do the huddled masses yearning to be free go? There will no longer be a Constitutional Republic with We The People having a true voice in how we are governed. Our vote, our voice, does not matter. The “insurrection” of January 6 was a set up by Antifa, and BLM. If you had spent days examining every inch of video shot, you would know this. The
    police let them through the inadequate barricade, let them into the building, then stood back and waited for the instigators to do their thing. By now You Tube has purged all videos, because some citizens dare to not join the Borg. Good luck with ever proving anything now, truth no longer matters, honesty no longer matters, intelligence no longer matters. They can take my country away from me, but they will never take away my faith in GOD ALMIGHTY! HE is all they have left me with.

  • Susan Shamoon

    02/02/2021 05:42 PM

    Can ‘we the people find someone to represent us and sue the jerks? make them prove the evidence??

  • Patricia I Kooi

    02/02/2021 04:31 PM

    What a great summary of how I feel, I don't accept anything about this past election; it was stolen and we all know it and I can't just let that go. Thank you for your wisdom.

  • Scotty Johnson

    02/02/2021 04:19 PM

    Maybe these people should read Psalm 2.

  • Audrey Winters

    02/02/2021 03:17 PM

    Right Side Broadcasting Network on YouTube covered every Public Hearing on the election. I watched All of it. There was definitely fraud.
    If the democrats (including rino Brian Kemp) had said to the public - "Yes, we want Fair elections. We will do forensic audits or whatever it takes to prove that the election was Fair and Honest."
    Then the American people wouldn't have been so Angry. But now we feel like they have Something to Hide and have been dishonest. Especially since the media told us - "Do Not Even Question the election!" If you Win by Cheating, Is it Really a Win?
    We can't Trust our elections anymore if this is how it goes. It sounds too much like what happened in other countries that are now ruled by communists.

  • Cassandra Perkins

    02/02/2021 03:07 PM

    I didn't vote in your poll but I accept Buden although very grudgingly, mainly because God has called us to submit to the authority of the government unless it goes against God's law. Biden is disobeying so many of God's laws and if he ever asks me to do anything against God I will fight. Like paying for other countries abortions!! I'm writing my congressman about this!!

  • Lynn Morgan

    02/02/2021 02:20 PM

    I don't accept him, but I don't know what to do about it. the Declaration of Independence said a man has not only the right, but a responsibility to over through an oppressive government. Are we being forced down that road? That idea scares the bewilikers out of me, but even in fear we must act and believe in GOD!

  • Leticia Romasanta

    02/02/2021 01:15 PM

    Wonderful discourse!

  • Tereasa Phillips

    02/02/2021 12:47 PM

    I believe the American people have to stand together and nt accept whats unproven especially when its being shoved down our throats with such disrespect and arrogance. In every pol it supports that Trump won. I believe there is so much corruption that they truly believe they do not have to answer to any American andthat they own us not that they work for the people.

  • Dean Miles

    02/02/2021 12:35 PM

    Yes absolutely!! I was "liberated" from Facebook and Twitter for no apparent reason other than my political affiliation I suppose. I had been keeping very quiet after the elections as to avoid such actions. But , I woke up one day and went to check my social media (its how I communicate with most of my friends and family scattered abroad) and NOPE, my accounts had been permanently suspended for "violating community standards". How does that work if your being silent?!? Anyhow, other than losing contact with some old friends and whatnot, it really does not matter to me, Facebook in particular is garbage anyway, like sitting in a truck stop crapper reading the poetry scribbled on the wall pretty much. The ONLY thing that really bothers me is the fact that they have taken it upon themselves to dictate who has a voice and who does not, based solely on their own personal views and beliefs, CENSORSHIP. I have never threatened anyone on that forum with violence or any other form of harassment. Prior to the election, during the campaign I posted my rants like everyone else. The only thing I ever got a timeout (24 hrs) for was reminding all my democrat friends to remember and vote on They were not happy about that. other than that, I was pretty quiet. GONE. But I digress. No Biden, in my opinion, is a thief that successfully stole the White House with the help of the Deep State. Have a great day sir.

  • Janet Wallace

    02/02/2021 12:22 PM

    I will never “accept” Joe Biden as duly elected President of the United States!! But it can get worse. Kamala Harris is ready to step in and we all know who her orders will come from!!!