
Latest News

July 23, 2021

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Topics include:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Genesis 8:22
  • A Second Federal Court Protects Christian Rights In Iowa 
  • “Color Me Shocked” News
  • Facemasks Return
  • Facemask Pollution Of Our Beaches
  • Least Surprising News of the Day
  • New Poll: 58% Want Someone New


Mike Huckabee


While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

Genesis 8:22

A Second Federal Court Protects Christian Rights In Iowa

By Mike Huckabee

It would’ve been hard to imagine just a few years ago that the courts would be the best place for Christians and conservatives to turn to protect their rights, but thanks to Trump’s judicial appointments and the other branches leaping off the leftward cliff of Crazytown, they now are.

The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals just became the second federal court to slap down the University of Iowa for refusing to recognize a Christian student group because it wouldn’t let an openly gay student take a leadership role. Meanwhile, the school did recognize another group that required members to affirm their support for same-sex relationships.

It’s interesting that the university accused the Christian group of violating the school’s Human Rights Policy, which bans discrimination based on “race, creed, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, pregnancy, disability, genetic information, status as a U.S. veteran, service in the U.S. military, sexual orientation [or] gender identity.”

I guess they were so obsessed with “gender identity” that they didn’t notice it also bans discrimination based on “religion.”

“Color Me Shocked” News

By Mike Huckabee

A new poll in 85 batttleground Congressional districts shows that voters give Republicans a 10-point advantage over President Biden and the Democrats when it comes to fixing the crisis on the border.

Considering Biden and the Democrats CAUSED the crisis on the border, I’m amazed that’s not a 100-point lead. Who actually thinks they’re the best people to fix what they broke? That’s like calling the Three Stooges to fix your plumbing a second time.

Facemasks Return

By Mike Huckabee

Los Angeles and New Orleans have brought back facemask requirements to prevent the spread of the Delta variant of COVID-19, and the Biden Administration is under pressure from some quarters to declare a universal mask mandate. They’re also getting warnings from other quarters that any such attempt will be defied and ignored.

One topic seldom brought up: how do you convince people that it’s imperative that they get vaccinated if you enact policies that suggest vaccination provides no protection? The very fact that this story quotes experts giving so many conflicting opinions, and reminds us of so many self-contradictory stances the government has taken (and not just because of new data arising), points up the real reason why so many people aren’t listening when told they must get vaccinated. The “experts” don’t seem to grasp how badly they’ve squandered their credibility, and that’s something you have to earn back. You can’t just assert it.

On that subject, here are some serious questions for the Administration. Answering them clearly might help convince Americans that they are really taking this disease as a serious public health issue and not a political football.

Facemask Pollution Of Our Beaches

By Mike Huckabee

As long as we’re discussing bringing back facemask mandates, here’s a subject that’s not getting much press: remember when liberals demanded we start drinking beverages from soggy paper straws because disposable plastic straws were destroying the environment? Those were the good old days! Guess what’s destroying the environment now. That’s right: billions of carelessly-discarded disposable facemasks.

A new study claims that COVID generates up to 7200 tons of medical waste a day, much of it disposable masks, which are now a major source of beach pollution. But liberals want even more of those, and to keep using them in perpetuity. Maybe we could divert the virus away from others in a less environmentally-destructive way by breathing through plastic straws instead.

Least Surprising News of the Day

By Mike Huckabee

The “Defund the Police” movement is getting big bucks from George Soros, the same socialist billionaire who also funds organizations that run stealth campaigns to elect radical leftist district attorneys who release and refuse to charge criminals while prosecuting cops.

So if you live in a city like Portland or Minneapolis, and you enjoy the direction your quality of life has taken lately, be sure to send George Soros a thank-you card.

New Poll: 58% Want Someone New

By Mike Huckabee

A new poll spells trouble for California Gov. Gavin Newsom. It not only shows a jump in support for recalling him, with more than enough “undecideds” to make up the narrowing gap, but it also asked, regardless of the recall outcome, would you vote to reelect Newsom in 2022 or do you want someone new? A whopping 58% said, “Someone new.”

So the good news for Californians is that even if they don’t have the good sense to remove Newsom now, it looks likely that he’ll only remain in office for less than a year. The bad news: never underestimate the ability of California voters to elect someone even further left than the last person.

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Comments 11-20 of 25

  • Joyce Kanlan

    07/24/2021 12:13 AM

    Pollution. Democrats don’t give a rats ?? xxx. Democrats could care less about beaches, dis-carded masks, rat, roach infested filthy high crime unsafe sanctuary cities or what their bussed in domestic terrorists like Antifa,BLM who torched, destroyed looted rioted& murdered innocent citizens! Democrats don’t care about YOUR safety&security w/open boarders. ALL democrats fight FOR is THEIR power&control, like jailing & killing “Trespassing” Republican Conservative Christian citizens on jan6. Are our Republican Conservative Christian government officials going to join our Patriots & put a STOP to democrat Marxism,socialism,communism agenda?

  • Joyce Kanlan

    07/23/2021 11:52 PM

    Power&control. Face masks return. For crying out loud America, we ARE still a free country, aren’t we? Masks DON’T STOP the virus & the plastic barriers ARE THEATER! Air born goes up, goes down, goes AROUND barriers for crying out loud! What is wrong America? Where are you? Stand UP already! Stand against power&control lock you up, mask you up, shut you down, while the dictators (democrat) continue to Eat out unmasked with friends, jog, MASKLESS, get hair cuts MASKLESS fly THEIR personal jets east to west coast, like DEMOCRATS DID ABANDONING their job to fly MASKLESS to DC, because they can. Impeach the democrat traitors!! Call, write email visit bombard your representative&DEMAND they ACTUALLY DO their job! Quit pussyfooting around And Do Your jobs!!

  • Joyce Kanlan

    07/23/2021 11:41 PM

    Color me shocked. FIRST, the morons who actually voted for a 47+year DO NOTHING, not for his state, not for his constituents, not for our Country CAREER self absorbed politician must have had their frontal lobotomy! (2),like Hitler, Democrats Cause Confusion, cause chaos & then, the blind,deaf&dumb non listening, not paying attention morons allow the same demonic, destructive democrats to “fix”????the problem THEY THEMSELVES CAUSED!! Know your history, b/c you will repeat it! For crying out loud America, wasn’t Obama,BIDEN’S 8 years of destruction enough? I guess not.

  • Joyce Kanlan

    07/23/2021 11:35 PM

    Christian Rights. Former obama,Biden REMOVED God from the democrat platform early on Obama’s Presidency leaving democrats to REMOVE prayer in school, prayer before a game, pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,gone are crosses across America&10 commandments &democrats attempting to FORCE Christian bakers to bake for same sex when there’s plenty of secular bake shops available! Democrats USE our laws AGAINST us! We’re standing by while treasonous democrats continue to day by day, bit by bit ERODE America, our culture values beliefs morals&way of American life! WHY???

  • Paul Kern

    07/23/2021 10:41 PM

    I read earlier about George Soros funding a group that wants to eliminate the police completely and open the doors to people free to kill, loot and turn cities into bombed out ghettos.
    People should study his history. In WW 2 he showed German soldiers to Hungarian Jews in hiding. After they were slaughtered he got all there valuables. After the war he snuck in the nation like so many Nazis and got rich on the stock market. He stated he feels like a "God!". A mist dangerous man banned from his native home of Hungary. Many other countries are wise and banned his front agencies from their nations. As a Nazi the left loves him.

  • Doug Morgan

    07/23/2021 10:37 PM

    Governor, the reason people are hesitant to get the vaccination is their real world experience following the shots. True statistics do not get reported by the government agencies and fake news organizations. I am what is commonly referred to as a senior citizen. Within my circle of friends, church, and acquaintances, there are dozens of people that have contracted COVID after the shots. Since they don't go the hospital, they aren't included in statistics. One of my friends that had both shots, became very ill, was hospitalized, tested positive for COVID, could not breathe, was put on ventilator, and passed away. His cause of death was recorded as Pneumonia, not COVID. Before this vaccination push, anyone testing positive for COVID that died as a result of anything was counted as a COVID statistic.

    So, we see with our own eyes that the data as reported is a fraud and statistics are made to support the agenda.

    Another statistic that isn't reported is the number of heart related problems caused by the shot. Following the second shot, I personally started having symptoms of a heart attack, dizziness, and chest pains. After a couple of weeks of tests I was diagnosed with Myocarditis, caused by the shot. Had I not acted quickly, I would have had permanent damage to my heart.

    SO, I for one, have had the shots and would never get another one. I realize they have reduced the number of deaths, but we do not know yet the permanent effects of these shots and we will never know because the Marxists running the government and the media will never tell us.

    Our real world experience tells us different than the Marxist leaders want us to believe. That is why there is resistance to getting the shots. The truth is not available to the average person.

  • Carolyn S Brunsdon

    07/23/2021 09:24 PM

    On the facemask pollution issue. My first thought was how about all those germs, viruses etc. that we now know, are incorporated into those billions of discarded facemasks? These ridiculous Fauci worshipers are out of their collective minds! What ever happened to "Follow the science" Mr. Biden, et. al.? And what are we as individuals going to do now that the mandates are becoming even worse? Lord, God, our country and it's citizens are in a world of trouble, I know you can redeem anything, please make it soon Father!

  • David Berry

    07/23/2021 09:09 PM

    Regard the Delta SURGE - here's what it looks like:

    You won't see this on the news.
    After delta, it will be echo, then foxtrot, then...

  • George Trever

    07/23/2021 07:45 PM

    India says that masks do not protect against the Covid variant. Is anyone listening?

  • James Drury Jr.

    07/23/2021 07:31 PM

    Thanks Mike & Staff!