
Latest News

February 24, 2023

In big breaking news Thursday, Kentucky Rep. James Comer, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said they’ve gained the cooperation of Eric Schwerin, a close business associate of Hunter Biden who also dealt with his father’s taxes and business affairs.

Wednesday had marked the deadline for Schwerin, Hunter and President Biden’s brother Jim to cooperate and hand over documents relating to their foreign business dealings to the committee. Rep. Comer said at the time the request was made, “The American people deserve transparency and accountability about the Biden family’s influence peddling. The Oversight Committee is committed to exposing the waste, fraud and abuse that has taken place at the highest levels of our government. Hunter Biden, James Biden and Eric Schwerin’s documents, records and communications are critical to this investigation.”

Another person whose documents are considered critical: former U.N. General Assembly President Vuk Jeremic, who apparently was involved in the Bidens’ business dealings with Patrick Ho, who was convicted by the DOJ of international bribery charges. Comer says that Ho’s previous testimony suggested there was evidence that the Bidens peddled influence and tried to sell access to individuals connected with the Chinese Communist Party.

Comer wants a transcribed interview with Jeremic no later than March 14. If you like to go deep, here’s his letter to Jeremic requesting that. It goes into interesting detail about evidence they believe Jeremic has. No word as of this writing on any response from him. Hope they have the subpoena ready.

From the archives, here’s some background on Patrick Ho. Recall that when Ho was charged with money laundering and bribery by the DOJ in 2017, the first phone call he made was to Jim Biden, who has said the call had been meant for Hunter. This article details business transactions involving CEFC with which Schwerin presumably would have familiarity.

I know these congressional investigations can be a waste of time, but in this case, Schwerin’s cooperation might bring a great deal to our understanding of the shady business relationships that were COVERED UP for the full year leading up to the election of 2020. (The FBI had the laptop in late 2019 and apparently just sat on it while the “Russian disinformation” story was fabricated.)

Comer went on John Solomon’s Just The News podcast, “No Noise, Just News,” Thursday evening to talk about the significance of gaining Schwerin’s cooperation, saying, “His attorneys and my counsel are communicating on a regular basis. Now, I feel confident he’s going to work with us and provide us with the information we have requested.” Solomon said he thought Schwerin is going to be “an extremely valuable witness for us in this investigation.”

This is extremely welcome news, especially considering that attorneys for both Hunter and Jim (Joe’s brother) have essentially told investigators to pound sand and even threatened legal action, which it seems has not intimidated Schwerin. This aggressive legal approach is not a good look for Hunter and his team of attorneys. As Comer said, “If I were Hunter Biden, and I were as innocent as his lawyers and the little hit guy in the White House who attacks me every day say he is, I would want to clear my name in front of the House Oversight Committee.” He could also make the Republicans look really bad for accusing him. But no…

Since Hunter and his Uncle Jim curiously have shown no interest in clearing their names or making Republicans look bad by coming in to testify --- and wouldn’t the White House love to make Republicans look bad? --- the committee isn’t waiting around for them to change their minds. Comer told Solomon that they’re ready to start issuing subpoenas of individuals and financial institutions.

Schwerin’s testimony could be really valuable, as he was involved, Solomon said, in “vetting and facilitating” Hunter’s business dealings with CCP-related energy conglomerate CEFC. There were emails on Hunter’s laptop having to do with this; example, Schwerin wrote Hunter in August, 2016, “If we can make the connection [to CEFC], we can take a percentage of the sale.” This is what wheeler-dealers do --- always position yourself to get a cut.

As we’ve reported in detail, Schwerin also discussed tax and financial matters with Joe Biden. Do you recall the email he sent to Hunter in July 2010 about talking on the phone with his dad about Joe’s mortgage and “future earnings potential”? I want to see Comer and also Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, who is on the Oversight Committee in addition to chairing the Judiciary Committee, drill down on this in an open hearing.

Comer hopes Schwerin’s cooperation will encourage other key witnesses to do the same.

Solomon appeared on Sean Hannity’s TV show Thursday to elaborate. “Of all the work I’ve done,” he says, “going back to 2019 when I first started looking at the Biden family, no person has more inside knowledge, from what I can tell, than Eric Schwerin. He was the president of Rosemont Seneca, and he was in a very unique position.” In addition to what we’ve already mentioned, he also was flagging income that Hunter hadn’t paid taxes on, such as his payments from Burisma for being on their board.

And yes, he did tax work for Joe Biden as well. It was in 2010, Solomon says, that he was “helping the White House get Joe Biden’s taxes into shape.” And when Joe learned he was getting a tax refund from the State of Delaware, Schwerin contacted Hunter to tell him he’d transfer Joe’s refund into Hunter’s bank account to make good on some money he owed his son. This in itself is testimony to the closeness Schwerin had to the Bidens and their financial affairs. It also shows the co-mingling of bank accounts.

Schwerin was there through all those years when the Bidens were pursuing foreign deals, including those with Burisma and CEFC. “Eric Schwerin has more intersections to the issues that the American public now wants answers [to] than any other character I’ve come [across],” in Solomon’s view. He made it clear that there’s no indication of Schwerin doing anything wrong. He’ll be testifying not so much about what he did, but what he knows.

“He knows what Joe Biden wanted, he knows what Hunter Biden was talking about, he’s meeting with the Vice President often, he is at the center of many of the deals that Congress now wants answers to,” Solomon said. “This is a breakthrough agreement tonight, to have his cooperation with James Comer and the House Oversight Committee.”

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  • Brenda Cole

    02/27/2023 11:41 AM

    It sickens me how unjust our country is becoming . Project veritas was invariably taken over by liberals who want to shut up the truth. Of course, this is my strong opinion. What is happening across this country is evil plain and simple.

  • Adam Jason Wood

    02/26/2023 01:44 AM

    Thanks for fixing interstate 40 if you did or whatever Governor did that.