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February 13, 2021

Trump’s attorneys did exactly what they needed to do in their argument on Friday, and it was astonishingly good. As Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson said, they “legally eviscerated” the House managers’ case and “blew [it] out of the water.” Sean Hannity had a great segment Friday evening showing how it went down.

The defense accomplished this in about an hour –- dramatically less time than the House impeachment managers had taken to repeatedly present fake "evidence" and shamefully manipulate the emotions of those inside the Senate chamber. It conclusively debunked some classic lies told about Trump, such as the fake “fine people on both sides” quote. It featured an attorney we hadn’t seen before, the magnificent Michael van der Veen, who chastised House managers for having the nerve to claim the First Amendment didn’t apply in an impeachment proceeding.

And what better way to counter the Democrats’ deceptively-edited “movie” --- which I have labeled falsified evidence --- than with their own video, accurately depicting rhetoric much harsher and more violent than anything Trump has ever come close to saying.

Game, set, match. On CNN, they tried to dismiss it as a partisan stunt, “a Sean Hannity mix tape.” But what else could they say? No, it was breathtaking in the way it made its point.

THE EPOCH TIMES has a good summary of the proceedings. Note the description of Democrat senators’ response, rolling their eyes and “finding” reasons to excuse their own behavior while still condemning Trump.

The defense was able to show that a tweet used by the House managers had been deceptively photoshopped. Another choice moment was when Republican senators questioned an impeachment manager about Kamala Harris’s promotion of a fund, the Minnesota Freedom Fund, that bailed out rioters.

As reported in the WASHINGTON EXAMINER, the “trial” was poised to conclude on Saturday. (I had thought it was supposed to be in recess on Saturday, to accommodate the request by a Jewish participant for a recess from 5PM Friday until Sunday.)

But late Friday night, after the spectacular presentation from Trump’s attorneys that made them all look like fools, Democrats must have decided they’d seen too much of their own blood on the Senate floor, and they started talking about bringing in witnesses after all. I guess if I were an attorney and the last day of arguments had gone that badly for me, I would be thinking of something –- anything –- else to try as well.

After seeing a helpful report on CNN, Democrats started thinking they might have something to be gained by examining a phone call between Trump and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy the day of the riot. Democrat Sen. Chris Van Hollen said Friday on MSNBC that “if they made the decision to call witnesses, we would welcome that.”

Recall that legal analyst Jonathan Turley had questioned the Democrats’ odd lack of interest in calling witnesses. Over and over, they referred to media reports instead of calling the people directly involved. On Thursday, according to USA TODAY, the Democrat managers were saying they had made their case.

If Democrats want to start calling witnesses now, they’ll have to get at least a 50-50 vote for that (with Vice President Kamala Harris breaking the tie). Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has said it would be up to the House managers to decide if they want to pursue it, implying that all the Senate Democrats would go along. One catch: if they do this, Trump's defense gets to call witnesses, too.

What some Democrats apparently want to do, after Trump’s attorneys slapped them down hard on Thursday by revealing their lies and falsification of evidence, is to dig into the phone call President Trump had with Rep. McCarthy on the day of the riot. Numerous Republicans were reportedly briefed on this call. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, a Republican who voted “yes” to impeach Trump, says he was told about the call by Rep. McCarthy. (Note: in a real trial, this would be called “hearsay.”)

Beautler has tweeted that McCarthy told him he’d called the President after the riot had begun and asked him to “publicly and forcefully” call it off. The President had told McCarthy that it was antifa doing the rioting. McCarthy had told the President that, no, these were Trump supporters. And the President had said, “Well, Kevin, I guess those people are more upset about the election than you are.”

It is true that Trump could have been more forceful in calling off the protesters; he appears in this secondhand description of the call to have blown it off with a quip. But did he even realize how serious it was when he said that? At some entrances to the Capitol, protesters apparently were waved in by Capitol Police as if they were expected. In other locations, the breach grew extremely contentious and even led to a woman being shot and killed by a Capitol Police officer. It sounds as if Trump had no idea it was this bad when he made that comment.

So, there are different ways this hearsay account can be interpreted, and none of them have to do with “incitement.” Of course, Democrats always assume the worst motives on Trump’s part, but it could simply be that he really did think antifa was doing it –- indeed, some antifa were involved –- and also that he didn’t yet know how much it had escalated.

The way to find this out would be to call Trump. Maybe if they hadn’t thrown the Constitution down the toilet and insisted on “trying” him as a private citizen, he would've been more cooperative.

According to the WASHINGTON EXAMINER, the “trial” will resume at 10AM ET on Saturday (so much for the request to honor the Sabbath), with up to four hours devoted to the question of whether or not to call witnesses and documents. If there is no successful vote to do that, they’ll go to closing arguments and could even hold a final vote as soon as Saturday afternoon.

Alan Dershowitz, who thought the Trump defense was lackluster on its first day, in which they argued against the constitutionality of the proceedings, gave them an “A+” for Friday. In his words, “they did a masterful job on narrowing the issues, making the senators focus on it, and I think it was a winning argument. I think they redeemed themselves.” Dershowitz believed as I do, that the key words were those the Democrats fraudulently cut out of Trump’s video, the “peacefully and patriotically” part.

"This is gonna go down in history as a terrible, terrible abuse of the Constitution,” he said. “Democrats put themselves above the law, putting a private citizen on trial...for making speeches protected by the First Amendment.” An acquittal will minimize the damage, he said but “already there’s been a lot of damage done to our Constitution and to the divisions in our country.”


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Comments 51-75 of 79

  • Ron Edwards

    02/13/2021 12:11 PM

    None of this evidence means anything. Going into this lynching the vote was going to be 56-44 to convict. After all the evidence is presented, no matter how brutal to the Commucrats, the vote will be 56-44 to convict. Simply a waste of money and an opportunity for the lying media (redundancy) to further suck up to their "comrades". Pun intended.

  • John Leake

    02/13/2021 12:09 PM

    This whole farce is an example of the mess created by the "election" I am patiently awaiting the whole farce to pass us by as other presidents to be.... such as LBJ.

  • Tim Castiglia

    02/13/2021 12:05 PM

    They seem to be throwing spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks! Trump is a billionaire. He is used to saying what's on his mind at any point in time.
    These people are pure vindictive evil!

  • Mark

    02/13/2021 12:04 PM

    Is there a way to recall a President, like there is a governor ? Biden couldn't get re-elected dog catcher at this point...

  • Matthew Prasky

    02/13/2021 11:59 AM

    It says democrats always "assume" the worst about Trump's motives but assume is the incorrect term. It should say democrats always lie about Trump's motives because only a totally ignorant and stupid person could make the assumptions that are attributed to democrat politicians.

  • Ed Thompson

    02/13/2021 11:57 AM

    Well, as I write this it’s a done deal with the trial going forward and now witnesses will be called. I can only hope and pray that among the people called we will hear from Democrats trying to deny their own words spoken for more than four years against Donald Trump and actually approving the actions of people as long as they were against Republican people and especially Donald Trump or EVEN the Police!!! It’s definitely a chance to expose them all for the hypocrites they have been in the past ten or more years! It’s a great chance to do this and I hope and pray this happens,once and for all. Bring forward the truth about how everything was planned for over a month before anyone spoke a word that day. Anti Trump supporters! Those are the people who are responsible for everything that happened. It was planned. Period! Stop the process of actually trying to stop the acceptance of the electoral college votes. They knew what they were doing and it worked. Nothing but anti Trump people.

  • David William Middleton

    02/13/2021 11:55 AM

    I think there has been a complete lack of interest by both parties as to who really were the instigators and activists involved in this mess. How many were Antifia and how many were Trump supporters. we do know that Antifa palns their attacks.

  • June Fraser

    02/13/2021 11:48 AM

    I am not sure if President Trump realizes it but he has truly exposed the swamp and it's dwellers from both sides. We all know without President Trump to blame for all their faults their world will come crashing down on them.

  • Pamala Monis

    02/13/2021 11:47 AM

    Thank you for this article Gov. I have been on a news vaca and this helped to clear a few things up. Now to get Nikki Hailey straightened up. If Trump has been so bad why did she wait until now to come out against him? The USA is DESPERATE for TRUE leadership. Will continue praying for that. Grateful Sarah is running for Governor. What she were running for president!! Congrats Sarah and may God continue to guide you.

  • Arthur H Windsor

    02/13/2021 11:38 AM

    I believe dems knew the impeachment would fail from the start. The reason they went ahead with it was because it gave them another platform to try and discredit Trump. The sham "trial" gives them an excuse to show their doctored videos and tell their lies! Corrupt, lying democrats are using Herr Goebbels Nazi propaganda technique of "tell a lie big enough, often enough, loud enough and people will start to believe it"

  • Jonni Vindiola

    02/13/2021 11:33 AM

    I was so dismayed watching the Senate impeachment hearings. I appreciate your level-headed perspective. Bless you!

  • Walter Morgan

    02/13/2021 11:20 AM

    Rep Jamie Herrae Butler is a Woman 3ed district of Washington

  • Barry Hennessey

    02/13/2021 11:17 AM

    The saddest part is there is still maybe 50 million people that will think the republicans case was all a lie and they will believe everything the democrats showed and said.

  • Malcom Daly

    02/13/2021 11:11 AM

    Mike I appreciate what you do and your belief in God is inspiring. I wish we would start call the Democratic what they are Socialist Communist the words Left, far left, left leaning do not have any meaning. Every time you think Left say Communist. Make them Defend that.
    Look up John Adams he was the 6 time president of Socialist Communist party of America out of Chicago Illinois he said in 1944 That the American people will never except Socialism but under the name of Liberalism they would except it all. We have to call these people what they are. Never use the word Left again.

  • Gail S Denham

    02/13/2021 11:10 AM

    Praise the Lord for Pres. Trump's team of "truth sayers" - they are bringing it to the dems in a calm, moderate and true way. We applaud them for bringing out the truth - we've all heard the rhetoric from the left over the last 5 years - it's been disgusting.
    Plus it was antifa in there planning, and firing up the crowds who went into the capitol - and why did the capitol police open doors to let them in??? Was it because they felt the anger also - and they had called for backup but been refused. And why was that one capitol policeman cremated immediately - did the dems force the family to do that - so no truth could be learned. He was not hit in the head with a fire extinguisher, that's for sure.
    It's totally insane, unorganized, filled with hatred and quoting the MEDIA for crying out loud - as the dems try to bring a case. Good grief. - Quoting the media??? No witnesses for Pres. Trump?!!!
    Plus no one much is watching the stupid proceedings that are only meant to cover up with this new pres. is doing to our country. God help us. Mass confusion among the dems, taking away their power, and praying that Jesus would reveal Himself to them - That's my prayer.
    Please tell us more good news Gov Mike - we need good news - out here in the hinterlands. We need to hear of folks who are standing up to this mess the dems are creating in our country.
    10,000 troops - for what? And razor wire. And take away biden's pen please.

  • Diane McDaniel

    02/13/2021 11:00 AM

    Always love your “take” on things. Honest and true! And can get the straight story! Always look forward to your show on Saturday night ??


    02/13/2021 10:59 AM

    The democrats have proved that they think they're above the law,the "elite". They impeach Trump, Nasty Pelosi, Camel Harris too should be impeached and anybody else who made a remark like fight, or storm the gates, rtc.

  • Martha winters

    02/13/2021 10:58 AM

    I would just like to comment that in all of my years which are many, I have never seen our President treated so badly or so disrespected regardless of the party.

  • Marsha Barnett

    02/13/2021 10:50 AM

    Just so you know
    Jaime Herrera Beutler is female. You identified her as male
    Republican Senator and turncoat from WA state

  • JudyMyer

    02/13/2021 10:48 AM

    I find it amazing that the Democrats condemn President Trump for less harsh rhetoric than what they have spewed in the past. They are like spoiled children who can’t stand to see anyone be more successful than they are. Thank you for keeping us posted on the “tricks” of the Democrats.

  • Kathleen Fortun

    02/13/2021 10:45 AM

    Good Morning Mr Huckabee,

    First so you know I do not condone violence in any form! As far as this farce of an impeachment I am truly embarrassed by many of the Senators who are supposed to be representatives of our values! As far as an insurrection at the Capital as referred to by the media I saw none. I did see a group of very upset citizens who didn’t “ STORM” the Capital but walked in or were let in by Capital police. I watched actual violence this past summer in Minnesota, in front of the White House and a church set on fire and yet it wasn’t done by terrorists but peaceful protestors. What I find so amazing is that Congress has the audacity to claim the peoples house as their sacred domain! They do not rank above me as a citizen and are subject to the same Constitution and laws of the country! Yes this is politics at it finest. It was planned and planned by the Democrats in order to never let Trump hold office again! Why? Trump is the biggest threat to their power! Trump followers are not a cult of one man but a cult of the morals and values of how this country was established and created. That ideology is embedded in us and impeaching Trump won’t change it!
    As I sit here and watch the latest events unfold and the media blow it out of the water I feel sad. I do however wonder what Lindsey Graham has up his sleeve after voting yes to witnesses! Our entire process is being thrown under the bus! In the end of this political drama Trump will be acquitted and will have a part in our political future! The Democrats will implode soon but the citizens will bear the scars!

  • Marietta Pellicano

    02/13/2021 10:43 AM

    When the Constitution & the Rule of Law has been nullified (which is evident in these proceedings), then it doesn't matter who the patriot is that they are trying to "convict"! It isn't about that particular person (Trump) anymore! It's about burying our Republic and moving forward with the "great reset" agenda! They are trying to make a "good" example of Trump so NO other freedom loving upstarts will even challenge this "new world order." God help us!

  • Gary L. Willey

    02/13/2021 10:13 AM

    I would like to see the Bible at the end of your articles like before. I always could try to apply the verse to what I had just read.

    Can't do that when the verse is first! Just my personal observation...

  • Barbara Mann

    02/13/2021 10:02 AM

    I can’t thank you (and Sarah too) enough for what you continue to do for patriots and for Christians. I won’t recite here what you, much more than most, realize is happening but, Gov. Huckabee, I depend upon your option to summarize for me what I see through tears happening to America. Thank you for your intelligent, insightful, articulate and wry perspective. You are respected and loved and we’re grateful to your wonderful wife for supporting you and have great expectations of Sarah! She is a wonderful woman too. May God bless and keep you.

  • Reginald Zenkewich

    02/13/2021 09:48 AM

    When will you or other elected official going to press criminal charges against those elected who are committing sedition and or treason by words and actions like Harris raising funds to bail out rioters and others who are dishonoring their oath of office, like Omar and that other Muslim senator who curse Jews and other Americans who are gentiles? Charge, arrest, try them by a court of their peers ( US CITIZENS) and when found guilty EXECUTED as specified by OUR CONSTITUTION!!!!!!!!!