
Latest News

October 4, 2022

A new session of the Supreme Court starts this week, and observers are watching closely to see if all the attempted threats and intimidation from the left over the overturning of Roe v. Wade will dissuade the Justices from blocking liberal activist rulings. I wouldn’t bet on that.

However, many conservatives were disappointed by the announcement of which cases they’ll hear and which were rejected. Among those turned away was an appeal challenging Biden’s COVID vaccine mandate that affects over 10 million health care workers, a mandate still being pressed despite most of the workers already being exposed to COVID and having natural immunity and Biden himself admitting the pandemic is over.

The SCOTUS also rejected appeals of Trump’s ban on gun bump stocks and MyPillow founder Mike Lindell’s attempt to dismiss Dominion voting machines’ defamation lawsuit against him.

One case they are taking up could have far-reaching ramifications. It involves Congressional redistricting in Alabama.

A lower court ordered the state to redraw its districts to create two majority-black districts instead of one. The state argues that districts should be race-neutral and based on population figures, and that the plaintiffs are attempting to force them to unconstitutionally prioritize race in creating election rules, which is, ironically, what they’re accusing the state of doing. Depending on how the SCOTUS rules, this could either spur the current racialization of our election rules or end it.

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