
Latest News

June 25, 2021

One of the most positive side effects of the rising calls for investigations of the 2020 election is the spotlight that’s being shone on Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s part in buying the White House for Joe Biden.

Under the guise of promoting “democracy,” Zuckerberg gave hundreds of millions of dollars to a group called the Center for Tech and Civic Life. It’s ostensible goal is to make voting easier and more common. But while a small amount of these “Zuck Bucks” went to GOP districts, the majority of the get-out-the-vote funds were poured into heavily-Democrat districts in swing states. In some cases, local election officials practically let Zuckerberg’s minions take over their election systems.

Now, some local officials are alarmed at what happened and how much influence one tech billionaire had on the election, and they’re trying to make sure that never happens again. For instance, a former county clerk in Green Bay, Wisconsin, is accusing the Zuckerberg group of making last-minute changes that may have violated state law.

And in Texas, Gov. Greg Abbott just signed a new law aimed squarely at Zuck Bucks, limiting private funding of election administration.

That’s a bill that needs to be adopted nationwide, although that won’t happen with the beneficiaries of Zuck Bucks in charge in DC. That’s why citizens have to demand that their state and local leaders step up and stop it.

Ironically, for years, Democrats have railed against “billionaires buying elections.” Their principles seem to have shifted considerably since billionaires started buying elections for them.

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