
Latest News

August 22, 2021

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! These are the top stories that ran this week on our website.

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Matthew 6:33
  • Ted Cruz Saved American Democracy From The Democrats
  • Homeland Security perceives us as potential threats
  • America The Beautiful
  • Four Implications of the Afghan Debacle, By Ken Allard


Mike Huckabee


33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Matthew 6:33

Ted Cruz Saved American Democracy From The Democrats

By Mike Huckabee

We should all give a big thanks to Sen. Ted Cruz for being awake and alert at 3:30 a.m. Wednesday morning and saving American democracy.

After 15 mind-numbing hours of amendment votes on the Democrats’ $3.2 TRILLION spending orgy bill, Senate “Majority” Leader Chuck Schumer attempted to sneak the “For The People” Act (aka, the “Legalize Vote Fraud” Act) into the mix, in hopes that sleep-deprived Republicans wouldn’t notice and would fail to object, thereby approving it by unanimous consent. But Cruz rose and objected repeatedly, stopping Schumer in his tracks.

Cruz called the bill a “federal takeover of elections” and a “massive power grab by Democrats” that would do the opposite of its title by ensuring that the people can’t vote politicians out of office. He elaborated that it would “strike down virtually every reasonable voter integrity law in the country, including voter ID laws supported by the overwhelming majority of this country, including prohibitions on ballot harvesting, again widely supported by people in this country. It would mandate that felons be allowed to vote, and it would automatically register millions of illegal aliens to vote. It would profoundly undermine democracy in this country…”

Yes, but “for the people!”

The defeated Schumer hilariously grumbled, “Let there be no mistake about what is going on here. We have reached a point in this chamber where Republicans appear to oppose any measure — any measure, no matter how common sense — to protect voting rights and strengthen our democracy.”

That’s funny, because if you replaced the word “Republicans” with “Democrats,” that would be a perfect description of what Democrats are trying to do all over the nation to block common sense election integrity measures and to destroy them completely with the “Legalize Vote Fraud” Act.

Homeland Security perceives us as potential threats

By Mike Huckabee

As the Taliban zeroed in on Kabul, Afghanistan, in one of the most distressing examples of American military failure in our lifetimes, it was interesting to find out what the Department of Homeland Security is really concerned about.

It appears they’re worried about you and me.

On Saturday, conservative writer/news editor Jack Posobiec tweeted a screen shot of an NBC graphic that showed the DHS’s list of “Potential Terror Threats” in a “national terrorism alert” in advance of “the 9/11 20th anniversary.” Funny, this list of terror threats didn’t mention the Taliban or any other militant Islamists. Here’s what it listed as tip-offs that someone might pose a terrorist threat:




The DHS is warning of the danger posed by “grievance-based groups.” As reported in BREITBART NEWS, an ABC news bulletin said that DHS’s National Terrorism Advisory System bulletin, issued on Friday, warned of threats from common domestic terrorists --- individuals engaged in grievance-based violence, “including grievances over public health safety measures and perceived government restrictions.”

Wait a minute. “PERCEIVED” government restrictions? There have been some very real restrictions on personal behavior, but you’d better not chafe at them, even just a little bit. or the government might "perceive" you as a threat.

Let’s take a look at just the first two of these bullet points. (NOTE: I'm prefacing the following analysis with a strong sarcasm alert.) First, “opposition to covid measures.” I assume this would include any such measures that the government chooses to impose or even talks about imposing, including lockdowns, restrictions on the size of gatherings, “vaccine passports,” and face masks. In Philadelphia, starting September 1, the city government will be requiring unvaccinated employees to wear TWO masks, a cloth one OVER a surgical one. I am not kidding. (I guess they should just be glad they aren’t getting fired; must be a contractual thing or you could safely bet they would be.) And new employees will have to show proof of being fully vaccinated as a condition of their employment. I assume that policy applies whether or not they’ve already had covid.

Here’s the report in the WASHINGTON EXAMINER. The city also announced that all Philadelphia health care workers and all university students, staff and faculty must be vaccinated by October 15.

If you have a problem with such requirements, you just might be a POTENTIAL TERROR THREAT.

On Friday, flag-waving protesters showed up at the Washington State Capitol building for a protest against Democrat Gov. Jay Inslee’s forced vaccine mandate for local healthcare systems. Similar protests occurred in Kentucky and Tennessee, over both vaccine and mask mandates. “We want to have our own right and have our own wear a mask or not,” said one woman in Tennessee.

Well, I just don’t know about this lady --- she sounds pretty dangerous to me. And they were waving American flags, like those "insurrectionists" at the DC Capitol Building, so they must be hotheads. It’s a good thing Homeland Security is monitoring people like this woman who dare to question official mandates instead of just quietly falling into line.

And if you agree with her, you just might be a POTENTIAL TERROR THREAT.

Let’s move on to the second indication of potential threat: “claims of election fraud, belief Trump can be reinstated.” The HHS sees danger signs in “conspiracy theories on perceived election fraud.” (There’s that pesky word “PERCEIVED” again.)

Well, apparently “the MyPillow Guy,” Mike Lindell, is on HHS’s terror watch list. Don’t you feel safer knowing the Department of Homeland Security is keeping their eye on him, and people like him? I wonder if he gets subjected to enhanced security measures at the airport or perhaps is on the no-fly list. Come to think of it, he has his own plane. That might be the only way he can get around.

Recall that we were one of the few news/opinion sites that gave Lindell the time of day; we covered all three days of his conference as objectively as possible and kept an open mind about the evidence he presented. And there IS a lot of evidence suggestive of fraud. Though we never for one minute thought that Trump could be reinstalled as President –- the Constitution doesn’t provide for that –- we know there was fraud. Heck, there probably has been some amount of fraud in every big election since the Flintstones voted on stone tablets. This time, though, with all the mail-in balloting and rule changes (let alone any problems with the electronic voting), there was a lot. Did it change the outcome? We can’t say for sure, but as observant and thinking human beings we do have our doubts about how it turned out.

Uh-oh...we just might be a POTENTIAL TERROR THREAT!

As startling as it was to see this graphic, the Homeland Security's focus on those of its own citizens who dislike unproven and punishing covid restrictions and have doubts about the 2020 election is not new. In a DHS advisory about Domestic Violent Extremists (DVE’s) posted in January –- on the heels of the January 6 debacle at the Capitol Building –- they singled out “anger over COVID-19 restrictions” and “the 2020 election results” as motivating issues.

Ned Ryun, founder and CEO of American Majority, called this new DHS bulletin “a read-between-the-lines threat” on Tucker Carlson’s Monday show. He saw it as “targeting Americans for ‘wrongthink.’” He observed that “the elite deeply resent us questioning their narrative.” He personally has questions about the obstacles being placed in the way of election audits, for example, and also about the real covid mortality rates for younger people who don’t have a serious co-morbidity. Should he be considered a potential threat just for asking the questions? When you’re trying to make half the country be defined as domestic terrorists, he said, it “does not end well." They would understand this, "if they would actually study history, instead of gender studies...”

Uh-oh; he’s probably on the watch list, too. Rest assured that even at a time when Biden’s total debacle of a Presidency makes us weaker and more vulnerable to terrorist attacks --- REAL terrorist attacks --- the Department of Homeland Security is keeping us safe from the MyPillow Guy and plain-spoken conservatives like Ned Ryun. And you, and me. And about half the country, for one thing or another.

America The Beautiful

God's creation is all around us. To learn more about Cuyahoga Valley National Park, visit its website here.

Narrative Shattered, Burned, Ashes Scattered

By Mike Huckabee

Friday morning, Reuters released an investigative report into the violence in the Capitol on January 6th, and it obliterates all the tearful tall tales from the left about the giant Trump-led conspiracy to overthrow the government. It was more like the story of the dog that chased cars and didn’t know what to do with one when he caught it.

According to officials quoted in the Reuters report, the FBI “at this point believes the violence was not centrally coordinated by far-right groups or prominent supporters of then-President Donald Trump." It has also “so far found no evidence that [Trump] or people directly around him were involved in organizing the violence.” Up to 95% of the cases are “one-offs” (i.e., someone saw the door open and wandered in.) Maybe five percent involved organized groups like Oath Keepers or Proud Boys who allegedly had planned to break in, but “they found no evidence that the groups had serious plans about what to do if they made it inside.”

This is why most of the charges have been things like “conspiracy” instead of really serious counts like racketeering or insurrection: because there’s no evidence of any broader plot than that they talked in advance about their plans to trespass.

It kind of throws a monkey wrench into all the Democrat histrionics about it being the biggest threat to the federal government since the Civil War. Say what you will about the over-matched and out-gunned Confederates, but at least they didn’t show up at Gettysburg unarmed, wearing T-shirts and Viking helmets and shooting nothing but selfies.

Four Implications of the Afghan Debacle

By Ken Allard

Colonel Ken Allard (US Army Ret.) is a former draftee who became a Cold War intelligence officer, West Point faculty member and Dean of the National War College. For ten years, he was an on-air military analyst for the networks of NBC News.

Any American soldier assigned to the Afghanistan hell-hole knows far more than me. But my study of that country began seriously in fall, 1979 as a Harvard grad student preparing to join the West Point faculty. Despite being an Army intelligence officer, my unclassified sources included Dr. Louis Dupree, a former WWII paratrooper with an encyclopedic knowledge of Afghanistan and its deeply conflicted history. My term paper submitted in early December, 1979 to Dean Graham Allison and Ambassador Joe Nye predicted 3 things: that the Russians would invade; that they would do so with all available force; but that their efforts would ultimately be unsuccessful to convert the "Graveyard of Empires" into a Soviet satrap. At the end of my military career in Bosnia, I served in Bosnia alongside a Soviet major general who, as a young Spetsnaz captain, personally led the special forces squad that assassinated the reigning strong-man in Kabul. I tell you that to underline several points you may not hear elsewhere.

Immediate Implications: Her op-ed in today’s Washington Post shows why former SECSTATE Condoleezza Rice has such a formidable reputation as a diplomatic historian and practitioner. Arguing that “It didn’t have to be this way,” she instantly de-bunked President Joseph Biden’s calumny that the Afghans had somehow chosen the Taliban. Instead, “they fought and died alongside us, helping us degrade al-Qaeda...In the end, the Afghans couldn’t hold the country without our airpower and our support. It is not surprising that Afghan security forces lost the will to fight, when the Taliban warned that the United States was deserting them and that those who resisted would see their families killed.” The most obvious implications of reversing 20 hard-fought years of progress: Taiwan, Ukraine, the Persian Gulf and our non-existent southern border. Simply take a quick glance across the globe and isolate those pressure points where US interests don't match available forces - from our hard-pressed ground forces to our over-matched Border Patrol. Do you seriously imagine that our adversaries will not test those limits in search of more low-hanging fruit? Similarly, few Americans seem to grasp the intrinsic linkage between those external threats and our internal security, already under attack from hostile criminal-political syndicates (e.g., Mexican drug cartels, BLM, Antifa.) Fewer still will recall that 10 years ago Oklahoma authorities warned that that the cartels were becoming a bigger threat to the state than tornadoes.

Deceptive Metaphors: Today there are many incautious parallels drawn between Kabul and Saigon. Officers of my generation vividly recall that the Saigon withdrawal - for all its drawbacks - was far better organized than Kabul. Wherever they happen, strategic withdrawals in the face of an armed adversary are always tough and dangerous operations. The American Army first began learning those difficult lessons under George Washington, who didn’t so much beat the British as to (narrowly) avoid being defeated by them. Ever since, Murphy’s Law has been as omni-present in American ranks as camp followers. The better metaphor may be to Dunkirk (without the English Channel) or - even more ominously - to the 1885 Siege of Khartoum. To those readers who may not recall the Charlton Heston movie, things ended badly for the British and especially for Heston’s character, General Charles Gordon. In outlook, ferocity and ideological single-mindedness, there are eerie similarities between the armies of the Mahdi and those of the Taliban. Listening yesterday to Jenn Psaki and Jake Sullivan’s ignominious presentation to the White House press corps, it was appalling to think that such mendacious, naive and utterly un-serious people were anywhere close to the halls of power. The question not posed by the fawning press munchkins: Were the same officials who planned the Kabul operation also involved with defending our southern border?

Immediate Political Consequences: National security as a political issue is much like oxygen: un-noticed and inconsequential until suddenly it seems threatened. But when those threats materialize, they immediately transform lesser political questions. Right now, that specter most benefits former SECSTATE Mike Pompeo and Ambassador Nikki Haley. Ambassador Hailey is the former South Carolina governor who overcame ethnic and gender profiling to become a compelling, highly articulate leader as Donald Trump’s Ambassador to the UN. But the big winner after Kabul may be Mike Pompeo. He calmly personifies traditional American values: e.g., Eagle Scout, West Point graduate, business leader, Congressman, CIA Director, SECSTATE, and born-again Christian). That stunning resume gives him an immediate appeal for a Republican establishment that badly needs a super-star who can help re-build Republican credibility.

Macro-Changes to Start Thinking About: We can anticipate that our enemies will do their utmost to test us, ideally while the Biden White House still resembles deer-caught-in-the -headlights. The short list certainly includes the seizure of Taiwan and the increasing likelihood of another 911. I live in San Antonio, where we grimly chuckle over the latest (and fastest-growing) Border Patrol category of illegals: OTM, meaning "Other Than Mexican." The considerably more sobering reality: If our enemies fail to take advantage of our open borders, then it contradicts everything we know about their relentless character and their endlessly adaptive tactics. If you are familiar with the Sicario movie series, then you may have already glimpsed the future. The American people need to demand an end to the PC-heavy, Woke soft-headedness that has already begun to compromise our military. To cite but one current example: Testifying before the House Appropriations Committee on May 4, BG Daniel Hokanson (Chief of the National Guard Bureau) asserted that "Among my most pressing concerns are premium-free health care for every Guardsman...." Seriously, General? Aren't those the very same forces primarily responsible for our homeland defense, either in coping with disaster or deterring an enemy attack? And yet you're primarily concerned with their health care?

Fasten your seat-belts, folks, we may be in for a bumpy ride!

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Comments 11-20 of 27

  • Jerry

    08/23/2021 08:33 AM

    Pelosi Schumer and the most of the Democrats had said they could walk and chew gum at the same time First they are not smart enough to take the gum out of the wrapper before chewing while murder on our nations soil is taking place murder caused by this administration is happening abroad Schumer enjoys himself at a street dance and pelosi enjoys a picnic in a park all with the security paid for by taxpayers. Most people agree that murder would be a first priority to stop not the Democrats they are biting their tongues in a painful way while walking away from the problems they are creating.

  • Beth Mitchell

    08/23/2021 06:07 AM

    Is DHS really serious about religious holidays as being terrorist threats, like Christmas, Easter, or Thanksgiving? Sounds like they are the puppets of the CCP. I love my country and believe that God has so blessed us richly and am proud to be born and raised here in the good ole U.S.of A. The brave men and women that served in the military during the world wars, Vietnam, and many other past battles, and now the military wants to focus on health care, transgender operations? What are they going to do when they have to get out in the field and fight? I can see them turning tail and running. It will probably be up to the everyday person to face the enemy and fight. I am so glad you wrote and told us the good news of Sen. Ted Cruz and his standing up for us and our country. God bless him!
    God bless you for all your hard work and keeping us informed! Many thanks to you and your staff!

  • Anne Turner

    08/22/2021 09:08 PM

    Dear Governor,

    I have a little story for you. Before church this morning I was talking with two little girls who are about six . At one point they took each other’s hands. I said “you girls are really good friends aren’t you ?” “oh yes she was my very first friend I think.” They are both polite, pretty and smart. Here’s the catch. One is white and the other is black. So are they going to put those little friends in a classroom and tell them that the little white girl thinks she superior and the little black girl is a put upon victim of the white girl. Come on man! Why are Libs so intend on destroying friendships like these? Divide and conquer, that is the mantra. How did it come to this? all because of a brash, rude President who sent out mean tweets., but who did many good things for the country and would never have allowed these fiascos we are seeing now. His policies benefited individuals of all races and creeds. Talk about trading on the superficial. The Libs are masters of it.

  • Jerry

    08/22/2021 08:43 PM

    Where are the squad members and the illiterate kammy harris with their Huggggh mouths complaining about the lack of women and their rights in islamic states according to the congressional squad members and harris islamic women do not have enough value to have rights and freedoms as American women and harris should step away from office as they are incapable of equal justice for all

  • Robin Rebhan

    08/22/2021 08:01 PM

    " Four Implications of the Afghan Debacle ". Some points from me that I would like to add. Our American Military did not lose the war on terror in Afghanistan ( or Iraq ). American politicians lost the war on terror with horrible rules of engagement imposed on our troops and created all but impossible missions with so many restrictions on our troops that field commanders had to consult lawyers on how to conduct missions. Our politicians had no clear strategy, nor short term nor long term strategic goals and no clear definition what victory and the end game would actually be. Nor was any of this provided to our allies. Often we had allied support troops ( not allied combat troops ) expected to perform combat missions that were not part of their training or agreed upon mission. Then we Americans would get mad because those allied troops left the theater in disgust. Communications and coordination were horrible between units. Most orders and approvals came from air-conditioned offices thousands of miles away in the USA for even the smallest of missions ( micro-management on steroids ). In market places for example Iran was selling goods, the one soft drink Company was owned and operated by the Iranian Government! Guess where and to who that money was going to and supporting! What else was Iran ( and other countries ) bringing across the borders?
    My father landed on the Beaches of Normandy June 6, 1944. When he got off the beaches he came across a house full of bullet and shrapnel holes and all the windows were blown out! The home owners were outside waving an American Flag cheering the Americans. My Father said
    "You could have been killed! The home owner replied " Yes! But we would have died free! ". Just off shore The French Navy Admiral was ordering his crews. " To drive the enemy out, we must fire upon our home land! But this is the price of freedom! Viva La France!! ". Real courage from real men and real leaders and real statesmen. Sadly all of this is totally lacking in our " politically correct " government and senior military command today! America deserves better! Brute courage is vital to winning and maintaining freedom! Viva La Amerique!!

  • Paul Kern

    08/22/2021 07:59 PM

    Was good to review these articles.
    What disturbs is some polls showing over 60 percent of Democratic voters now want more censorship. I was hoping the obvious Afghanistan disaster would opent their minds to the real world! Guess not.
    Would be interesting for your team to look into the groups initiating rescues right now. One is All things possible. Another is a group of nets organized nationwide. Helping Afghani refugees using the Internet and satellite imagery to guide them around Taliban strongholds. Others on social networks are also jumping in to help.
    Also tribesmen in northern Afghanistan are fighting the Taliban. I understand they now control three provinces.
    Shows what can happen when real people do what they can!

  • James P. Garriss Sr. Lt Col, USAF (Ret'd)

    08/22/2021 07:53 PM

    Dear Governor Huckabee,
    NO, NO, NO!!!! I totally agreed with your article on homeland security with the exception of your opening statement. In that, you stated that the Taliban takeover of Kabul was a military failure, to which I reply, "GARBAGE"! Have you somehow forgotten that our military serves at the pleasure of the civilian members of our nation, led by their elected officials. Do you think that our military leaders who warned of this disaster ordered their own withdrawal knowing that US citizens and our allies would be left to the mercy of the Taliban? No, Sir, this was a failure of our civilian leaders once again, just like Korea, Vietnam, and Benghazi, to name a few. Once again our civilian/political leaders were more concerned with a few votes than using our very capable military to accomplish a better outcome. And no, I'm not advocating changing the civilian/military command structure. It's like it should be. We just need leaders with the resolve to do what's right.

  • m. poyhonen

    08/22/2021 07:38 PM

    Using 'suggestive' in describing proof is weak from anyone who watched Lindell's symposium. Is this meant to avoid legal assaults from left-wing operatives?

  • Jerry

    08/22/2021 07:37 PM

    Why isn't the GOP calling for the Commander in Chief to be court marshaled for aiding a national enemy with military type weapons, ammunition, aircraft, land machines, missiles, military men have been discharged
    for taking a photo of a submarine insides biden needs to be charged with criminal treason now before he gives the nuclear codes to the Talibaun or someone else

  • Donna E Pittman

    08/22/2021 07:08 PM

    It never ceases to amaze me what the various media folks come up with. Someone started the term "debacle" and now all the news reporters are on the term.. even fox news. What has happened to "initiative" and why don't these folks put on their thinking caps and come up with at least some synonyms?