
Latest News

February 19, 2024

Stefan Passantino, attorney for former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski, was so taken aback by the treatment of his client during his recent closed-door hearing that he wrote a letter to Oversight Committee ranking member Jamie Raskin of Maryland, expressing his concern about the Democrats’ “abusive conduct and disingenuous characterizations” of Bobulinski’s testimony regarding his association with Hunter.

Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer of Kentucky said it was behavior “I’ve frankly never seen before in a transcribed interview,” calling it a “shameful display.”  They were, he said, “cutting him off, belittled him, and threatened him.”

Bobulinski apparently held up well under this.  As he said in his letter, Passantino is confident we’re “watching the death throes of a political narrative that will be shattered upon the imminent public release of [that] testimony.”

Friday, that testimony was released. Matt Margolis at PJ Media has a link to the full transcript plus key excerpts, and you can tell why the Democrats were so frantic to smear and silence him.

Also, the NEW YORK POST story has the full text of Passantino’s letter to Raskin…

RELATED STORY:  Special counsel David Weiss has charged a witness with making a false statement and giving a false and fictitious record in their investigation of Hunter’s finances.

Alexander Smirnov is the source who, in that “1023” form, is quoted as telling the FBI, among other things, that Burisma founder Zlochevsky had said he paid “$5 million to one Biden and $5 million to another Biden.”  He was arrested at Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas on Wednesday after a grand jury returned the indictment.

Oversight Committee Chairman Comer says the FBI’s actions are “very concerning” and that they previously had said this source was “credible and trusted, had worked with the FBI for over a decade, and had been paid six figures.”  Why would someone like this lie?

For when you have time, this must-read story has the details...

The timing of the arrest, given Biden’s mounting political and legal troubles, is suspect.  Rep. Jamie Raskin, ranking Democrat on the Oversight Committee, is now calling for the impeachment inquiry to be shut down --- never mind how much else it has found --- and President Biden is, too.

We’ll have much more as it develops, but for now, we’ll quote former FBI agent Stuart Kaplan, who had some inside information for Jesse Watters Friday night:

“When that ‘1023’ form was released last year, my colleagues and I knew at that point, that informant was going to be sacrificed.” he said.  “It was just a matter of time.  That informant has been on the books since 2010, and ‘11, ‘12, and up until more recently.  You do not stay on the books with the FBI unless you have been vetted and you are credible, and the fact that he had received so much money from the FBI, and so many people have to sign off on...those payments, it has to be verified that he is a very productive informant.

They “took out a hit” on this informant, he said, and “disabled him.”

“So what the FBI and our government wants to have us believe, is, ‘we’ve now taken out the predicator, the person who started the ball rolling...[by] telling on the Bidens, and now we’ve gathered all this other information, all the money trail, all the checks, all the payments, but yet because we’re gonna discredit the guy who unleashed on him, let’s throw it all in the garbage like it never even happened.’

Kaplan called this reasoning “insane,” “illogical” and “embarrassing.”  Even without this informant, he said, we still have a “treasure trove” of evidence “that leads directly from Hunter Biden to his father.”

“I can’t believe the FBI has gone down this road, AGAIN,” he said, “to unleash on this informant.”

Really??  What’s so hard to believe about that?  And who’s going to be an informant for the FBI after this?  There has to be mutual trust for that to work, and nobody can trust the FBI.

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