
Latest News

May 13, 2021

If there was any American institution we thought we could safely assume was based on merit, it has always been the profession of medicine. We like to think that this is the most challenging learning environment possible –- that when we go in for, say, open heart surgery, our surgical team, attendants and technicians are the ones at the top of their game. They might be male, female, young-ish, old-ish, any race or nationality, but they are assumed to be where they are because they are the very best at what they do and completely focused on the task at hand. The practice of medicine. Right? Because often the situation is life or death.

Well, according to the American Medical Association, the idea that the practice of medicine is or should be a meritocracy is outdated and racist. Diagnosis: The AMA has a bad case of CRT. Condition: critical.

“The commonly held narrative of meritocracy is the idea that people are successful purely because of their individual effort,” the AMA says in a new report. “Medical education has largely been based on such flawed meritocratic ideals, and it will take intentional focus and effort to recognize, review and revise this deeply flawed interpretation.”

Please tell me this was written by someone who had just had a brain aneurism and that it will be corrected.

What the AMA recommends now, they say, is for medical schools to incorporate Critical Race Theory into their teaching. In other words, introduce a focus on who is the oppressor and who is the oppressed, because that’s what CRT is all about. “Expand medical school and physician education to include equity, anti-racism, structural competence, public health and social sciences, critical race theory and historical basis of disease,” the document reads.

AMA President Gerald Harmon issued a statement accompanying this report, saying that he is “fully committed to this cause” and telling the medical community that “We believe that by leveraging the power of our membership, our influence and our reach, we can help bring real and lasting change to medicine.”

Indeed, even though the AMA doesn’t directly run America’s health care system –- and thank God for that –- it does wield tremendous influence over the medical schools and teaching hospitals that train our medical professionals. And it has decided that the traditional meritocracy “ignores the inequitably distributed social, structural and political resources.”

The worst thing we used to have to worry about with our medical professionals was that they cheated their way through school. On the bright side, if medical school is no longer a meritocracy, the less gifted and/or dedicated students will no longer have to cheat; they’ll just sail through, anyway. You know, in the name of “justice” and “equity.”

All this is part of an 86-page strategic plan that the AMA released on May 11. As THE EPOCH TIMES tells us in a premium report, this is a three-year “road map” detailing how the organization will use its influence to dismantle “structural and institutional racism” and advance “social and racial justice” in America’s health care system.

The report explains why the concept of “equality” must be replaced with “equity”: “Equality as a process means providing the same amounts and types of resources across populations. Seeking to treat everyone the ‘same’ ignores the historical legacy of disinvestment and deprivation through historical policy and practice of marginalizing and minoritizing communities.”

If you feel your blood pressure going up as you read this, I apologize.

On the American Medical Association website, you can read about the report, which is loaded with all the usual CRT jargon and entitled “The AMA’s strategic plan to embed racial justice and advance health equity.” And, oh, yes, it touches on politics, too. Here’s a downloadable pdf, where I encourage you to read at least the “Preamble,” designed to familiarize the novice with the concept of CRT and also with the jargon characteristic of all CRT texts and conversations. They call this the “parlance”:

“As with other scholarly domains, the field of equity has developed a parlance which conveys both authenticity, precision and meaning. Just as the general parlance of a business document varies from that of a physics document, so too is the case for an equity document...One example is the use of the invocation-like recognition of “land and labor acknowledgement”...It is common that discussions in the field of equity begin with the recognition that our current state was built on the land and labors of others in ways that violated the fundamental principles of equity.”

Ah, so they have an “invocation” (?) that precedes their “scholarly” discussions. That doesn’t sound very scholarly to me –- more like the prayer that precedes the sermon. I’m wondering if perhaps the most gifted and promising surgeon in the whole medical program drops out because he’d rather be listening to a lecture on thoracic surgery than trying to sit through hours of CRT sermonizing.

This plan, the AMA says, has been in the works since June of 2018, with guidelines from the “Health Equity Task Force.”

Certainly it’s important for doctors-in-training to be aware of past injustices and inequities in the health care system and to provide the best level of care possible for every patient. “Ensuring optimal health for all” is a laudable and necessary goal. That said, there is so much word-salad in just this single report that one thing is clear: a medical student could spend a year of his or her precious studies just getting indoctrinated in CRT-speak. That seems to be the new focus.

More to the point, it is not the job of the medical profession to “play a more prominent role in the current national reckoning [‘CURRENT NATIONAL RECKONING’?] on equity and justice.” But this is what the AMA says they must do, “both by using existing assets –- relationships, training platforms, programs, advocacy, communication and marketing infrastructure –- and creating new assets as levers for change.”

Doctors no longer are supposed to just do their very best to treat the sick regardless of the race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic background, etc., of their patient. Why, that would be racist. According to the AMA, they’re supposed to “confront inequities and dismantle white supremacy, racism, and other forms of exclusion and structured oppression, as well as embed social justice and advance equity within and across all forms of health systems.”

They also say they want to have “explicit conversations” about these issues. What I’ve noticed about CRT, though, is that the “conversations” all have to be in one direction, with only one opinion, expressed in a certain way, with certain words. Woe to the gifted surgical resident who expresses any frustration with any of this or challenges or disagrees in any way. I have a feeling he’ll end up cleaning bedpans while some less-talented but intersectional student who checks all the right boxes and uses all the right jargon will head the surgical team. In the name of equity.

I feel a little sick.  But it's the American Medical Association that's in need of intensive care, or it won't survive the toxic infection of CRT. Imagine the irony: being treated by a doctor who can't even say that all lives matter.

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Comments 1-9 of 9

  • Gloria Walsh

    05/18/2021 04:36 PM


    Where to start????? Just WOW!!!! I can't imagine what the face of medicine will look like in years to come. Concerning myself, what will happen to me a 69 year old white woman? Does someone discriminate against me on basis of age or white, or female??? Doesn't type of garbage open up the door to such discrimination on all points? Well, no matter, I know where I'm going the minute I die! But matters what happens to others who might suffer this discrimination. YIKES!

  • Rhonda Devine

    05/18/2021 01:22 PM

    As someone who has been treated for cancer for the last nine years....this is alarming. To think treatment will be based on race is sickening and has no place in the USA. I hope all my doctors turn a deaf ear to such nonsense.

  • James Montgomery

    05/14/2021 04:03 PM

    I will soon not be on this earth, and I am glad for that. I will be in a place where I have been wholly accepted, no matter what, by simply accepting a precious gift. Equality vs. equity will no longer be my concern. I pray God and my children straight this mess out.

  • Richard E James MD

    05/14/2021 02:16 PM

    Unfortunately, there are many physicians that will agree with this as, 50 years ago, once the government and then the large insurance companies began to control medicine it changed from a profession into a business and for those of us who have practiced medicine during much of this entire time it has been sad to see, especially when advances in medical technology and science have exponentially improved on a yearly basis. Like many of our young people new medical students have no concept about the true nature of medical practice, which as stated above is solely for "doctors to just do their very best to treat the sick regardless of the race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic background, of their patient."
    As I responded earlier:
    The majority, but not all, politicians place their personal welfare, wealth, and re-election above what is necessarily good for the country and maintaining our freedoms. Therefore, I really have no faith in the system any longer because rather than the radicals on both sides cancelling each other out in an adversarial way just like our safe, but inefficient and not always just judicial system America is manipulated by the extremely wealthy corporate and social media globalists who with their wealth control the news media, most politicians, and much of higher educational institutions. Without the majority of Americans using common sense and becoming informed by facts I am afraid our democracy will continue to become weaker and the citizens more divided because those who believe a more efficient, but very dangerous oligarchy, can and should run the country will prevail. Historically, this has always proven to eventually fail. Faith in God must be the cornerstone of our republic or any civilization and once that is rejected by the majority we will only painfully learn by extremely difficult and tragic experience. Throwing money or contributing money to publicize these truths without people taking definitive action is senseless and further waste of resources by the average American, but personally I don't see any liberal Americans changing their views and our younger generation continues to be brainwashed by higher education and much of the news.

  • Janis K. Contway

    05/14/2021 12:34 PM

    As a Native American "minority" health professional owner of a worldwide medical contracting firm employing hundreds of physicians and a concerned citizen, I agree.
    The education of physicians is already so prolonged and difficult that too few enter the field.
    Adding the social issues of the day to the already crowded curriculum would discourage more individuals from entering the field adding to the shortage of physicians that increases every year. And physicians rewarded, not for excellence in the science of medicine, but for excellence in the 'appearance' of sympathy for the
    changing minority sensationalized each day by the media.
    And for what?
    Health will be endangered and lives will be sacrificed for nothing more than publicity and false acceptance.
    Reminds me of the question;
    "What do you call a medical student who finishes Last in his medical school class of a hundred?"

  • Jim Greer

    05/14/2021 12:08 PM

    Typical medical speakā€¦ SAY WHAT??? English please and not so many big (made up?) words!

  • Lu Jean Bedard

    05/14/2021 11:08 AM

    This is ridiculous!! I am so tired of hearing this drivel coming from all these organizations who are trying to be so "politically correct." If the AMA wants to focus on something, how about trying to ensure that doctors graduate with good listening skills and medical proficiency?!

  • Doris Radford

    05/14/2021 11:04 AM

    I'm afraid that God has turned this nation over to Satan for destruction , because of all the evil that is in our nation . Most of the people that call their self Christians , are taking part in the evil .

  • Judi Hall

    05/13/2021 05:03 PM

    Horrible thoughts! I saw a specialist once who said his medical school contacted him to donate to a fund to tutor medical students who needed extra help to be able to make it. He was horrified and not willing to participate as he felt one should be able to accomplish medical school without a lot of tutoring or maybe they did not belong there. As a nurse, I have worked with brilliant physicians and I have worked with those who should never have made it out of medical school and lots in between. CRT plays no role in this education.