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June 6, 2024

On Tuesday, Attorney General Merrick Garland appeared before the House Judiciary Committee and (again) showed himself to be a worthless political hack who specializes in avoiding transparency.  In fact, being the Artless Dodger at congressional hearings seems to be his only job, as he appears to know nothing about what’s going on at the DOJ he supposedly supervises.

So, is he just lying, deliberately making himself look pathetic, or have the shrewd attorneys who are really running the show at the DOJ--- almost surely led by Lisa Monaco from the Obama administration --- deliberately set up the office responsibilities this way to provide him with plausible deniability as he assumes the “public” face of the department?  (We still say they should subpoena Lisa Monaco to testify about these communications, and to BRING THEM.)

In yesterday’s newsletter, we examined his testimony while being skillfully questioned by Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz about relinquishing communications between the DOJ’s office and other prosecutors who are bringing cases against President Trump.  Garland showed anew that he simply cannot be trusted.

But there was more of interest during Garland’s questioning.  Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie pressed Garland on whether the appointment of Special Counsel Jack Smith, who’s overseeing both the J6 and “classified documents” cases against President Trump, was even constitutional.  As reported by AMERICAN GREATNESS, “Garland had to admit on the stand that Smith was neither appointed by President Biden or confirmed by the Senate, nor was a special counsel statute passed to authorize Smith’s appointment.”

Massie told him, “You’ve created an office in the U.S. government that doesn’t exist and without authorization from Congress.”

Here’s another big question: Why was Smith, of all people, brought in (from Europe) to investigate and prosecute Trump, when surely there were many government attorneys closer to home who would have been highly qualified?  Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan of Ohio pressed him hard on that and (of course) didn’t get a definitive answer.  And more than once, Garland referred to Smith as “nonpartisan,” which makes us think he should try a new career in deadpan comedy.  Do you recall that when Lois Lerner in Obama’s IRS was targeting conservative “tea party” groups, it was prosecutor Jack Smith who was seeking ways to go after them?

Speaking of Jack Smith, Judge Aileen Cannon, who’s presiding over the “classified documents” case in Florida, has expanded an upcoming hearing to outside parties while considering the same question Massie had; namely, whether Smith’s appointment as special counsel was valid.  She’s taking her time to decide this important question, and the case is on hold over this and other issues.  That’s one more reason why leftists (who just want convictions and DON’T CARE whether Smith’s appointment was valid) are frantically trying to get her recalled. 

On June 21, three outside experts will have up to 30 minutes each to make their arguments on this question.  Smith might have to be removed as special counsel, or perhaps be overseen by a U.S. attorney.  Read the details here…

In more Judge Cannon news, an obviously organized campaign has led to so many complaints being filed against her --- over 1,000 --- that Chief Judge William Pryor of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals has instructed the circuit court’s clerk to stop accepting new complaints.  Apparently, these just keep repeating the same allegations. These all seem to boil down to them being livid that she’s failing to observe the “Trump exception” to the Constitution and acting as if he actually has due process rights.

Details here, including a video by Joshua Philippe about Jack Smith’s use of a DC grand jury to CONTINUE investigating Trump, with the hope of bringing more charges against him.  They never stop.

Leftist Trump-hating attorneys such as Laurence Tribe have been obsessed with getting Cannon taken off the case, both before and after she denied Smith’s gag order request.  Here’s Margot Cleveland’s legal analysis…

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Once and for all, is Jack Smith a legitimate special counsel?

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