
Latest News

October 19, 2021

It may seem like an impossible dream, but AOC has a challenger in New York’s 14th House District who might actually have a chance to boot the media’s favorite socialist fashionista out of Congress.

Like AOC, this person is Hispanic and even a former bartender – but that’s where the similarities end. Desi Cuellar’s parents fled Cuba to escape the socialism that AOC is so enamored with. He knows what it’s like to be poor, work hard and even be homeless, but he refuses to blame America for his early struggles or play victim. He even joined the National Guard because, he says, he “wanted to do more for my country.”

Cuellar said, “I am proof that opportunity exists for anyone in this country, that America is worth fighting for, that our values and our constitutional rights set us apart from the rest of the world. But my opponent AOC is doing everything she can to undo what countless Americans have died to preserve.”

He says, “As a New Yorker, I’m sick and tired of seeing AOC use our city as a launching pad for her socialist agenda.” He’s made a hard-hitting ad that can be seen at the link above. I wish him all the luck in the world.

It might seem like an insurmountable task, since AOC got 71% of the vote in 2020. But note that the 14th District has a population of nearly 700,000, and AOC’s total vote was less than 153,000. There are a lot of people there who didn’t bother to vote. Let’s hope Cuellar can inspire them to go to the polls and remind them that they elect someone to Congress to represent their beliefs and interests, not those of Bernie Sanders, Karl Marx or Fidel Castro.

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Comments 21-30 of 122

  • Vern Doria

    11/01/2021 09:57 AM

    Mike, I'm sure you hear this all the time but I am so thankful for you and people like you and your daughter Sara. I enjoy watching you on TV and your thought process is always right on, in my opinion of course. I would have voted for you, if you were the front runner in 2016. I know you said you will not run again but I truly hope you do. Keep up the good work. Perhaps you will get through to some of the people on the left one day.

  • Joanne Hooff

    11/01/2021 09:54 AM

    A O C has to go! Keep Desi in the news! I like him, a regular guy who will stand for America????

  • larry w huffman

    11/01/2021 09:47 AM

    I believe our major challenge is alleviating voter fraud , and "and" removing the intimidation sometimes in the vote process

  • Jo Knight

    11/01/2021 09:46 AM

    I would like to contribute a few bucks to Desi Cuellar and would love to see him beat AOC. People accrossed the country should all contribute to his campaign to get rid of AOC. Please send us an address, ten bucks from a lot of people could go a long way!

  • Martin Hill

    11/01/2021 09:33 AM

    Only wish I could vote for Mr Cuellar....AOC would be back to Bartending....hummm, maybe I could get an Absentee Ballot from NY....

  • Cheryl L. Mohon

    11/01/2021 08:46 AM

    May his tribe increase! He sounds like a young man who knows what needs to be done to help restore our country's values.

  • sandralee smith

    11/01/2021 04:26 AM

    Now THAT would, indeed, be the trick! NYC, has notoriously chosen poor excused for leaders for decades, perhaps even a couple of centuries. Only once in a great while do they accidentally elect a good 1, like Rudy.

  • Russell Y Saito

    11/01/2021 01:13 AM

    I want to encourage you to eliminate the term "good luck" from you vocabulary. If you think about it, luck is superstition. As a former pastor, I would think you already know this, but it easy for us to get caught up with the colloquial form of our language but we don't realize that we don't really believe what we are saying. Another example is the expression "Holy Cow!" But do we believe that cows are holy? No! So why do we say it? Isn't this a Hindu belief that cows are sacred? Also, I do not believe all the name calling against our political is of God. In fact, God say to love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. One of the reasons many Republicans don't like Trump is because of his crass statements. I think if he would humble himself and apologize to the country for this kind of behavior, maybe we could unify the Republican base. Remember, United we stand and divided we fall. We need to strive to unite this country, not divide it! We need to show love not hate. We need to speak the truth in love. I still support Trump because I know he has done great things for our country but he needs to stop bragging and show a little humility. Instead of saying I did this and that, maybe he should give credit to those who helped him achieve the things he had accomplished. May God bless you and give you wisdom!
    Russell Saito
    Pastor of Break Free Agape Fellowship
    Alliance, NE

  • Jerry

    10/31/2021 11:58 PM

    I don’t believe the people in the 14th district in NY could care less although the opposing candidate sounds ok the people can not decipher good from bad look at the over all elected politicians in NY and not much intelligence to go around the only election that is close is which state has the the least intelligence California or New York two of the most dense populations for ignorance in the country New York’s know they are stupid they are just to cowardly to admit it

  • Daniel Furtney

    10/31/2021 11:36 PM

    Looks like the AOC challenger has the right message for NY. Hope he can get a grass roots, door to door campaign to motivate the otherwise lazy New Yorkers into booting the Marxist AOC.