
Latest News

July 20, 2021

Five of those Texas House Democrats who fled to DC to prevent a quorum for an election integrity bill have now tested positive for COVID-19, after tweeting photos of themselves on their plane with no facemasks, as is required for everyone else, and meeting with top Democrat officials, including the Vice President. But then, they obviously believe rules are for the little people.

Stephen L. Miller had some fun on Twitter with these fugitive super-spreaders by turning the Dems’ own hyperbolic rhetoric against them:

While we’re all enjoying their hypocrisy on everything from mask mandates to opposing the filibuster for the Senate but not for themselves to claiming they’re standing up for Texas citizens while shirking their jobs and costing Texas citizens over $40,000 a day, they might have actually done one real service to America. They’ve inspired Sen. Lindsay Graham to follow their example.

Graham says he’s been inspired by them to decide that if the Democrats try to force through a $3.5 trillion “infrastructure bill” on a reconciliation vote that does nothing to rebuild infrastructure but that fuels inflation, funds a leftist wish list and opens the floodgates of illegal immigration, Republicans will simply leave and deny the Senate a quorum.

Hey, Democrats are praising the Texans, so they must be fine with it, right? Besides, denying the Democrats a quorum might be the only way to stop it, since some Republican Senators are lining up to be rolled.


Texas Democrats Are On The Run Again

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