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March 15, 2021

Good morning!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse Of The Day
  • Crisis
  • Holy George Orwell! They're removing words from the dictionary
  • Sharp questioning
  • Crash and burn
  • ICYMI: The world is going insane
  • A Reader Writes Back...
  • America The Beautiful


Mike Huckabee




By Mike Huckabee

President Biden’s spokespeople refuse to use the word “crisis” to describe the situation he created on the border by reversing Trump policies that had stabilized illegal immigration. They call it a “challenge.” If so, it’s one they’re failing so badly to meet that they might have to upgrade their terminology to a “conundrum,” or an “oopsy,” which the rest of us might call a “flat-out calamity.”

Naturally, CNN is among the media outlets desperately flipping through the dictionary, trying to find words to describe the Biden-caused crisis that don’t actually describe what it really is. Check out this bit of linguistic calisthenics:

“The number of unaccompanied migrant children in US Border Patrol facilities, which are akin to jail cells and not intended for kids, has reached dramatic highs, documents show.”

Under Trump, detention centers for minors were “Children in cages!!” Under Biden, they’re children in US Border Patrol facilities that are “akin to jail cells.” That’s some pretty frantic euphemizing, there, pardners!

And what precisely does “dramatic highs” mean? According to a Reuters report, it means children sleeping on the floors and only being able to shower once a week because the “facilities” are at 729% capacity. That means 1800 kids in a facility built to house 250. This is why Fox News reporter Julio Rojas, after visiting the border, tweeted that he was “in shock” at how many people he saw illegally crossing, and “this is definitely a crisis.”

While some Democrats like Nancy Pelosi are ludicrously trying to blame this on Trump and claim Biden “inherited” the problem…

…Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador knows who and what is to blame, and that’s why he’s started calling Biden the “migrant President.” He can read the handwriting on the unfinished wall, and the Biden T-shirts on the illegal border crossers.

Where are the media figures, leftist politicians and Hollywood celebrities, tweeting that the President is a heartless monster who is putting children in cages? They’re remarkably silent, even though conditions have obviously become far worse in record time under Biden than they ever were under Trump. But then, they never cared that the same facilities they described as “cages” under Trump were actually built under the Obama/Biden Administration.

Personally, I don’t want to see people accuse Biden of being a heartless monster who wants to harm children (although I would like to hear them apologize for saying it about Donald Trump.) Name-calling and nasty, unfounded accusations about someone’s personal motives and what’s in their hearts is wrong, no matter which side it targets. I’d just like to hear them use their influential voices to tell Biden that it’s time to admit they were wrong and that he needs to reverse his reversals of Trump’s policies before his “challenge” becomes an irreversible disaster.

For more, here’s my appearance Sunday on Fox News Live to talk about the five components that are fueling the border crisis: kids, cages, cartels, coyotes and COVID.

Holy George Orwell! They're removing words from the dictionary

By Mike Huckabee

In George Orwell’s book “1984,” people speak a constantly evolving language called “Newspeak,” though the completed version is not expected to be the sole means of communication until about 2050. It’s a language that changes to “meet the ideological needs” of the socialist government that controls all.

And this is happening to our own language in 2021.

In Orwell’s story, revised editions of Newspeak come out periodically, each one smaller than the last but still containing “many superfluous words and archaic formations which [are] due to be suppressed later.” Reshaping the language is a long process.

The goal of Newspeak is to make all modes of thought that are incompatible with the principles of English socialism impossible --- “so much as thought is dependent on words.” As Orwell wrote:

"Its vocabulary was so constructed as to give exact meaning and often very subtle expression to every meaning that a Party member could properly wish to express, while excluding all other meanings and also the possibility of arriving at them by indirect methods. This was done partly by the invention of new words, but chiefly by ELIMINATING UNDESIRABLE WORDS [emphasis mine] and by stripping such words as remained of unorthodox meanings and, so far as possible, of all secondary meanings whatsoever.”

"Newspeak was designed not to extend but to diminish the range of thought, and this purpose was indirectly assisted by cutting the choice of words down to a minimum.”

I would add that even though our thoughts are not totally dependent on words, the communication of complex ideas certainly is. So anyone who is wordlessly thinking/feeling that there is something wrong with the way things are remains essentially “locked in” and can’t communicate this to anyone.

So, congratulations, Thanks to your willingness to eliminate problematic words from your lexicon, you win the Newspeak Prize for MOST WORTHLESS DICTIONARY of 2021. You win for your decision to eliminate the word “slave” from the language. Since you are a slave to woke-ness, we will never, ever turn to you for any information regarding language. Ever.

As reported by YAHOO LIFE: “As part of its ongoing efforts to feature language that is more inclusive and reflective of modern-day society, will no longer include the word ‘slave’ as a noun identifying a person, instead using the adjective ‘enslaved’ or referencing the institution of slavery.”

You see, a word such as “slave” might make people in certain groups feel bad, so it will be struck from the language. Never mind that a word such as “racist” remains, even though it might be wrongly applied to members of another group and make THEM feel bad. That’s perfectly fine; because of their “whiteness,” those people deserve to feel bad, anyway. So use the word “racist” all you want, but the word “slave” has been tossed down the memory hole.

It should be noted that our English dictionary still isn’t shrinking quite as fast as the Newspeak dictionary, simply because new politically correct terminology has to go in. For example, the story about’s abolition (ha) of the word “slave,” includes the following:

"The change is one of 7,600 updates the online resource has announced, which also include the addition of terms relevant to race, social justice and identity, such as ’BIPOC’ (Black, Indigenous and People of Color) and ‘Critical Race Theory.’ The latest updates --- which also include capitalizing ‘Indigenous’ when referring to people, and adding entries for ‘racialization,’ ‘disenfranchisement’ and ‘overpolice’ --- follow those announced last September. That round of revisions saw the capitalization of the word Black in reference to people, and the addition of terms relevant to mental health (specifically, suicide and addiction) and LGBTQ identity.”

Um, we'd like to point out that the above paragraph is already out of date, as “LGBTQ” has added at least a couple more letters and a “plus” sign, just to make sure every conceivable gender variation is specifically covered.

Also –- better sit down, snowflakes –- our use of the word “black” to describe a person will not be capitalized, just as the word “white” will not. We have read the rationale for capitalizing “black” and leaving “white” in all-lowercase and do not accept it. “African-American,” on the other hand, will be capitalized, as it refers to a geographical location that is capitalized. “European” will also be capitalized, for the same reason. That is how it will be according to the stylebook here at, where we make the rules. And if we want to refer to a slave as a slave, we sure as heck will, whether it’s Samson or Miss Jane Pittman. Doing so is being honest, not disrespectful or “dehumanizing,” as if anyone could dehumanize Miss Jane Pittman.

Also, to the people at You’re proud of yourselves for this and say you’re ready for the backlash. I hope you think seriously about the reason for the backlash and don’t just dismiss it as (sigh) racism, because it isn’t. A dictionary is supposed to reflect how language is used, not dictate it, at least unless we’re all living in Oceania. Are we?

It’s time to stand up to this.

Here’s another jaw-dropping example of virtue signaling, from Columbia University in New York, where they’re holding “secondary” graduation ceremonies segregated by race, gender/sexuality, and (yes) income!

Even though these are “virtual” ceremonies this year, the school’s events “provide a more intimate setting for students and guests to gather, incorporate meaningful cultural traditions and celebrate the specific contributions and achievements of their communities,” they say.

Here’s another write-up at THE COLLEGE FIX. You’d swear it was from the BABYLON BEE.

And as long as we’re talking about standing up, here’s a strong commentary on the lie of systemic racism by Scott Johnston, bestselling author of CAMPUSLAND.

By the way, the novel CAMPUSLAND looks supremely entertaining.

It occurs to me that the word “racist” is being thrown around so much, maybe non-racists are finally overcoming their fear of being called one. Or that maybe they’ve figured out the best response isn’t a groveling apology but, “I know you are but what am I?”

Finally, Bill Maher offered a real wake-up call to the “woke” who are so obsessed with trivia about race and social justice –- like a few Dr. Seuss drawings that no one but them even thinks about –- that they’ll cause us to lose a very serious competition with China for world domination.

If that happens, “microaggressions” will be the last thing to be concerned about.

Americans are “a silly people,” Maher said during his monologue on Friday, referring to a line about the bickering Saudi tribes in the movie LAWRENCE OF ARABIA. China can build a dam, he said, while Americans fight over “what to rename it.” Just for that line, we should name our dam after Bill Maher, if it ever gets built. See the video (strong language warning) here.

As it currently stands, some Americans are proudly “woke,” but as a country we’re going broke, and ever more divided. Removing words from the dictionary? I think more people are realizing that we have to reject woke-ness and end the madness now.

Sharp questioning

By Mike Huckabee

Yet another of President Biden’s radical appointees was in the Senate for confirmation hearings, and it didn’t go well for her. Vanita Gupta, his pick for associate attorney general, has a history of condemning Republicans as racists and xenophobes, and of claiming that everyone is racially biased and every single American institution is systemically racist.

Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas used his time to hone in on those beliefs and try to get her to tell the Senate which racial biases she harbors against which groups, and in what ways the Biden White House is systemically racist. Before you click to find out what happened, take a wild guess as to whether he was able to get a straight answer to those questions.

Crash and burn

By Mike Huckabee

It appears that anti-gun activist David Hogg’s much-ballyhooed plan to launch a liberal pillow company to drive Mike Lindell’s My Pillow out of business has already crashed before it even got off the ground. This is what happens when someone starts a business without knowing the first thing about the product, or how to make the product, or how to start any business, or even enough to register the name so that someone else doesn’t trademark it out from under you. Also, that you should probably at least have some kind of business plan before you start appointing people to run your diversity and inclusion committee.

It’s ironic that an anti-gun activist has given the world such an epic demonstration of how to shoot oneself in the foot.

ICYMI: The world is going insane

By Mike Huckabee

Just in case you were wondering if the news could get any weirder under Democratic leadership, a former employee of a Panda Express in California is suing, claiming she was ordered to strip to her underwear and hug a partially-clad co-worker as part of a “training seminar.” Sounds like she was training to work for Andrew Cuomo, not Panda Express.

Also, the California Department of Education is about to vote on a proposed new public school ethnic studies curriculum that will reportedly stress “decolonization” of American society, teach kids that the US is filled with racism, oppression and white supremacy, and replace the Christian God (white supremacy) with kids chanting to the Aztec god of human sacrifice.

Let me point out the one thing common to both of these insane stories: “California.” That’s the state the Democrats in DC think that all of America needs to be like.

A Reader Writes Back...

To see half the country fall under the hypnotic spell of this invented narrative is like being strapped into an automobile driven by once-normal family members who now are hell-bent on driving as fast as they can to the top of a volcano to get some great selfies when it erupts.

America The Beautiful

God's creation is all around us. To learn more about Isle Royale National Park National Park, visit its website here.

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Comments 26-26 of 26

  • Stephen Russell

    03/15/2021 11:40 AM

    With more illegals coming into US, virus can spread X100,000?
    Aside crimes done too.
    We lose
    ALL for Dems power grab only
    illegals= votes for Dems