
Latest News

August 24, 2021


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Plan for action after AG Garland’s contempt of Congress

Comments 1-10 of 212

  • Gail Hudler

    08/28/2021 12:12 AM

    Happy birthday, Governor Huckabee! Praying God will bless you with many more wonderful years. Continue to speak the truth!

  • Robert Kirkland+

    08/27/2021 10:09 AM

    Happy Birthday!

  • Shelley Soger

    08/26/2021 02:12 PM

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Mike! Praise the Lord for you and all you do for others!

  • Pamela S Schmitt Wegman

    08/26/2021 08:36 AM

    Happy birthday ??

  • Pam Bailey

    08/26/2021 04:38 AM

    Happy Birthday!

  • Pamala Draeger

    08/26/2021 03:00 AM

    Happy Birthday!

  • Vince Wheeler

    08/26/2021 12:47 AM

    Mike, I pray you have a very Blessed birthday! I want you to Know you And your family are deeply appreciated! You are in my prayers continually! Soldier on! And may the Lord richly keep and bless you Always!

  • Mark Gleason

    08/25/2021 09:54 PM

    Happy birthday, Mike, I hope you have a joyous celebration! I really appreciate you honesty, insights and humor and value your newsletter!

  • Luella Kiessling

    08/25/2021 08:55 PM

    I enjoy your shows so very much! I also love your daughter! I appreciate your services to our country and being a loyal friend to President Trump! He will always be my President, even now! Hope you had a good birthday! Luella Kiessling in Salem, Oregon!

  • Kathleen Schumacher

    08/25/2021 08:25 PM

    Happy Birthday! Be So Blessed. You are our Voice of Reason in this world.