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September 1, 2021

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Topics include:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Matthew 28:18
  • Questions
  • New Podcast Episode
  • Texas Democrats update
  • More Afghanistan news
  • Accountability for Afghanistan
  • This Mother blames Biden
  • Gaetz story: Here is why the media stopped mentioning it


Mike Huckabee


“And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.”

Matthew 28:18


By Mike Huckabee

Some media outlets are questioning the reported levels of US military equipment now in the hands of the Taliban. But there's a reason it's hard to establish for certain. Forbes reports that the Biden Administration scrubbed detailed reports from federal websites on what military equipment had been left behind.

But this is not a cover-up; heavens to Betsy, no! They were just trying to protect the safety of our Afghan contacts by removing any content that highlights cooperation between the US and Afghan locals.

Two things questionable about that:

1. I imagine the Taliban would figure out that there had been military cooperation between the US and locals when they happened to find that $80+ billion worth of US military equipment, so the only people it would be hidden from would be outside Afghanistan. You know, people like us.

2. If they care so much about the safety of Afghans who cooperated with us in fighting the Taliban, why did they leave them behind to be murdered by the Taliban?

New Podcast Episode

By Mike Huckabee

As the United States completes its catastrophic exit from Afghanistan, leaving hundreds of Americans and countless Afghan allies behind, Governor Huckabee talks about what this all means for the 20 years spent fighting terror and those we lost doing so, and the safety and security of America moving forward. He continues the discussion with retired Navy SEAL and former special operator Rob O'Neill, who weighs in on the frightening state of American military leadership and what that means for American safety from terror today and into the future.


Texas Democrats update

By Mike Huckabee

The media went all a-flutter over those Texas House Democrats who ran away to DC to block a quorum from passing a bill to make it harder to cheat in elections. They were feted as heroes who were saving democracy. They got to meet top Democrats (and spread COVID to them, as it turned out.) They even got a national hearing as they demanded an end to the Senate filibuster, even though they were only there because they were a minority thwarting the will of the majority themselves.

I said back when that all started that it was a futile political stunt because they couldn’t stop the bill from passing. They had to go back sometime, and when they did, they would be outvoted by the Republicans and it would pass. In the meantime, they were just shirking their duty. Well, enough of them finally went back to form a quorum. The bill passed and was sent to Gov. Greg Abbott for signing. Democracy in action!

Now, how about a bill to make them repay the $40,000 a day they cost Texas taxpayers with this childish piece of political theater?

More Afghanistan news

By Mike Huckabee

There are so many stories out of Afghanistan that are heartbreaking and infuriating that I hate to have to relate them, but sadly, this is the news under President Biden. So in the hopes that this message will actually penetrate his thick border wall of arrogant, defensive stubbornness, I will share these stories:

Among the people Biden left behind to fend for themselves are 24 Sacramento school children who were prevented by the Taliban from reaching the airport and who are now in hiding.

There’s also a report of a pregnant American woman who was trying to get past a checkpoint with her husband when she was kicked in the stomach by the Taliban. She’s now in hiding as well.

And then there’s the story of the Afghan interpreter who actually helped save Biden’s life in 2008 when he and two Senators were in a helicopter that was forced to land in a remote valley due to a snowstorm.

After years of service and helping our soldiers in over 100 firefights, he and his wife and four children are in hiding from the Taliban because their efforts to get out were blocked by bureaucracy. He has a message from his hiding place: “Hello, Mr. President. Save me and my family. Don’t forget me here.”

I hope you’ll join me in praying for the safety of everyone who's been left behind, and for our President to stop congratulating himself on his "extraordinary success" and do something to help all these people, if it’s not already too late.

Accountability for Afghanistan

By Mike Huckabee

I would suggest that the motto of the Biden Administration be “Accountability? What’s that?” if it didn’t have so much competition from “Competence? What’s that?”

But to show just how desperate the Democrats are to doge accountability for the four-alarm dumpster fire that Biden created in Afghanistan, House Democrats blocked efforts by Republican members who are Afghan war vets to introduce a bill requiring the White House to present a plan to bring the Americans Biden left trapped in Afghanistan safely home. Michigan Rep. Debbie Dingell, who was presiding over the chamber, gaveled them out of session, not only blocking the legislation but also their efforts to read the names of the 13 service members who were killed in last week’s suicide bombing at Kabul airport into the Congressional Record.

Dingell shut down House debate as some members shouted at her, “How can you not read the names?” and “Turn your back on your country!”

I will remind you that these are the same House Democrats who arranged the equivalent of a State Funeral for a Capitol Police officer who died after the January Capitol riot that they’re trying to gin up into an actual insurrection attempt, even though he really died of a stroke unrelated to the protest. Yet they won’t even allow the names to be read of military veterans who really did give their lives fighting genuine violent terrorists in the service of their country.

I could tell you what I think about this and the remedy for it, but Stephen Kruiser at PJ Media saved me the trouble by writing an article titled, “Banish Democrats From Office Until They Elect Some Non-Commie Adults.”

Kruiser traces the recent history of the Dem leadership and how it’s separated from regular working Democrats to become an insane, juvenile, far-left madhouse motivated almost entirely by spite against Trump and Republicans. He notes that their adult toddler tantrum has gone from tedious to disturbing to now having a body count, and that’s enough. What must be done? He answers:

“Should we make it to November 2022 relatively intact, it is imperative that American voters who don’t live in the coastal commie bubbles (or Chicago) rise up and make sure that this current crop of Democratic party rulers isn’t allowed anywhere near any kind of power again.


The 2021 Democratic elite are a metastasizing cancer that is rapidly killing a lot of the good in America. Cut that you-know-what out.”

By the way, he makes it clear that he’s not calling for one party rule, only that the voters rid the Democrats, and all of us, of their current insane, America-hating cult. Maybe then, moderate adults like Sen. Krysten Sinema can once again fill the leadership of the Party instead of being a rare outlier whom the leaders are trying to destroy for standing in the way of them destroying the country.

This Mother blames Biden

By Mike Huckabee

The mother of one of our service members killed in Kabul last week is blaming President Biden for her son's death, due to Biden's incompetence in trusting the enemy instead of putting our troops, Afghan allies and all Americans first. And no, this is a different Gold Star mom, not the one you’ve already heard express her fury at Biden.

Gaetz story: Here is why the media stopped mentioning it

By Mike Huckabee

Remember how the media had a field day claiming that outspoken Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz was embroiled in a sex trafficking scandal and would soon be indicted, and how they mocked him for claiming he was the victim of an extortion conspiracy? Well, a Pensacola grand jury has just issued an indictment. It’s against a man who allegedly tried to extort $25 million from Gaetz’s father. I kind of wondered why I hadn’t heard as much about this story recently. Details at the link.

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Comments 11-20 of 22

  • Judy Radley

    09/02/2021 03:08 AM

    Gov. Mike, Thank you for all your inspiring and trustworthy news, the good, the bad, and the ugly, but it is better to know the truth no matter how hard it is to hear about, it is better than living in the darkness of not knowing what's happening. Which brings me to my biggest concern right now, and you seem to be the only one who may not think that I am crazy to worry. I am really worried and concerned about what will happen on 9/11/21, the 20th Anniversary of the Terrorist Attack on America. Twenty years is a long time, yes, however, for those of us who lived through this horrific event, it still seems like yesterday. Now with the Taliban having all these American military equipment that Biden just so happen to let them have, seems very suspicious that Biden and Pelosi and all the American hating domestic terrorists, want America to be attacked again and this time we won't be able to recover from it. What can we do to stop it before it happens? Anything? Or are we already too late? We can't rely on our military to stop it as their dumb 'commander-in-chief' is incapable of making any logical decisions and he may even push the button and makes things worse.

    Is there a secret American Patriot Militia at the ready lead by President Trump, to stop the Taliban before they even get in the American weapons left in Afghanistan to wreak havoc on America again for the 20th Anniversary? Will all those military equipment and weapons be blown up and destroyed before the Taliban gets them working? Would that be a possibility but don't let Biden know as he and his evil soldiers will stop it from happening? It seems like something is up, as all of the sudden the panic is starting up again about covid and the varient, to distract us from the real tragedy that's about to happen. The Democrats are great at making a mountain out of an ant hill, by exaggerating something that isn't worth exaggerating about, but they like to do it to distract idiots who listen to them, so they can do their worst evil covered up by no attention being giving to it.

    Please tell me that I shouldn't worry because President Trump put in place, before his re-election was stolen, things that Biden can't screw up and only those in the need-to-know category know exactly what to do now to stop another 9/11 from happening again and worse than it was 20 years ago.

    Yes I should fully rely on God too, who will take care of us, but are we still worthy of His help since we let evil take over when Biden stole the election by evil means and we didn't stop it? Has God turned his back on America too? I am really scared about next week, the 9/11 Anniversary of 20 years. I have these awful feelings of dread that instead of looking up at the blue sky and sunshine and being grateful that we are still here, that instead we will be seeing black hawk helicopters covering the sky and it is full of the Taliban and evil terrorists who hate America, and they all start bombing every piece of ground the helicopters fly over and we are all wounded or killed and we can't reach our families and loved ones and the chaos is far worse than NYC 20 years ago, as it is covering all of America. Am I really that far off base of the start of WW3 that will begin on 9/11/21? I hope I am. But I still have this foreboding feeling of dread in the back of my mind of something that'll happen 9 days from now.

  • James Evart

    09/01/2021 10:59 PM

    After hearing the Biden people try to blame President Trump for their own transition competence and then in the next breath say that their handling of the pull-out was a total success, I gave up thinking that there is any truth or accountability residing in the Biden Administration or it's appointees.

    Then, when I saw the clips of OUR PRESIDENT look down at his watch in succession as each slain service member's coffin passed in front of him, as if he had else somewhere to be, I lost all hope in this Administration's capacity for compassion and empathy until I realized that his self-distracting eye averting gesture of looking at his watch looking was an aversion of his eyes out of his own shame for having killed these men through his own gross incompetence.

    At least there might be some shred conscience left in our current President's heart ........ somewhere.

  • D Taylor

    09/01/2021 10:27 PM

    Please, sometime soon, mention how during Obama's time in office, Obama replaced so many top military leaders with "his own" military leaders. Traitors, all of them, as it turns out!!!

  • Renee Kendrick

    09/01/2021 08:57 PM

    The 13 soldiers' names should be assigned to 13 Republican congressmen and 13 Republican senators to say their names one at a time during the course of a day while they are in session in the chambers. Every fifteen to thirty minutes, one of the names should be spoken. Just to drive the DIMS even crazier. Whatever it takes!!!

  • Anne Turner

    09/01/2021 08:25 PM

    This just goes from bad to sad to mad behavior by the Biden administration. I did not know about the school children or Biden’s interpreter. Rude and crude that .Trump can be, I can almost guarantee that interpreter and his family would have been on one of first flights out. Trump would have sent a plane, even a personal one, to get those children out. Why do .I say this. I know a story that a child needed to get to a hospital and Trump, before he was President sent them on his personal plane. . I suspect he did things like that quietly but did not publicize them. I think he likes the bit of a bad boy image. No proof you understand, just a feeling. I am no apologist for Trump and I don’t really like him very much personally but I liked his policies, including foreign.

  • Arlene Mathews

    09/01/2021 08:21 PM

    Does this sound like someone we all know?
    When you can’t or won’t explain the continuous, obvious questionable actions of a family member (including your personal participation) you might jump at the chance of creating a screen (a major distraction)! Especially if there is already an ongoing major activity that requires qualified, cautious, professional, management. AND If you are personally vindictive, care less about what happens to others, can direct others to follow your decisions, direct all attention to yourself - - - suddenly the original family investigation is forgotten. You are the center of attention;No regards for others.


    09/01/2021 08:16 PM


  • Paul Kern

    09/01/2021 08:11 PM

    For those who believe there was no collusion and quid pro quo in this betrayal of America I have a bridge to sell them.
    I left the demos when Jimmy was elected. He did all he could to keep the nation in fear. Another lackey for Iran. Now he's a "woke" Christian!
    At the next rigged elections I will only vote America First candidates. As a veteran I am disgusted at vets in Congress, like Crenshaw who spoke down to conservatives. He said the election was good and lately said publicly " get over Trump" Donald more of a man than the soyboys in Congress. Both Graham and McConnell have shown they are RINOs. Time to go scorched earth on both!

  • Robert Douglass Miller

    09/01/2021 07:47 PM

    Obama gave the Iranian terrorist a pallet full of cash, and who knows what else that was not uncovered.
    Biden gave the Afghanistan terrorist $80+billion in weapons, hundreds if not thousands of US citizens, and thousands Afghanistan allies, and who knows what else that has not been uncovered.

    Treason at the highest levels.

  • Floyd A Unger

    09/01/2021 07:35 PM

    Thank you