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January 5, 2024

January 6th, or "Democrat Christmas." It's when President Biden will launch into his January 6th “Scare people so senseless that maybe they'll vote for me again” tour. But we already got a preview in the form of his first campaign ad.

Not surprisingly, it doesn’t tout a single positive accomplishment of Biden’s tenure, since I guess they couldn’t think of one, either. It’s yet another dark, scary, divisive piece of fiction designed to demonize Trump and anyone who supports him as “insurrectionists” and threats to “our democracy.” This is an actual quote from Biden in the ad: “I’ve made the preservation of American democracy the central issue of my presidency. I believe in free and fair elections and the right to vote fairly and have your vote counted.”

So says the guy who is trying to jail his political opponent and block him from the ballot even as a write-in candidate, so that Americans aren’t allowed to vote for the candidate of their choice and have it counted. Got any mirrors around the White House, Joe?

I would go into more detail on this reprehensible piece of propaganda that’s further beneath a President than the White House sub-basement, but fortunately, Robert Spencer at PJ Media already did a great job of eviscerating it. Here’s his op-ed on the ad that he calls “as dishonest and embarrassing as you’d expect.”

With tomorrow’s anniversary of the “worse than Pearl Harbor and 9/11 put together” January 6th “insurrection” looming, nobody seems to have noticed that there was an “insurrection” staged in the California state Capitol in Sacramento this week. A mob of radicals occupied the Capitol, shut down the first day of the session, blocked official business from taking place, forced lawmakers to flee, and refused to leave even after the lights were turned out.

But it turns out that they were leftist, anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian protesters, so they were allowed to leave peacefully with no arrests made. This was one of the “good” insurrections. Never mind!

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  • Tom Davis

    01/06/2024 08:48 AM

    Dear Governor: As compared to the "script" that Dems seem to adhere to along party think, Repubs seem like free range chickens. All media outlets love to pound the Repubs for their many factions and inability to work together. There isn't time for that in this election season. Why can't or won't they create a new "Contract with America" and line up shoulder to shoulder profess its vital importance?