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March 31, 2022

Yes, there's much more breaking news concerning the laptop.

A retired veteran of the CIA’s National Clandestine Service who signed that letter saying the laptop had “earmarks” of Russian disinformation is now enmeshed in controversy. He now says he was being “sarcastic” during a heated tweet exchange with Ric Grenell. In response to someone else’s comment, John Sipher said, “I lost the election for Trump? Then I feel pretty good about my influence.”

Grenell made the reasonable inference about Sipher’s motives for signing the letter and tweeted, “Sipher proud he helped swing an election by citing ‘Russian disinformation.’ I hope the new Republican Congress subpoenas him.”

Sipher tweeted, “I take special pride in personally swinging the election away from Trump.”

He responded to criticism by claiming he was just being sarcastic. The word “personally” might have been, as Sipher had a lot of help, but his tweets ooze with self-satisfaction at playing a role in Trump’s defeat.

As John Dunleavy at the Washington Examiner notes, even former Attorney General Bill Barr has said that letter “probably affected the outcome” of the 2020 election.

This snarky exchange reminds me of why I don’t like Twitter. Still, some of the conversation about the laptop is instructive. For example, it was pointed out that in October 2020, then-Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said there was no intelligence to support that the laptop was Russian disinformation. Sipher responded this way: “He [Ratcliffe] didn’t say it was not a part of a Disinfo campaign. He said we don’t have intelligence to support it. Playing games with words.”

It wasn’t Ratcliffe playing games with words. Ratcliffe was not hedging; he was telling the truth. (So was Grenell.) Even before Election Day 2020, we had verification that at least some of the laptop emails were genuine, but the media ignored that.

In an update on a story we broke yesterday, California Rep. Darrell Issa has sent record and documentation preservation requests to several tech executives, White House aides and former intel officials in connection with the New York Post story about Hunter’s laptop. Issa says that if (when!) Republicans re-take the House in November, he’ll lead an investigation into the suppression by major media, in the weeks before the 2020 election, of the Hunter Biden laptop story..

“Big Tech will resist accountability like it always does,” Rep. Issa said, “but we are more determined than ever to make certain that we get the truth of the collusion that we know occurred.”

The story at The Hill attempts to qualify the story, saying there was concern at the time that the material was hacked. But there was never any evidence that it was hacked. Instead, we had Hunter’s business partner Tony Bobulinski confirming that some of the emails on the laptop, certainly the ones that had his name on them, were genuine --- long, LONG before The New York Times admitted they were. (The Hill story fails to mention Bobulinski.) That includes the email that mentions “10 percent for the Big Guy.”

Document preservation requests have been sent to former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and current CEO Parag Agrawal; Meta (Facebook) CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Meta Communications Director Andy Stone; former CIA Directors Michael Hayden, John Brennan and Leon Panetta; former CIA deputy Chief of Staff Nick Shapiro; and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. These intel people are among the 51 former intelligence officials who signed that letter expressing confidence, without evidence, that Russia was involved in the laptop story.

Others receiving such requests include White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, Communications Director Kate Bedingfield and Chief of Staff Ron Klain, all of whom were working on Biden’s campaign when the laptop story broke.

Incidentally, in a bit of unintentional humor, The Hill story refers to Republicans’ concern about “perceived censorship of conservatives.” “Perceived”??

Here’s Miranda Devine, who broke the laptop story for the New York Post, on FOX News’ “Outnumbered” Tuesday, saying “the dam is about to burst” as the federal tax probe into Hunter’s business ventures continues.

She’s right, as this story from The Federalist attests. Sens. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin have released receipts showing Hunter received payments from foreign oligarchs that reveal the extent to which “Big Guy” President Biden is almost certainly compromised by Communist China.

Johnson says their reports have been “chock full” of this information, and yet the media “buried those details.” To add insult, the media also smeared Grassley and Johnson, saying they were spreading (sigh, this is getting old) “Russian disinformation.”

Here’s more detail from the Washington Examiner.

Oh, and better sit down for this one: According to emails on the laptop, guess who was reportedly filing JOE Biden’s income taxes? Hunter’s business partners at Rosemont Seneca.

Here’s more of the incest:

Here’s what Jonathan Turley had to say about the Bidens’ “family business” on Tuesday:

Those who suppressed this information until Biden was President were committing fraud, deliberately conning the American people as just one strategy for affecting the outcome of the 2020 election. Matt Vespa agrees, writing in Townhall about a recent Rasmussen poll that shows two-thirds of Americans now take this seriously…

In a move intended to drive Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler crazy –- as if his grip on reality weren’t already tenuous –- Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida actually had the contents of Hunter’s laptop officially entered into the Congressional Record. (We’re not sure how this is possible, since so much of it is XXX-rated.) Some see this step as largely symbolic, but according to J. D. Rucker, it’s a “major move” that opens the door for congressional investigation into both Hunter and Joe Biden. This is a must-read, and be sure to check out the video tweeted by Rep. Gaetz of his questioning of assistant FBI Cyber Chief Bryan A. Vorndran, who has no clue whatsoever where Hunter Biden’s laptop is...

The Daily Mail also has a great account...

Note that Rucker’s story also has links to --- count ‘em --- five other laptop stories, which I recommend you peruse at your leisure. After years of delay, there suddenly is a firehose of news regarding the laptop.

Finally, according to the U.K. news site Neon Nettle, retired CIA Operations Officer Sam Faddis is leading an investigation into what’s on the laptop’s hard drive, and he’s apparently found something curious. At this writing, we’ve seen the story at just that one outlet, but Faddis reportedly is saying Hunter's laptop contains highly sensitive Defense Department encryption keys (“root encryption certificates”), perhaps dozens of them, and these should not be present on a personal laptop. He says these keys might allow Hunter to create “throwaway email accounts on DOD servers and thereby route personal and business communications through those servers to escape detection.”

Kind of like what Hillary did with her own personal server, but much more sophisticated –-- not, “you know, like with a cloth.”

Tomorrow: It gets worse –- Hunter’s business ties to Ukraine “pathogen research” labs.

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