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May 10, 2022

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!

Tonight's newsletter includes: 

  • A Major Story
  • This isn’t good news for Biden’s electric car push…
  • And more…


Mike Huckabee


And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28

If you have a favorite Bible Verse you want to see in one of our newsletters, please email [email protected].

A Major Story

The story about the nationwide shortage of baby formula, which endangers both babies and adults with rare medical conditions who can’t eat regular foods, is a major story that isn’t getting the four-alarm attention it deserves, so I’m going to keep hammering on it. Here’s the latest on a national emergency that the Biden Administration seems to be studiously ignoring.

I’ve said this before but it bears repeating: can you imagine Trump still being in office and Americans facing empty store shelves, with parents frantically searching for baby formula, and the President doing nothing about it? Not firing off executive orders, calling in top people from the private sector, martialing a massive public/private response to get the manufacturing back up and the supplies delivered? Can you even imagine Trump sitting in the White House through all of this and calling a lid on the day at 10 a.m.? And Biden’s taking the $400,000 salary that Trump donated back to the government. What exactly is he doing to earn it?

This isn’t good news for Biden’s electric car push…

President Biden isn’t just trying to force all Americans and all government agencies to switch to electric cars, he’s also pushing for as many electric military vehicles as possible. So here’s a story that should send a chill down your spine.

A study by the nonprofit Cool The Earth found that even in the most liberal, EV-supporting place in America, the San Francisco Bay area, 22.7% of charging stations weren’t functioning properly and another 4.9% had cords too short to reach the plugs on the cars. I have a feeling the facilities for charging our military vehicles in battle conditions will be even less reliable.

Then again, maybe we could save money on bombs by just pushing those electric vehicles toward the enemy and letting them explode into flames.

Howard Dean is backwards

Former DNC Chairman Howard Dean said the Democrats are the party of hope and the Republicans are the party of fear, anger and pessimism. And if you express any disagreement with that, the Democrats will send an outraged mob to your home to threaten your family.

Did he also add that the Republicans are the party with the donkey symbol, and the Democrats are the elephant? He got everything else backwards, so why not?

Read it all

I told you about former Trump Defense Secretary Mark Esper making the rounds of liberal media outlets to flog his new anti-Trump memoir. He’s yet another two-faced swamp dweller who was happy to take a good-paying job where he undermined the policies the people voted for, then was even happier to take a big check to backstab the guy who gave it to him. Trump issued a response listing all the claims in Esper’s book that he says are “fake news.”

But I think you’ll get an even bigger kick out of Kurt Schlichter’s hilarious evisceration of Esper and all the ways he was epically wrong in trying to undermine Trump, from blocking putting troops on the border to opposing making NATO nations beef up their own defenses to slow-walking sending javelin anti-tank missiles to Ukraine. He was more concerned with welcoming transgender troops into the military. Sample quote: “The guy has the instincts of George Costanza; if he just did the opposite of what his gut told him he would have been amazing.”

Needless to say, it’s Kurt Schlichter, so read it all.

Stop the presses!

Stop the Presses! Hillary Clinton has finally said something that’s undeniably true and accurate!

Of course, as Robert Spencer at PJ Media notes at the link, when Hillary says the upcoming elections will be between authoritarians who are trying to destroy our democracy and those who are trying to save it, she’s correct. She’s just wrong about which party represents which side.

Maybe someday, she’ll finally have a real epiphany, like the Nazi in the famous British comedy sketch who slowly came to the realization, “Are we the baddies?”

In Case You Missed It

Sugar isn’t the only ingredient in breakfast cereals that’s bad for kids. Now, thanks to Kellogg’s, your kids’ sweetened cereals will come with a thick coating of LGBTQ+++ propaganda to rot their minds along with their teeth.

Introducing “Together With Pride,” the sugary (and glittery!) Kellogg’s breakfast cereal that pushes heavy-handed gender political messaging in every bowl, lets your kids write their preferred pronouns on the box, and helps fund the activist group GLAAD’s efforts to influence your kids in places like schools and public libraries. Kellogg’s even put all its most beloved characters on the box, like Tony the Tiger (“They’re grrrrrrr-ooming!”), Snap, Crackle & Pop (I don’t want to know what that throuple is into), and Toucan Sam, whom they discretely fail to mention is usually associated with Fruit Loops. It was previously only available online, but now, it's hitting shelves nationwide. Stores can't get baby formula, but they have this.

You know what’s a tasty, healthy breakfast cereal? Post Raisin Bran.

Shocked I tell you, shocked

So now the news media is going to pretend to be shocked that a spokesperson for a powerful Democrat political figure is in bed with someone from CNN?

Hasn’t that already been common for a long time, both figuratively and literally? (See paragraph 2):

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  • Anne Turner

    05/10/2022 09:38 PM

    I wonder if any leftists have given thought to the fact that many people in this world actually hold the belief that human life begins either at conception or when a heartbeat is detected? This is not because they hate something or are against women, but believe that this is a scientific fact, and/or a moral issue. Can they accept that many really don’t care much about the abortions issue but have studied the Constitution and are genuinely concerned when things are read into it that are not there? For most, these beliefs have nothing whatsoever to do with LGBTQ, or race, or gender. This may, or may not, have something to do with Biblical teaching. How do they know awhat is in my mind?

    There are also those who believe sincerely that if we have laws we don’t like we go through proper procedure to work to get them changed. These same people believe that as long as laws exist they should be enforced. For example, it is apparently illegal to picket the workplace or home if a Judge. Have you heard anyone say anything about arresting those that are know doing so?

    Poor Mr. Pres. he looks like he is on his last legs. One day he going to collapse getting on or off AF One. Oh, he has already done so. How is it the leader of the free world is muddled? And the backup is so incapable. Could it be we are nominating and voting for people for the wrongs reasons? Just asking?