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August 15, 2021

While we take a little time off, here are a couple of articles to provide food for serious thought. First, Scott McKay at The American Spectator assesses how badly the Republicans and conservatives have failed in stopping the far-left from overwhelming America and argues that if we are going to save this nation and restore our founding principles, we need a new movement. In that regard, he says the media were wrong about Trump. He wasn’t a “messiah” figure to his supporters. He was more like John the Baptist, sounding the alarm and setting the table for what’s coming.

And Deborah Bucknam at the American Thinker has an article that should be required reading for every American, but especially those who live in cities and states ravaged by decades of one-party Democrat rule, but who keep reelecting them because no matter how badly they ruin people’s lives, they say you can’t vote for Republicans because they’re “racist.”

It’s a detailed look back at the long, deep, ugly history of racism in the Democratic Party (the Republican Party was actually founded to force the Democrats to give up their slaves.) But it’s not just 18th century racism. Like the Energizer Bunny, Democrat Party racism just keeps going and going, from the Civil War to the KKK to Jim Crow to the poll tax (that Republicans tried to end) and right up to today, when they want to defund the police in crime-ridden, riot-torn black neighborhoods while keeping their own private security; bring back segregation in schools; and judge people solely by their skin color, only they now call that “Critical Race Theory” rather than what it really is: racism.

I hope minorities who keep reelecting Democrats because they believe the endless lies that Republicans are “racist” will read this and consider Einstein’s rule that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

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