
Latest News

July 14, 2021

Good morning!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Psalm 19:1
  • Featured Article: Letter from U.S. attorney to Trump re: election causes stir
  • Reader Comment Of The Day
  • Mailbag: The Gov. answers reader comment on Biden family grift
  • Government and Big Tech Collusion
  • Lies My Media Taught Me
  • America The Beautiful
  • Outrageous Invasion Of Privacy
  • "White Supremacy"

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Mike Huckabee

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The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

Psalm 19:1 

Featured Article: Letter from U.S. attorney to Trump re: election causes stir

By Mike Huckabee

A month ago, William M. McSwain, a former U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, wrote to former President Trump to allege he’d been pressured by then-Attorney General Bill Barr not to investigate voter fraud and election irregularities in his state. Trump released the letter on Monday, on the eve of Biden’s visit there and what turned out to be a bizarre speech on voting rights (but I digress).

The letter was accompanied by a statement from Trump that called Barr’s actions “outrageous!”

We thought it best not to jump on this but to use the good old 48-hour rule, as it's technically hearsay about Barr. And, sure enough, Barr has since denied this. “It’s written to make it seem like I gave him a directive,” Barr said in an interview with POLITICO. “I never told him not to investigate anything.”

But with that in mind, we must at least consider what has been alleged by this former U.S. attorney.

“President Trump,” McSwain wrote, “you were right to be upset about the way the Democrats ran the 2020 election in Pennsylvania –- it was a partisan disgrace.”


Reader Comments Of The Day

"We need to get into God's Word now more than ever. Your verses are beautiful. Thank you for standing firm on the Word and being vocal about it. Enjoy your telecast on TBN also."

"I need to read your comments at least once a day to keep from tearing out my hair over this Biden administration. Thank you for your great perspective & sense of humor. You are truly a Godsend."

"I follow you every day and I need to understand EXACTLY why the Liberals are against what GOP is trying to do to insure voting is fair.  Nobody has explained details all we hear is GOP is trying to block votes. Please tell me where I can see GOP policy details on voting."

Mailbag: The Gov. answers reader comment on Biden family grift

By Mike Huckabee

This letter came in response to Tuesday's story on Peter Schweizer's apparently fruitful investigation into Hunter Biden and his dad, President Joe Biden.

From Sam M (with slight editing):

Be careful of what you ask for. Getting your wish may be worse than sucking it up and sticking it out!!

Remember the constitutionally MANDATED line of succession when a President is removed by impeachment or Article 25. Do you really think Harris or Pelosi would be better? Unfortunately, the only realistic solution is to vote out the House socialists in November 2022 to get an anti-socialist Speaker of the House. At that time, we can talk about removal of corrupt or incompetent Presidents as a way to protect our Constitutional form of government.

From the Gov:

Thanks for writing, Sam. No, neither Harris nor Pelosi would be better. But remember, the Democrats are playing chess, not checkers, so we have to do so as well. Here is what the chess board looks like to us, right at this moment

A lot will happen between now and November 2022. If the Democrats think they’re going to be blown out of the water at the next election (which seems almost certain at present, considering they’ve “outed themselves” as being totally batwing crazy), they know they have to set themselves up to be in as strong a position as possible before that happens. This means acting while Congress is in their hands, while Pelosi and not a Republican speaker is in the line of succession. That’s for insurance.

“Be careful what you wish for” doesn’t really enter in, because it seems likely that before the next election, regardless of what does or doesn't come out about his family, President Biden will be removed BY THE DEMOCRATS, using the 25th Amendment. In other words, they're going to beat us to the punch.

It’s hard to imagine that they would wait till after 2022. For one thing, Biden’s appearance suggests that he’s suffering a mental decline even steeper than anticipated, and if that’s the case, they’ll have to do it fairly soon –- pretending, of course, that it’s a desperation move made in the interest of the country. For another, they’ll want to have their ducks in a row before Congress changes hands. That means putting Kamala in the White House and getting as much radical legislation passed and signed as possible. If you think this will disgust the electorate and lead to a sure Democrat loss in 2022, you’re right, but Democrats know they’re going to lose then ANYWAY, and probably by such a margin that no amount of cheating could make up for it. So, yes, Sam, we will have to suck it up...for President Kamala Harris.

What do we do then? As bone-chilling as the prospect of a President Harris might be, we have to ask if there is anything about her that rises to a charge of “high crimes and misdemeanors." This is an open question, but at the moment we don’t know of anything specific. (Of course, President Trump didn’t have anything illegal, either, but that didn’t stop the Democrats from making stuff up –- twice.) Unless we uncover something or decide to act like Democrats and hop aboard that rusty ol’ impeachment train anyway, we’re likely stuck with a President Harris, tempered to a degree by the newly-elected Republican Congress and Senate, until January 20, 2025.

The crystal ball grows dim after that, because, again, so much can happen. But the truth about the Biden family, and those covering for them, does need to come out. Thanks to tireless investigators such as Peter Schweizer, it will. Asking for that is a good thing.

Government And Big Tech Collusion

By Mike Huckabee

Oh, you crazy conspiracy nuts, thinking that government and Big Tech are colluding to silence voices they don’t like! How crazy!

By the way, Judicial Watch just obtained documents via the Freedom of Information Act showing the office of California’s Secretary of State communicated directly with Google to get them to remove a Judicial Watch video about election integrity from YouTube.

Lies My Media Taught Me

By Mike Huckabee

Add to the pile of horse droppings that were presented to the public as actual news the notion that countless Republicans were quitting the GOP in disgust and outrage over the January 6th Capitol “insurrection.” That was six months ago. Here are the party registration numbers now.

Numbers don’t lie, but the liberal media sure do.

America The Beautiful

God's creation is all around us. To learn more about Mount Rainier National Park, visit its website here.

Outrageous Invasion Of Privacy

By Mike Huckabee

You can safely ignore most of this Politico story about vaccinations, but hone in on the one paragraph that informs us that Biden-aligned groups, including the DNC, plan to “work with SMS carriers to dispel misinformation about vaccines that is sent over social media and text messages.”

You read that right: they don’t just want to monitor and censor your public social media posts, they also want to monitor your private text messages, lest you share something that the DNC deems to be “misinformation” about COVID (but who really believes it will stop there?)

Now might be a good time to let your phone service provider know what you’ll do with your business if you find out they ever agree to go along with that outrageous invasion of privacy.

"White Supremacy"

By Mike Huckabee

As a former pastor and theology student, I’m often stunned at the nonsense leftists come up with when they try to talk about the Bible or religious doctrine. It reminds me of the fable about a blind man trying to describe an elephant by feeling its tail. I thought I’d read some clueless assaults on Scripture in my time, but I’ve got to give the prize to the writer at Scientific American magazine, who tried to claim that believing in the Biblical view of creation instead of evolution is “white supremacy.” That would come as news to millions of black Evangelicals.

I would go into detail on dismantling this, but Paula Bolyard at PJ Media already did an excellent job of it. I’d just add that I can make a far better case that the name “Scientific American” is false advertising than this article makes that denying evolution is white supremacy.

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Comments 11-20 of 27

  • Mark K Dahlweiner

    07/14/2021 06:25 PM

    While I agree Biden will be removed I do believe fraud was in allowing him to run. They knew he was mentally unable to furfill his duties. They have been covering this up. If the American people knew he was mentally unable to be president he would not had to cheat as he would not be allowed to run. His wife and the dem party should be tried and sentenced.

  • Thomas Saneford

    07/14/2021 06:19 PM

    Governor, Just had visit with my son, he is a teacher in Michigan. Things are crazy in that state and their governor isn’t making things any easier. He had to conduct a hybrid day this past year, now he is worried about CRT. This young man, that literally loves the vocation he has chosen but is truly worried for the future of education in this country. I also have several grands in school right now that have a less than favorable view of our country, and our religious beliefs. Long story short, I’m extremely concerned about our freedoms.

  • Rick Locke

    07/14/2021 06:07 PM

    I really don't see the problem with a President Harris. That'll just mean a different person reading the words that their handlers have typed into the teleprompter.

  • Edward V Kirkley

    07/14/2021 05:37 PM

    For some reason 95% of the time my wife and I try to vote in one of your poles we get a failure message saying that your website is down? Are you having this problem or is someone blocking attempts to vote in your poles? This one was an attempt to vote NO to M. Obamee becoming president. She's the only one that would, in our opinion, be worse than harris! Please advise.

    Best regards,

    Ed & Michele Kirkley

  • Paul Kern

    07/14/2021 05:22 PM

    With all the talking heads on both sides going off I will just wait for the Great White Throne Judgement to get the truth about the election fraud and other things being shoved at us
    I have found popular religious leaders push the untested " vaccines". I call that spiritual "fraud" Even some faith based talk shows bringing in non- experts to convince people the " vaccines" are totally" safe and ignore the real facts. Leading immunogists honestly state the vaccines are questionable. One does not have to get a shot for each variant. Over 200 Covid viruses on record. Common flu is one of them. Also as it is is worldwide this one will never be totally eradicated. I guess the CCP needs more US dollars to create new ones!

  • Linda Wolfe

    07/14/2021 05:21 PM

    MY BODY, MY CHOICE whether I take any shot ! Many doctors have told about the dangers of the so called "vaccines". Of course you won't see that on FAKE NEWS. Just yesterday, I received an email from Liberty Council telling that last week alone there were more than 2000 vaccine related deaths and that only reflects about 1% of the deaths. Some of us are no longer donkeys led to the slaughter.

  • Sharon Faulkner

    07/14/2021 05:15 PM

    I appreciated your reply to Sam but I must say one thing . I am not so much concerned about Kamala Harris becoming president as I am about who she would appoint as VP.
    Because here is the thing : I don't think she was born in this country she was born in Jamaica and at that time her parents were not American citizens. So let's say Harris appoints Nancy Pelosi as her VP. Nancy Pelosi would have no qualms about pointing out her presidency was illegal then out goes Harris an in comes Pelosi.

    Also let's hope the Democrats way of getting rid of Biden is the 25th Amendment and not hiring someone to pose as a white supremacist, a right-wing extremist or MAGA and bump him off then they could use that to mount a purge far worse then what we have seen after January 6th which might just be a dry run.

  • James robert Vaughn

    07/14/2021 04:06 PM

    God Bless you sir, for standing in the gap with the Red Sea on your horizon! Thank you.

  • Jerry

    07/14/2021 03:54 PM

    As biden's policies takes place I predicted in January the decline of the country would begin in late July after the great work Trump did to MAGA fades and biden's Anti America executive orders become active the country like biden himself is reacting in a negative way. Biden has always been against America and a power source not the American people put him in the most powerful office in the country and all it has to do is feed biden ice cream and he does what he is told. The VP is has the same IQ and the same traits both are compromised by their past corruption and held hostage by their handlers and the taxpayers are financing its own demise.

  • Michelle Ferrer

    07/14/2021 03:49 PM

    Re the article on being careful what we wish for. The idea of Kamala Harris in the White House actually playing president makes my blood run cold. Kamala Harris is a statue made of ice sitting on a foundation of sand. The real possibility of that happening soon means Republicans must take back both houses of Congress. I don't usually like the winner-take-all prospect as I consider that propagating our own ignorance, but in the case of runaway progressives and weak-spined moderate democrats, I fear for our country.