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October 8, 2021

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! 

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Proverbs 3:11-12
  • It's been a big, bad week for social media
  • New poll
  • America the Beautiful - Pittsburgh, PA
  • Health Theater
  • Cancel Culture continues
  • No right to counsel
  • Bernie says no to civility and manners
  • Hymnal - Be Thou My Vision


Mike Huckabee


Proverbs 3:11-12

It's been a big, bad week for social media

By Mike Huckabee

It’s been a big, bad week for social media, with Facebook in the news for an apparently fake “whistleblower” interview on 60 MINUTES meant to justify more online censorship of conservatives. Then Facebook –- the whole blasted thing –- crashed for hours on Monday, sending its value crashing, too, albeit only temporarily, on paper.

Also this week, our staff writer Laura Ainsworth reacted to the attempt by another social media platform, Nextdoor, to control what jokes “neighbors” get to laugh at after someone posting non-PC “blonde jokes” was completely denied access to the site. They call it “being in jail.” Her pointt: that this platform isn’t a REAL conversation among neighbors, because real conversations aren’t monitored, censored and shaped. Deciding what people can laugh at is just one of numerous ways they do it.

On Thursday, she posted the link to her article on Nextdoor as well, as a few people there had asked just how “local” Nextdoor is. Answer: It might look local, but it’s not. It’s HUGE –- based in San Francisco, headed by people from around the world, many with backgrounds in academia in fields such as social psychology, and quite global in its scope, as it’s now in 11 countries and is valued in the billions of dollars. It will be interesting to see if they send Laura to “jail” for starting a conversation about this (or maybe daring to tell a few “blonde” jokes herself). But we’re happy to “out” another social media behemoth that refuses to just let us talk to each other, that insists on shaping and tweaking our conversation.

But as we come to the end of our week, there’s still more social media news, starting with Google, which used to admonish its employees not to “be evil” but from what we understand no longer does. Google is shaping the conversation as well, and is in the news today for its decision to de-monetize advertisers, publishers and YouTube creators (YouTube is part of Google) whose content denies the existence of human-caused climate change.

Here is the new policy in Google’s own words…

This policy will “prohibit ads for, and monetization of, content that contradicts well-established scientific consensus around the existence and causes of climate change. This includes content referring to climate change as a hoax or a scam, claims denying that long-term trends show the global climate is warming, and claims denying that greenhouse emissions or human activity contribute to climate change.”

Google arrived at this policy after consulting “authoritative sources,” notably “experts who have contributed to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change.” Well, we certainly wouldn’t want to contradict THEM.

The Google Ads team says they’ll use a combination of “automated tools and human reviews” to enforce this new policy. They say that “other climate-related topics” are still okay, including “public debates on climate policy, the varying impacts of climate change, new research and more.” But these all have to start from the assumption that human-caused global warming is a scientific fact.

Question: what if the “new research” cast doubt on “well-established scientific consensus” concerning temperature predictions or the role played by greenhouse gasses, for example? Would they even allow that discussion?

By the way, Google’s new climate change policy ties in nicely with the Department of Homeland Security’s new focus. We all know our homeland could use a lot more security right now, but pish-posh. DHS has been busy putting together a “Climate Action Plan” for its employees, monitoring employees’ progress in “climate literacy” (that means using the right vocabulary) as they complete their training on the climate, and assessing “employee understanding of climate change impacts and environmental justice.”

It looks very involved. But for those who desire extra credit, there’s even an employee honors program to reward the wokest of the woke. Meanwhile, we have NO security on our southern border, and unvetted Afghans from Taliban-istan are being flown to America and then disappearing from our military bases.

Anyway, these new attempts to shape our national conversation on climate change come on the heels of YouTube also banning “misinformation” on vaccines. Their definition of “misinformation” in this context is any claim that “vaccines approved by health authorities are dangerous or don’t work.” This isn’t just for COVID-19 vaccines, but for all approved vaccines. At the moment, however, the decision mostly impacts YouTube content that discusses possible risks of COVID vaccines.

YouTube will allow video of people sharing their “personal experiences with vaccination” but will remove that as well if the channel it's on “demonstrates a pattern of promoting vaccine misinformation.” They might also require "context," such as statements from experts, to counter negative information. We call this "micromanaging the message."

They’re also terminating the channels of prominent anti-vaxxers. Some of these already had been taken down, but now the rest will go. These were part of what was dubbed “the Disinformation Dozen” by a group called --- get ready --- the Center for Countering Digital Hate.

We were curious about what something called the “Center for Countering Digital Hate” might be. They describe themselves as “a not-for-profit NGO [non-governmental organization] that seeks to disrupt the architecture of online hate and misinformation.”

As I have made clear repeatedly, I am vaccinated myself and would never tell someone not to get vaccinated. But the government shouldn’t be forcing vaccination on anyone, or nudging businesses to do it, either. Vaccination for COVID is a decision that should be made by each one of us with the help of good, trusted medical professionals. At the same time, there is a lot of valid information out there about the risks of these vaccines, and when YouTube starts censoring channels and terminating accounts, some of the valuable stuff it is bound to get caught in the net.

We’ve linked to studies and commentaries that, if they were presented in video form, would no longer be permitted on YouTube, as they discuss the risks and questionable effectiveness of the vaccines. We’ve also talked about natural immunity and how well a growing number of experts say it compares to vaccine-induced immunity. Will talk about natural immunity be verboten, too? And will stories like this one about rare, fatal reactions be squelched?

So, class, here’s what we’ve learned this week: Google says that on YouTube, you can’t present research on climate change that goes against the “consensus,” or else you’ll be de-monetized. Also on YouTube, you can’t critically examine the possible risks and drawbacks of vaccines, or else your videos will be removed and your account likely terminated. And on Nextdoor, you can’t even tell a “blonde” joke, or else you’ll go to jail. What’s the world coming to?

At least some Republican legislators were looking at the problem this week.

New poll

By Mike Huckabee

Do you think Joe Biden has done a better job than Donald Trump handling the fight against COVID-19?

Anser this question, plus questions about Afghanistan, Biden's competency, the economy and the border here: 

Cancel Culture continues

By Mike Huckabee

Whenever someone prominent, such as Bill Maher, denounces cancel culture, two things inevitably happen: (1.) online mobs declare that cancel culture doesn’t exist; and (2.) they demand that the person saying that it does be canceled.

This laughable lack of self-awareness is to be expected of self-righteous young radicals who’ve had their empty minds poisoned by their leftist teachers. But when the “Burn him at the stake for heresy!!” mentality is exhibited by people who are supposed to be mature adults of advanced education and superior intellect, that’s when you know we have a real problem.

Here are just a couple recent examples of respected scholars and scientists who have seen speeches canceled or been suspended or fired because they riled up the mindless mob by expressing some completely rational viewpoint.

In that second story out of UCLA, a highly-regarded professor of 40 years’ standing was suspended and has endured vilification and even profane, anti-Semitic death threats. All for refusing a "woke" student’s demand that he give black students extra points on the final just because all the racism makes them too traumatized to be able to study and score as high as students of other races.

In a sane world, anyone would instantly recognize who’s the real racist in that story, and it’s not the professor, who insists on grading everyone by the same standard. George W. Bush had a term for that kind of condescending attitude: “the soft bigotry of low expectations.” It’s no longer soft, but is now enforced with an iron fist. And it’s called “progressivism” or “anti-racism,” but it’s still just old fashioned racism under new names.

No right to counsel 

By Mike Huckabee

In a related story, here’s the “Burn him at the stake!” treatment being given to a lawyer who committed the heinous crime of providing a legal opinion on the election to former President Trump. Some of the people who are trying to destroy his career and reputation supported providing lawyers for terrorist detainees at Gitmo because everyone is entitled to legal representation – except, of course, people who disagree with their leftist political views.

This kind of pressure campaign caused four law firms to decline to help Trump defend himself during the “Russian collusion” accusations, which, as we now know, were a partisan smear campaign from day one.

This is why I’ve long said, “God, save me from ever needing a liberal to defend my Constitutional rights.”

Bernie says no to civility and manners

By Mike Huckabee

Sen. Bernie Sanders refused to sign a letter signed by fellow Senators, condemning the activists who harassed Sen. Kyrsten Sinema and filmed her inside a women’s restroom as they harangued her to vote for Biden’s $3.5 trillion spending orgy bill.

It’s no surprise to hear that Bernie is a-okay with any sort of tactics as long as they advance his socialist agenda. Generations of previous socialists were infamous for not letting people’s individual rights stand in the way of imposing their agenda by any means necessary.

I’d also like to add that in addition to knowing nothing about civility, manners or basic human decency, Bernie is (like all socialists) also ignorant of math.

Bernie railed on Twitter that two Senators “cannot be allowed to defeat what 48 Senators and 210 House members want.” Uh, Bernie? Those two Democrats plus the 50 Republicans who all oppose this bill add up to 52 against, 48 for. And there are 435 House members, so 210 is also a minority.

As the Redstate article points out, Bernie seems to think it’s the obligation of Democrat Senators to vote for what their party leaders want, even if the voters who elected them oppose it. And if it’s something he really wants, then it should pass even if a majority opposes it.

And what do “Democratic” socialists call this? “Protecting democracy!”



Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart;

naught be all else to me, save that thou art -

thou my best thought, by day or by night;

waking or sleeping, thy presence my light.

Be thou my wisdom, and thou my true word;

I ever with thee and thou with me, Lord.

Thou my great Father; thine own may I be,

thou in me dwelling and I one with thee.

Riches I heed not, nor vain, empty praise;

thou mine inheritance, now and always;

thou and thou only first in my heart,

high King of heaven, my treasure thou art.

High King of heaven, my victory won,

may I reach heaven’s joys, O bright heaven’s sun!

Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,

still be my vision, O Ruler of all.

By Saint Dallan

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Comments 11-20 of 35

  • Jerry

    10/08/2021 03:19 PM

    What happened to reserve energy it was filled to capacity less than a year ago nitwits in our energy sector wants to buy more expensive oil from our opec friends as Biden sees them, did the ports of entry with the shipping industry have these problems while Trump was president is the immigration disaster a part of trumps Presidency’s no he got it under without the help of the deep state trump beat the deep state wish for open borders in Biden’s world everything he touches will go wrong I am sure the moronic that supports this misfit is not impacted by America’s attempt of suicide

  • Chelsea Martin

    10/08/2021 02:48 PM

    So, all of this taken together - the lawfare, the dissolution of the economy, the censorship, the unelected Ruling Technocratic Elite whom reign supreme and are unchallengeable in their "expert" positions of "authority," Obergruppenführer Garland and his Gestapo criminalizing parents who engage in wrong-think or (God forbid!) make the verboten assertion that their children will not be co-parented by the State, and last but not least the loss of your own bodily autonomy to the state, whenever it decides to trot out a new "mandate" - leads to what? If you think the correct answer is: "2022! A red wave!" then you are a deluded fool. Those with absolute power, whose sole animus is the accumulation and exercise of that power, will NEVER willingly surrender their power - the Left controls nine-tenths of the judiciary, nine-tenths of the media, and nine-tenths of the government. Personally, I think they control about 60% of the military as well. And even if they don't "our" soldiers can't even protect themselves, so why would I believe that they'd ever be able to defend my rights? If you think that an "election" is going to magically "un-elect" this Stalinist-style cabal, you are truly deluded. So this all leads to what? It seems to me like it leads to one of two things: 1. Capitulate. Get on your knees, pledge your allegiance to the Gospel of Woke, and accept without question every single ideological doctrine espoused by the radical Marxist Left, under penalty of being "un-personed" in the most Orwellian sense. 2. Secession.

    Those states and citizens who still value the Constitution, the nation's history, and the rights of the individual to self-government must unify and must act to immediately to peaceably secede from this corrupt, hateful dis-union. Am I wrong? Because I am NOT seeing a third option here, apart from incremental surrender of our liberties, and death by inches. The State has made it clear that they govern according to their own will, not the will of the people. They have made it clear that dissent will be criminalized, censored and silenced. As of now the State owns us, effectively. And they own our children. And they will never stop in their quest for more power and more control. What we haven't already lost through coercion, and what we don't give willingly, will be taken by force. Welcome to Maoist America. Enjoy yourselves. If you keep your head down and be very, very tame and compliant you maybe won't be subject to mob-violence, harassment, intimidation, and loss of your job. Speaking for myself, I want out.

  • Betty Johanna Hutson

    10/08/2021 02:16 PM

    Thank you Mike for keeping us informed with the truth. My son and myself value you this truth as sadly half of our family has moved to the other side of untruth.
    God bless you, your Staff an families.

  • Patricia Dekret

    10/08/2021 02:12 PM

    So a whistleblower appears on 60 Minutes Sunday evening and Facebook shuts down for 6 hours on Monday. Coincidence? What were they doing for 6 hours? Hmmm.

  • Paula Tammaro

    10/08/2021 02:02 PM

    I am familiar with Be Thou My Vision and I wonder why the words "Thou my great Father, and I thy true son" were changed. Are they now going to rewrite our hymns????

  • Beth Mitchell

    10/08/2021 01:53 PM

    Wonderful! Thank you for your staff and your work! I especially love one of my all time favorite hymns at the end of the report! We do need to keep our vision on our Lord above!

  • Lawrence Foster

    10/08/2021 01:45 PM

    Governor Mike,

    Regarding Google's policy (Fatwah") on open discussion of climate change. Copernicus and Galileo are up in heaven, laughing their respective Tuchuses off at Google, the modern day papal know-it-alls.

  • Debbie Reynolds

    10/08/2021 01:27 PM

    Thank you for sharing BE THOU MY VISION, it has been my theme for many years.
    I was a bit disturbed that you felt it necessary to change the words--there should be an asterisk to denote those, as "Saint Dallan" was not woke, and used "I thy true son" and "man's empty praise", unless my hymnal is incorrect. No true Christian woman who is educated on the true meaning of "humankind" etc., will have a problem with the original words.

  • Jerry Korba

    10/08/2021 01:18 PM

    It is time to put that play white house and its inhabitants in Gitmo take all the Secretaries with them.

  • Jerry Korba

    10/08/2021 01:15 PM

    Biden wants to start a war with parents of school children while China is tormenting Taiwan this biden creep will he be going after the Little Sisters Of Poor again next week he is at war with law abiding citizens with his unlawful mandates this complete losers has to be brought down today biden is a menace to society he now needs the help of mentally ill health care workers If hadn't fired them by now the people in the white coats need to take biden away today and get the white coats ready to take the replacement away that one is just as mentally ill and the next one has been ready for 6 years and beyond to retreat to the happy farms were they can do no more harm.