
Latest News

October 28, 2022

People are still talking about Tuesday’s extremely discomfiting debate performance by Pennsylvania Democrat John Fetterman, which exposed the fact that he is clearly not recovered enough from his recent stroke to serve in the Senate. While I pray he’ll make a full recovery, it can’t help that he’s being manipulated by those around him to continue a high-pressure campaign for a high-pressure job when he should be resting and getting therapy. 

RELATED READING: The Pennsylvania Senate Debate

One concerned neurologist who watched the debate told Fox News that most recovery in cases like his happens in the first three months, and it’s been six months, so she fears this may be about as good as it gets. Another doctor said there’s about a 23% chance of having another stroke in the year after the first one, and this can’t be helping reduce those odds.  

I was glad to see a few others in the media picking up on the argument I made yesterday that this wasn’t a debate, it was an expose of the biggest and cruelest attempt at vote fraud in history. Incredibly, many Democrats aren’t upset over the disregard for Fettermans’ health or the attempt to hide his incapacity from voters. They’re frantically spinning this story like a plate-spinner on the Ed Sullivan Show to keep the campaign going. I’ve heard every excuse from “He exceeded expectations” to “He was so brave to do that knowing his condition” to “Dr. Oz bullied him.”

For the record: I think Dr. Oz deserves praise for his kindness in pulling his punches. I always warn people thinking of getting into politics that it’s a full-contact sport, and you shouldn’t enter it if you can’t stand the sight of your own blood. Many politicians would’ve gone in for the kill, but as a highly-experienced physician, Dr. Oz understood what he was dealing with and treaded very lightly. All things considered, Fetterman’s people should be grateful that there was a doctor standing by just 10 feet away.

But worst of all are the Democrats who have no sympathy for Fetterman or outrage over the attempt to hoodwink the voters. They’re just furious that his handlers agreed to the debate instead of hiding his cognitive problems until after the election, like…well, someone else I could name. They claim it doesn’t matter how impaired he is, all he has to be able to do is cast votes for the Democrats’ agenda. Jeff Goldstein at Substack has a must-read article about this attitude, which has unfortunately become widespread in today’s politics, that having a party rubber stamp who can't think independently is a positive thing.

For these people, all that matters is getting that 51st vote to ram their radical left agenda down America’s throat. They’re so obsessed with nothing but party power that Fetterman reportedly raked in $2 million in donations after the debate from people who want to see him keep campaigning and get into the Senate (although some might have mistaken the debate for a telethon.) They don’t see Senators as representatives of the people of their states, just as representatives of the national Democratic Party, which is a perversion of the Constitution.

The Founders gave us the House to represent the wider population, and the Senate to represent the interests of the states. The Senate was created to act as a block on “the tyranny of the majority.” Each state has two Senators, regardless of size or population, so that the people of, say, Wyoming, can’t be forced to accept the crazy ideas of more populous states, like giving power to Gavin Newsom. Each state has an equal voice to represent its interests, the ultimate in “fairness.” Democrats claim to like fairness until it stands between them and power.

They want Fetterman elected because they know he will not represent the interests of Pennsylvanians. He’ll vote however Chuck Schumer tells him to, and advance the interests of the Democratic Party. It’s ironic that one of Fettermans’ main knocks on Dr. Oz is that he’s not really from Pennsylvania, when Fetterman’s own supporters admit they want him to move to Washington and vote the way the Senator from New York tells him to.

Ironically, the one issue this debate made the case for without it even being mentioned is the repeal of the 17th amendment that allowed for direct election of Senators. Before that, they were appointed by the state legislatures to make sure they represented the interests of their states, not those of their party or their own political careers in Washington. 


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