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November 16, 2022

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  • David Jimenez

    11/28/2022 03:45 PM

    At one time you were said to be one of the top governors in the nation but obviously it was based on bias reporting not your character as a governor. For the most part I view you as a dishonest lying piece of shit whose character rubbed off on your daughter, Tokyo Rose, who is now governor of Arkansas and previously Trumps press secretary who lied and deceived any chance she opened her pie-hole. Your website is bullshit riddled with lies, deflection and disgraceful statements. So you and Sarah please do us a favor and return to the swamp from which you came. And take Trump with you because Sarah will still want him to grab her by the pussy. Oh, by the way, go fuck yourselves!

  • Joana Livoti

    11/19/2022 03:22 AM

    Dear "Gov." Mike... so so happy, delighted that your precious daughter Sarah has won the governorship and will follow in your footsteps. Praise God! Like father, like daughter! God bless
    you and the entire Huckabee Family!
    Your friend and colleague in the Sanctity of All Human Life and the Innate Dignity of the Human Person! Joana

  • Kay DeWitt

    11/18/2022 09:45 PM

    Yes, you are right that "we" have to fight for the soul of America...but it is CHRISTIANS...who are a vessel of Christ's unconditional love...that have to do the fighting...not they Democrats OR Republicans!...

    AND, Mike, while it may BE true that some news articles are not reliable for truth
    there was no denying the truth of the ugly VIOLENCE of the January 6 attack on the Capitol....

    SO, while all the reasons you to why you figured voters would lean toward voting FOR the Republicans...may be legitimate reasons voters SHOULD HAVE voted Republican...what you neglected to figure into your "formula" is all the disturbing things that are going on IN the Republican Party the point where someone made the remark that, if Trump wins the election, there will be CIVIL WAR!

    Do you not think that Republicans were horrified when the "insurrectionists" were chanting, "Hang Mike Pence!" and Trump's response was, "he deserves it!"

  • wanda

    11/18/2022 08:31 PM

    I respect you...bringing the truth to Americans...I pray for those that don't believe...they don't know what they are doing.....keep on doing exactly what you are doing....bringing the truth God bless you and your programming....

  • Darlene Nyberg

    11/18/2022 11:14 AM

    Congratulations to Sarah, I think she will be a great. She is a favorite of mine.
    Thanks for the na-na-na-na, just loved it.
    Keep up the good work.

  • Norma Gibson

    11/18/2022 07:44 AM

    I thank you for such a good message and I want to express my congratulations regarding Sarah winning as governor of Arkansas! She was so amazing while working in Washington & had just what it took to prove herself worthy of a bigger chance to help "we the people". I enjoy your site and look forward to it daily. Thank you for all you have done through the years. I am originally from Arkansas & it makes me so happy when things are looking better for everyone. Keep up the good work and God bless you and God bless America..

  • Rose M Hunter

    11/17/2022 08:33 PM

    I pray God protects and leads and guides Sarah every day, in Jesus Name!

  • Becky Grow

    11/17/2022 07:27 PM

    I so appreciate Mike’s comments and posts. What a thinking person. A godly man. And though I don’t love in AK, I have supported Sarah both in prayer & financially. I would apply to be on her staff if I lived in AK.