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February 7, 2022


Good morning! 

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!  

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - II Corinthians 1:3-4
  • How are we getting all these leftist DAs?
  • What The Canadian Truckers Stand For
  • And much more...

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Mike Huckabee


Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we have been comforted by God.

II Corinthians 1:3-4

If you have a favorite Bible Verse you want to see in one of our newsletters, please email [email protected].


2. How are we getting all these leftist DAs?:

You’d think the following monologue was something out of a conservative documentary about law and order in the America of 2022, but it’s not. Try 1952. It was spoken by William Holden, playing a jaded reporter 70 years ago in a crime drama called THE TURNING POINT, when an investigation into a criminal syndicate is on the verge of collapse:

“They’ll dig into the record and find out that all this time and all this money produced absolutely nothing --- that the sacred investigation was a complete flop. From then on, they’ll play political hopscotch. A committee will be appointed to investigate the investigation. And in due time, they’ll return with a comprehensive report that’ll be promptly filed and forgotten. And in the meantime, the people will wind up right where they were, at the mercy of the hoodlums.

“...But something occurs to me. Even allowing for the apathy of the people, and their lack of integrity, and their occasional lack of intelligence, that’s the fact that they all want desperately to believe in --- a certain majesty of the law. And for people like us, like you and me, the greatest crime in law is the lack of faith in the law. And that’s when we join hands with the hoodlums. If they can convince us of the uselessness of knocking out crime, the difficulty, the fact that personal sacrifices may be too great, then we might as well hand over the city, and the state and the nation, too, to the [hoodlums], and let them run it for us.”

I can’t tell you how many letters I’ve received expressing that same lack of faith. Our system of justice has become so politicized that few believe anyone on the left will be brought to justice, as we see those on the right hounded mercilessly and personally destroyed. Millions of Americans are convinced that our country really has been handed over to the hoodlums and that it’s useless to even try to get back on the right track. Their despair is the worst tragedy of all.

So, how did we get to this point? It certainly didn’t just happen. Billionaire donors such as George Soros have been working hard getting soft-on-crime DAs elected in major American cities. And now that they are there, some of them are nurturing the next wave of of law enforcement lefties at such policy “think tanks” as the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in Hells Kitchen, NYC.

Since 2016, this college has been home to the Institute for Innovation in Prosecution, which works with controversial –- I prefer the word “failed” –- DAs such as Kim Foxx in Chicago, George Gascon in Los Angeles, and Chesa Boudin in San Francisco to reshape how up-and-coming prosecutors around the country think about crime and punishment. It was co-launched by former Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance --- you know, the prosecutor who has been trying for years to “find” something on Donald Trump. So, is HE soft on crime? Maybe in terms of racial equity, but not when it comes to political adversaries.

As the NYP reports, “The Institute’s symposiums and issue papers hold forth on topics such as race, officer-involved deaths and bail reform –- all in a concerted effort to change the role of the prosecutor to be more proactive and less punitive.”

Their declaration, “Vision for the Modern Prosecutor,” says that “no one should be defined by their bad conduct alone.” I wonder what factors besides bad conduct should be used in court to prosecute cases and if Lady Justice is now expected to take off her blindfold to assess these. Should she look at what party or political candidates one supports? How one feels about vaccination and masking? What zip code one lives in? What race one is?

According to their position papers, they strive to charge accused criminals with fewer crimes and, if possible, keep them out of jail entirely. They even recommend that offenders not be called “offenders,” but instead something that respects their “humanity.”

They don’t say it, but this kid-glove treatment seems to apply only to criminals who don’t support Trump, as they apparently believe that anyone who supports Trump possesses no humanity and is, by definition, a QAnon supporter (!) and domestic terrorist.

They do swerve into the truth when their spokesman says, “No one benefits from the conviction of an innocent person.” That’s quite correct, but it’s a huge leap from that to suggest in a paper called “How Prosecutors Can Support a Reimagined Police Response” that law enforcers should celebrate “when prosecutors exonerate someone.”

Another paper, on “Creating a Culture of Racial Equity,” suggests that a hotline be created so that whistleblowers can turn in “internal obstructionists” who aren’t on board with new “woke” policies. We’re seeing more and more of this lately: the government encouraging internal spies to turn people in for even expressing a dissenting opinion.

Take a look at their website, and you’ll see they’re after more than just the big cities. Their next step is to take “restorative justice” to “smaller jurisdictions.”

We see from this page that they are receiving help from Microsoft’s Criminal Justice Reform Initiative. Microsoft, really??

Under “Race and Prosecution,” they mention “action guides” such as “Creating a Culture of Racial Equity” and “Race and Prosecution,” which was co-authored by Angela J. Davis, recipient of the Soros Senior Justice Fellowship, “for prosecutors seeking to address systemic disproportionality and disparity.”

There’s a primer written in 2020 called “Prosecutorial Culture Change,” in which students are asked what they would do “on day 1” as an elected head prosecutor. On his “day 1,” Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg wrote a memo to his prosecutors instructing them not to seek prison sentences for a long list of criminals and to downgrade felony charges for some armed robbers and drug dealers. Bragg’s chief assistant DA, Meg Reiss, happens to have once been its executive director. And guess who was on its initial advisory panel?

Then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris.

For details on how this effort has NOT worked, see the NYP story. It seems as though they're working as hard to crank out leftists as the schools have been. But the attempt to avoid punishing those who commit violent crimes and trying instead to to rehabilitate them has been “a significant failure,” according to former NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton. “I have been very outspoken about my concerns on these so-called progressive DAs,” he said. “Most of the cities now with these violent crimes are the ones with these types of DAs.”

So, really, the same principles apply now that did in 1952. The justice system fails, the hoodlums take over, and the people become convinced it’s hopeless, thinking we might as well hand over the whole nation. But here's the positive side: we can see the mechanism by which this is being accomplished. And if we know what makes the wheels turn, we can dismantle it.

3. Monitoring Ukraine:

As worries over a possible Russian invasion of Ukraine build, the news is changing too fast for me to keep up in the newsletter. But Fox News has set up a page with continuing live updates. You might want to bookmark this and check it out regularly:

4. Canada Update:

Canadian government officials who have grown more and more authoritarian with their COVID mandates seem to be panicking and hitting the Emergency Tyrant Button over the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy.

It doesn’t seem to be working, though, as workers around the world have had enough of destructive, ironfisted, rights-crushing lockdowns imposed under the guise of “stopping the spread” of COVID (something that a new study by a Johns Hopkins University researcher found they failed to do.) The Canadian truckers are inspiring similar working class revolts worldwide.

It’s prompted conservatives to note that there is finally a real, grassroots movement for “workers of the world to unite and throw off their shackles,” and socialists are terrified of it.

The truckers have been talked down to, slandered and targeted with “multiple investigations;” they’ve been called violent, Russian agents, QAnon members, racists and homophobes; and they've been ordered to go home. They tried to tow them away, but the tow truck drivers refused. They considered calling in the Army, but the Army said, “Not our fight.”

Some of the counter-protesters have reportedly tried false flag operations to discredit the truckers, and one attempted a hoax so laughable that it made Jussie Smollett look competent.

Now, they’re being threatened with arrest for peacefully assembling to protest the government. Short of shooting them or throwing them in prison for a year or so while they decide what to charge them with, that’s pretty much the entire leftwing government playbook for dealing with dissent by working people.

By the way, here’s some of the “violent” criminal behavior the left is so worked up about: it includes dancing to “We Are Family,” setting up bouncy houses for kids and holding outdoor church services. I thought liberals wanted all church services to be held outdoors in Canada in February.

I wonder if any of the elitists who are so angry at these truckers realize how their very privileged lives would quickly devolve if the truckers did all decide to just go home and stay there, instead of delivering goods to the city dwellers who look down on them.

5. What The Canadian Truckers Stand For:

For those accusing the Canadian Truckers of being white supremacists, QAnon insurrectionists or the whole litany of tired leftist clichés, here’s their statement about what they stand for, direct from their new fundraising page at GiveSendGo. I warn you, this is some pretty scary revolutionary rhetoric:

"We are a peaceful country that has helped protect nations across the globe from tyrannical governments who oppressed their people, and now it seems it is happening here...

We are taking our fight to the doorsteps of our Federal Government, and demanding that they cease all mandates against its people. Small businesses are being destroyed, homes are being destroyed and people are being mistreated and denied fundamental necessities to survive. It's our duty as Canadians to put an end to (these) mandates. It is imperative that this happens because if we don't our country will no longer be the country we have come to love. We are doing this for our future Generations and to regain our lives back."

Imagine the effrontery of those peasants, wanting their lives back!

6. Reverses Itself:

After being hit with a storm of outrage and threats of fraud investigations by Sen. Ted Cruz and a couple of red state Governors and Attorneys General, reversed itself and decided that donors to the Canadian Truckers’ Convoy will get automatic refunds. The site won’t require them to apply for a refund or send the money to some other charity of the site’s choosing. So for those keeping score, the only act of violence on the part of the truckers is that they helped GoFundMe’s executives shoot themselves in the foot.

(Also, an Ottawa city council member deleted his tweet about how he was working on a plan to “legally” confiscate their donations. I’m sure he’s had lots of experience in coming up with ways to legally confiscate other people’s money.)

I might be more sympathetic to GoFundMe’s claims about violations of its Terms of Service if the same site didn’t have a history of providing fundraising for various leftist criminals and violent protesters. Here’s a walk down memory lane by way of the prison yard, to revisit some of the fine upstanding leftists that GoFundMe has helped to support.

(Also worth reminding you: Kamala Harris and her staff endorsed and contributed to a fund to bail out Minneapolis rioters who got out of jail and went right back to doing it again.)

To prove that some businesses are actually more interested in fulfilling their mission to serve customers than in kowtowing to leftists, the competing fundraising site GiveSendGo accepted a fundraiser for the Canadian truckers. As of this writing on Monday morning, it had already received over $4.3 million in donations.

7. I Just Wanted to Say:

Thank you for reading the Morning Edition.

For more news, visit my website here.

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Comments 11-18 of 18

  • Jerry

    02/07/2022 04:12 PM

    Biden is recorded as he has complete trust of Germany. A good will will of trust is Germany does not pay its bill to NATO Germany buys expensive oil from Russia when it has a seller of oil from the United States. The US also buys oil from Russia so the best of friends the US and Germany support the Russian energy sector and not the American oil sector please explain that for me. It takes money to engage in a war and two countries are supporting Russia they may be fighting in a few weeks when this makes sense please let me know. Will someone check Joe Biden for any sign of brain activity make it an independent check

  • Dr. Mikeal Hughes

    02/07/2022 04:06 PM

    I’ve heard all these claims of George Soros sponsoring the Democrats wrecking the country. Why just the claims where’s the proof? Most 90 year old men I know of can barely get out of bed. Who is this guy Jack Lalane’s son? Produce some proof of all this? More right wing propaganda to go with all the Left wing propaganda!

  • Carol Peterson

    02/07/2022 03:51 PM

    Everyone thinks we can turn this around in the next election when we turn the House and Senate conservative. The Liberals are never going to allow this to happen as they like control and will not give it up. They have too much at stake and too many of them could be thrown in jail for what they have been up to. Election fraud is going to be wide-spread. What are we doing to counteract this?

  • Mary L. Swann

    02/07/2022 03:48 PM

    Looks like the Republican party has finally wised up. How? By making sure that we have several good prospects running in various races so we can have a choice of good people to vote for. Republicans need to read what each person stands for then make their decision.

  • Chelsea R. Martin

    02/07/2022 03:46 PM

    "Short of shooting them or throwing them in prison for a year or so while they decide what to charge them with, that’s pretty much the entire leftwing government playbook for dealing with dissent by working people."

    Yes. Yes it is. And the politicized 'justice' system will ensure that they will be hounded mercilessly and personally destroyed. Assuming that the truckers and all who stand with them aren't just rounded up and shot in the style of Tiananmen Square. Totalitarians will never willingly surrender their power. Totalitarians understand only one language: violence. The "good people" waving around American and Canadian flags in desperate protest for their individual freedoms don't speak that language, despite what the Media likes to spew out about terrorists, racists and insurrections.

    But that six year old child (who for the first time in over two years, possibly for the first time in his living memory, is currently permitted to experience that mostly-destroyed thing called "joy") is a hairs-breadth away from watching his father being shot, starved into complicity or carted off to a gulag. That child will remember who stole his joy and what uniform they wore. That child will remember who locked him away again, and who forced masks over his face and needles into his arm, and who broke his mommy and daddy. That child will learn the language of violence and will grow up understanding that "truth" is immaterial and that "power" makes "right." If those good men do nothing - if they surrender and bow down and slink back to cling contentedly to the scraps of freedom that their Elite rulers permit them to retain - those children are going to grow up in a world of hate and hopelessness. And when they grow up they will make their LARPing posers known as Antifa look like whining kindergarteners.

    I think if the Left knew how perilously close they were to igniting the kind of world-burning mutually assured destruction that would make you who lived through the Cold War era shiver they might think twice. Stop talking ABOUT kids and start talking TO them - not in any "official capacity." They've been well trained to lie when being "officially" questioned. Saw it frequently when I was a teacher. Just talk to them, and really listen. Hopelessness breeds hate. And if that six year old getting pulled out of the bouncy castle by Canadian jackbooted fascists wants to hate until his heart burns out I don't see as to how it's my right to tell him otherwise.

  • Jerry Korba

    02/07/2022 03:41 PM

    As the democratic Congress members head to retirement they will be shaking down the taxpayer for every bribe dime and expense it can possibly take with them nothing changes for them until they find another corrupt enterprise. So said to view these members the portrait they painted of themselves will last a lifetime. The fate of Congress members should stand trial just like the super star Avanaitti once considered a Presidential candidate for the Democratic party Leftist know what is really bad for a country. Look at us today paid for by the CCP and it isn't over yet the GOP members are not going away with empty pockets either. RINOS are getting their share also it just takes a little more time for a GOP to turn bad big money big corruption they all get it. Sorry people a picture will show millions of dollars as to what Congress members. President, Kids of a President is being photographed with.

  • Jerry

    02/07/2022 02:47 PM

    The time is right for leftists to give the American citizenships back and leave for a better country with voting rights that are more agreeable to the leftists. Our country is importing a new voting block that as of today has no identity. So the leftists should turn in their voting rights and head to China the CCP is there waiting with open arms they are advertising the best concentration camps in the world great voting rights and new citizens working arrangements leftists need to grab this opportunity as soon as possible new job openings are occurring every day within the work camps make sure your organs are in great shape you can get special treatment

  • Sharon Faulkner

    02/07/2022 12:09 PM

    As a nation we have had it too good for too long. Our Founders and their parents and grandparents had endured real tyranny and so had the Churches. Maybe we need a big dose of a bitter medicine called oppression to finally wake us up.