
Latest News

March 4, 2021

According to the Biden Administration, there’s no “crisis” at the border just because their rollback of Trump’s successful border security policies has sparked a massive influx of illegal immigration, including thousands of unaccompanied minors.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas insisted this is not a “crisis,” it’s just a “challenge.” He said, "We are challenged at the border. The men and women of the Department of Homeland Security are meeting that challenge."

I think some people are intellectually challenged and definitely truth challenged. They live in their own little world where the climate is a “crisis,” and the fact that some people make more money than others is a “crisis,” but mass illegal immigration that brings in crime, drugs and disease and undermines the jobs and wages of Americans? That’s not a “crisis!” It’s just a fly in the ointment!

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  • Clint Reel

    03/06/2021 08:42 AM

    Show actual pictures of the chaos that O'biden is releasing on America. not a pristine view of the Great Trump Wall. Defend the Wall at all costs!