
Latest News

January 28, 2021

Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:

  • Daily Bible Verse
  • "Climate Day"
  • The War On Free Speech Ramps Up
  • The "Fix"
  • Buyers' Remorse Sets In
  • Fact-Checkers For The "Fact-Checkers"


Mike Huckabee


(Someone suggested we lead with our Bible Verse of the Day.  After asking readers to respond yesterday, we received over 1,000 messages saying please keep it first, and so here it is for the foreseeable future.).


"Climate Day"

By Mike Huckabee

Wednesday was “Climate Day” at the White House (isn’t it “climate day” everywhere every day?), and President Biden once again attempted to reanimate the dead policies of the Obama years. He claimed Americans shouldn’t worry about all the jobs his anti-energy policies will kill because they’ll all get good new “green jobs,” doing things like building solar panels (ahem – “Solyndra”) and charging stations for all those electric government vehicles that will be powered by…well, he’ll get back to us later on that.

I expect clueless blather and job-killing policies from Biden. But if we’re going to address climate change, we have to talk about the big ball of hot gas that’s above us all. I refer, of course, to John Kerry.

Kerry has become legendary for his arrogance, pomposity, condescension and unwarranted sense of moral superiority, and all those repellent traits were on full display in his recent comments about the furious union workers who were abruptly left unemployed by Biden’s groundless halt to the Keystone Pipeline project.

Kerry, clueless as ever about how most Americans actually make a living, lectured those poor deluded peasants, “What President Biden wants to do is make sure that those folks have better choices, that they have alternatives, that they can be the people who go to work to make the solar panels” (because who wouldn’t be grateful to trade their current pipe-fitting job for a politician’s promise of a job making solar panels sometime in the vague future?)

Kerry, as always, went on: “That is going to be a particular focus of the ‘Build Back Better’ agenda, and I think that, unfortunately, workers have been fed a false narrative, no surprise, for the past few years. They’ve been fed the notion somehow that dealing with climate is going to be at their expense. No, it’s not.”

News flash, John: They just lost the jobs that they depended on to feed their families, so yes, it’s already at their expense. Of course, their small minds can’t possibly comprehend the vast, planet-controlling vision of their betters, so he has to explain to them that they haven’t really been harmed, just because they’ve been unexpectedly thrown out of work for no good reason.

Maybe he could give them some advice on making better career choices, like “Marry an heiress,” then “Divorce her and marry a richer one.”

Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton summed up the predictable outrage over Kerry’s oblivious arrogance well: “John Kerry—who flies in private jets, owned a 76-foot yacht and several mansions—has the carbon footprint of a small nation. Yet he tells energy workers to ‘make solar panels’ when the Biden administration kills their jobs.” I’m surprised Kerry didn’t suggest that they simply eat cake until those solar panel jobs become available.


The War On Free Speech Ramps Up

By Mike Huckabee

The war on free speech rights just got ramped up another notch Wednesday with news that social media influencer/Twitter troll Douglass Mackey, aka Ricky Vaughn, has been arrested on federal charges for sharing memes on Twitter in 2016. I’ll wait while you go back and read that again to make sure your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you.

Mackey is charged under a seldom-used law called “conspiracy to violate rights” because he allegedly used his popular social media site to share memes that told people to vote for Hillary Clinton by sending a text to a particular number. FYI: you can’t vote by text. You might assume that anyone would know this, since the memes were widely regarded as a joke and shared by thousands of other social media users. But Mackey is facing up to 10 years in prison for sharing them. Who knows how many others might face the same selective prosecution?

I wonder if everyone who ever told the old joke about advising supporters of legalized pot to be sure and turn out to vote on the first Wednesday in November is now going to be hit with federal charges for depriving them of their rights? Or if anyone who ever shared a hilarious satirical story from the Babylon Bee will be imprisoned for spreading “disinformation”?

Two details of this story that are worth noting: you can’t blame leftists entirely, since the case was put together under the Trump Administration by acting US Attorney for the Eastern District of New York Seth DeCharme, a Bill Barr appointee. Also, an MIT ranking of the most important social media influencers of the 2016 election ranked Mackey (whom I’ve never heard of before) at #107, higher than NBC News, Stephen Colbert or Newt Gingrich. In my opinion, whether Americans are actually getting their information about elections from Twitter trolls who tell them to vote by text or from Stephen Colbert, either should only lead to an indictment of our schools’ civics education.

Tucker Carlson of Fox News asked what this means for the First Amendment, and he said it means it’s been suspended if “you can be arrested for saying the ‘wrong’ things.”

As the article at the link notes, we all know that Google, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube blatantly conspired to influence the last election, to boost the Biden vote and suppress the Trump vote. I demand that the DOJ immediately arrest their CEOs on federal charges that can bring up to 10 years in prison.

And here’s another frontal assault on the First Amendment: Former Trump White House Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy Peter Navarro reports that he’s been banned from Twitter simply because of who he is, what he believes and what he might say. It can’t be because of anything he’s actually said lately, since he hasn’t even tweeted anything since January 14th.

The "Fix"

By Mike Huckabee

So now we know how President Biden plans to “fix” President Trump’s coronavirus response: by doing the exact same thing, only adding more costly bureaucrats and divisive racial politics. In other words, same prescription today’s Democrats have for every problem.


Buyers' Remorse Sets In

By Mike Huckabee

If you read this newsletter, you’ll know I haven’t exactly been supportive of President Biden’s first days in office, and his flurry of divisive, job-killing, security-destroying, freedom-crushing, government-bloating, economy-wrecking executive orders (to put it mildly.) But you know I’m a conservative, so of course, I would be opposed (and appalled) at what I’m seeing. That’s to be expected. But what about Americans with no particular political stance, or even those who supported Biden? How are they feeling about their new Prez?

Turns out they’re starting to feel pretty appalled, too. The buyers’ remorse is setting in fast, as they realize what they elected just to end Trump’s “mean tweets.” There’s now evidence that Biden’s executive orders are going over like an incontinent frog in the punchbowl.

Here’s a story about four Congressional Democrats who backed Biden who are reeling over his order to end oil and gas leases on federal land, an order that will reduce US GDP by $700 billion and devastate their states’ economies. They’ve sent him a letter urging him to rescind it. Good luck! Should've thought harder before you filled out your ballots. Or read this newsletter.

If even Congressional Democrats are already starting to feel queasy about Biden in the White House, imagine how average Americans feel. Well, you don’t have to, because the polls are already coming in.

Since taking office, Biden’s approval rating has been consistently dropping in the Rasmussen daily tracking poll, from -2 to -4 to -5 points. This is unusual since Presidents normally start out with a honeymoon period. And while Biden has enjoyed fawning press and a refusal to fact-check even his most stunning claims, Trump came into office with viciously hostile press yet saw his approval rating rise early on from +2 to +13 points. Maybe it’s because Americans saw that his executive orders were actually meant to help America. Or maybe they just finally saw him and realized he didn’t have horns and cloven hooves, the way the press claimed.

So far, the White House response to criticism has been “shut up or else,” but I don’t see that as a winning strategy for the 2022 elections. I would urge Republicans to keep up the criticism, the refusal to be “canceled” and silenced, and the pressure on state and local officials to clean up and retighten election integrity laws. I have a feeling that with polls tanking this fast, if Congressional Democrats realize they’ll be facing fair and honest reelection campaigns in 2022, they might become almost as big an obstacle to Biden’s destructive agenda as the Republicans are.

Fact-Checkers For The "Fact-Checkers"

By Mike Huckabee

The “fact-checkers” who challenged every word out of President Trump’s mouth are feeling almost as unemployed as pipeline workers now that Joe Biden is in office. Some, like the Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler, have as much as admitted they won’t even be monitoring Biden because if anyone has a reputation for always telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but, it’s Joe “Plagiarist” Biden.

They’re so desperate for something to nitpick that Kessler tried nit-picking a fight with Sen. Ted Cruz, challenging his claim that Biden’s killing of the Keystone Pipeline will kill 11,000 union jobs. Kessler gave him “Two Pinocchios,” and tut-tutted that AC-shully, those jobs were only temporary jobs. Cruz fired back, “ALL construction jobs are temporary. Presidents still shouldn’t destroy them.’’

I guess at WaPo, they believe that some construction workers finish building a project, then just keep on building it for all eternity.

But as Brad Slager at points out at this link, Kessler contradicted himself, since in a previous “fact-check” years ago, he claimed the number of jobs Keystone would create was being overstated, and it would only create about 16,000 jobs. Now, he seems to be claiming that the jobs he said would be created aren’t real jobs at all.

How many times do I have to keep saying this? We need fact-checkers for our “fact-checkers.”


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Comments 26-43 of 43

  • Bob Ernst

    01/28/2021 09:16 PM

    In your article "The War On Free Speech Ramps Up", you stated in paragraph 2 that "FYI: you can’t vote by text". Didn't you intend to add "yet"? Are you remembering who is in power?

  • Paul Kern

    01/28/2021 09:12 PM

    All you report I saw early on was coming. None said by the left passed the smell test. At 68 and a veteran I believe I have learned a few things.
    I see a deepening of the split. Already many churches are hiding like the German church that surrendered to Hitler. Out here in my state od Washington i have had to leave my church as the priest has no biblical world view and has a rose colored view if life. He had no answer when I asked if any plans for when the economy worsens out here due to shortages of basic goods already occurring and gas prices go up.
    Very sad but I believe God us calling his people out of dead institutions and following His Word and not that of a corrupt government and Pharisees acting like little Popes

  • Linda Wolfe

    01/28/2021 09:01 PM

    All liars go to hell. Those are not my words. It's in the Book. God hates those who sow discord, liars, those who vote for murdering innocent babies, those who steal elections, those who molest children and the list goes on. It is appointed unto man once to die and after that the JUDGEMENT.

  • Chris Shivers

    01/28/2021 08:42 PM

    We must do more than just talk! Our country is at stake! This calls for action and leadership! Thank you for all you do. Your advice and council is very helpful at this time.

  • Robin Rebhan

    01/28/2021 08:37 PM

    " Climate Day " News flash to John Kerry. I live in upstate NY. I went to the gas pump this past Saturday not even one week of the new resident in the White House and I just paid 20 cents a gallon more than a week before and gas prices still climbing! This really cuts into my families budget already. So much for creating unity in the nation. I went from lets give the new administration a chance to rage coursing through my veins in less than a week.

  • Elizabeth Crouse

    01/28/2021 08:08 PM

    Live in Alabama but thankful Sarah is running and sent her a donation. Praying. She will be great.

  • Melissa Self

    01/28/2021 08:03 PM

    Thank you for keeping the Bible verse first in your need letter.
    It gives me hope!

  • James Drury Jr

    01/28/2021 07:37 PM

    Thank Mike Staff!

  • JP

    01/28/2021 07:26 PM

    People that don't understand Construction should never get close to a site, contract, tool, or Construction worker a weenie like Joe Biden should be on the moon with a bull horn and hollar his thoughts about Construction this weenie doesn't understand when Construction is finish Construction workers go to the next site unlike the nimrod Kerry says go to a job that doesn't exist these very ignorant people need to be on the moon with their bullhorns and holler from there. No one here could hear them I am not sure if their is Life out there if there is it would not approve of these derelicts either.

  • Gregory George Keller

    01/28/2021 07:24 PM

    Yes Huckabee Joe Biden is a evil person and a pedophile and the Lord says that as Christian's we need to speak against evil not to cower before it . So people need to quite making excuses for Joe and his pedophile way's. When you make a child on camera touch your crouch or kiss your grand daughter like your wife . It's disturbing and disgusting.

  • Karen Lawson

    01/28/2021 07:19 PM

    I’ve been sharing excerpts of some of your newsletters on Facebook. Will this get me or you in trouble with the government big brothers?

  • Sam Sayger

    01/28/2021 07:14 PM

    John Kerry is indeed a pompous, gas filled air bag and knows nothing of use to any American. His statement of how construction workers (ie: welders, ironworkers, pipe fitters, steam fitters, etc have life long trades of the same and are not panty waists who can design cooling systems with solar panels. These men are accustomed to construction jobs - jobs which periodically are completed but with the promise of new construction jobs. Now that Joe has destroyed that industry, there will be no "new construction jobs" because he has destroyed that industry. Also, obama has already (Solyndra) demonstrated tht the "solar panel dream" is exactly that. It may well be that this country will evolve into that situation but it isn't one to be forces as obama tried. God help us.

  • Jane R Sogge

    01/28/2021 07:13 PM

    Thank you for putting out this newsletter!!! I look forward to reading it evry day!!

  • Donna Caputo

    01/28/2021 07:11 PM

    Love your daily newsletters.

  • Dana Urias

    01/28/2021 06:41 PM

    Thank You, I needed to hear what you said. May God have mercy on our country and her people.

  • Alan M. Park

    01/28/2021 06:29 PM

    Hi Governor, God Bless You for the courage and intelligence you provide us. I heartily support your efforts to wake up America.

    We are seeing the 1930’s of Hitler’s rise to power:
    • The Reichstag Fire moment is seized by the left in our January 6th Capitol assault
    o This is the golden ticket for suppression of all non-left subscribing people
    • Hillary Clinton kicked off the “Untermensch” name calling of the average Joe, conservatives and Christians as “deplorables” – this was the justification for the horrors Hitler unveiled as he brutalized the non-Aryans
    o First it was Maga hat wearers
    o Then families
    o Then elderly conservatives
    o Now, politicians
    o ? we may have passed the point of no return where we “the deplorables” are soon to be, we the expendables
    • Kristallnacht has begun by boycotting and shutting down any business associated with the non-Left movement
    o Parler
    o Goya foods
    o Mike Lindell My Pillow is not dropped from outlets
    o Fox News sponsors

    We are being herded into the “Digital Ghetto” by the social media and internet overlords – while I hate to compare this to the Warsaw ghetto, we are being contained, to be marginalized, and then eliminated as an independent thinking, true freedom loving and Christ loving group of peoples.

    God bless and protect you and your family -- thank you for all you do for us!

  • Stephen Russell

    01/28/2021 06:10 PM

    Wuhan virus response:
    Hey Joe do these:
    Go Local
    Use State, city govts to distrib vaccines.
    FedEx, UPS, DHL?
    & RX chains: Rite Aid, CVS, etc nationwide.
    & then more get vaccinated.

  • Stephen Russell

    01/28/2021 06:06 PM

    Big Tech Free Speech Bloc will lay seeds for Civil War 2 unless addressed all levels.
    Dont need Orwells Speech Police.
    Leave that for the Sci Fic movies