
Latest News

July 16, 2021

Instapundit has a round-up of the latest polls on election reforms that President Biden claims are the greatest assault on Democracy since the Civil War. I guess a lot of people want to reenact the Civil War, since it turns out that 57% want ballot harvesting banned, 70% want all mail-in ballots received by Election Day, and 76% support having to show a photo ID before voting.

Also, after taking a dip in 2019, confidence in the police has rebounded among black Americans. Meanwhile, confidence in the justice system (i.e., the DA’s and courts) is very low across all racial groups.

At the link, analysts say people have realized that the left’s “bail reform” is a failure that’s turning criminals loose to victimize people over and over; that Biden’s proposals to reduce crime are just pandering to the far-left who want to dismantle police; and that the pendulum has swung from “Defund the police” to “Wait a minute: we need more and better policing to stop this crime wave!”

If only someone had been able to predict that defunding the police and letting criminals out of jail would lead to a crime wave. Well, I guess we can’t expect our leaders to be psychic. It would be nice, though, if we could count on them not to be psychotic.

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